Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] too " in BNC.

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1 Where she too might marry someone like Dad , and then have four little daughters , and perhaps five years later , at last , a son .
2 Been lovely seeing you too .
3 A similar scumble of white was applied to the heel of one shoe where it too was curved and , for good measure , a few coloured highlights were added along the edges of the strap loops , where the leather 's surface was uneven .
4 I now have 4 years ' teaching experience although I too was thrown in at the deep end — my only advantage over others was that I had studied languages myself and knew how difficult it could be .
5 ‘ And closer than you too believe , Lord of the Hill of Assaroe , ’ she heard herself saying , ‘ for it is through humankind that Otherworld will be saved . ’
6 She could n't wait to become famous so she too could do sensible things like that without getting picked on .
7 Disney , the king of cartoon animation , have released their own animation studio package for the PC so you too can create magical animated sequences .
8 They were lovely clothes , beautifully made from fine materials , and if Ellie took a tuck with her hand at the back of the dresses , and turned the hems up a good six or nine inches , looking in the dressing mirror she could get more than a fair impression of how she might look once she too was a young woman .
9 They say that once she too was mortal .
10 Although we too have developed what has been described as the two thirds/one third society , I believe it is well within the capabilities of Labour to develop policies for economic and social progress that can appeal to the contented majority .
11 Although my family had n't sheltered any prisoners-of-war , we had provided food and clothing , so we too could claim .
12 Although they too nominally subscribed to Calvinist theology , it seems unlikely that the doctrine of predestination ever made more than the most superficial inroads into their collective consciousness .
13 Those industrial societies which were ( and in a few cases still are ) collectivist and centrally planned , have had to cope with different problems , although they too were affected by economic recession , and faced some of the same difficulties in maintaining economic growth .
14 Some Zuwaya and Magharba also thought that the postures adopted by their fellow tribesmen were undemocratic and retrograde , and so they too stayed away .
15 Quite quickly it was discovered that the tricyclics prevented the re-uptake of amines liberated at nerve endings , so they too were capable of increasing local concentrations of amines .
16 The bronchi and the blood vessels are also controlled by the autonomic system , so they too can be affected , aggravating conditions such as asthma and migraine ( due to expansion and contraction of blood vessels in the brain ) .
17 Teachers , who had the difficult problem of endeavouring to educate half-starved children , knew that their task would become still more onerous under the new scales : so they too joined in the demonstrations .
18 Another sector of the community , the Temperance Society , saw water as a substitute to wean indulgers off alcohol so they too began building fountains .
19 Occasionally , however , they may want to pass information about you on to other companies so they too can offer you things you might be interested in .
20 And so although the disease fits my prescription , and although it too can be usefully linked with a skin complaint ( eczema ) which also flakes away at the body 's surface , I had to abandon asthma .
21 A virtue of the postclassical perspective is that , although it too is concerned with differences in individual dispositions towards crime , it allows more readily for changes in such dispositions , and for a more dynamic relationship between them and the situations in which they are likely to be activated .
22 Jose Miguel had been his usual model of self-effacing but steely efficiency and he seemed to have conjured another two birdies from the course without anyone noticing , although he too had dropped one shot .
23 Bernard , however , realized that unless someone with a sound financial background took the company 's problems in hand , its continued existence was threatened , although he too showed little enthusiasm for the idea .
24 Possibly monastic writers may have been slightly less chauvinist in outlook ; the St Albans chronicler at least is less effusive about Agincourt , although he too notes the triumphant reception which the King received on his return ( 16 , p.111 ; 22 , p.70 ; 39 , pp.xviii , 98–9 ) .
25 Well I , I think that might be a better fault than it too short if you know what I mean .
26 However , he has joined the fire service , and is called out most nights , so he too must be said to be doing his bit .
27 I found myself formalizing my speech , as if I too was pretending to be in a drawing-room of forty years before .
28 She began climbing , until she too reached the sorceress Zenaida 's hideaway in the clouds .
29 Rosa slipped out of their bed , and , imagining herself on water , trod as lightly as she could ; her feet left moist imprints on the coldness of the tiled floor which shrivelled up as quickly as she made them , until she too vanished through the door .
30 Every nerve filled with tingling life , she let him teach her new sensations , new feelings , totally passive under his expert touch , until she too began to know the need to feel his skin under her fingers .
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