Example sentences of "[subord] [vb past] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Sara made a statement rather than asked a question .
2 By 1992-93 , we will have more than tripled the original £15 million budget allocation for the know-how fund .
3 Further , slave traders helped rather than hindered the power of France by supplying slaves to the booming colony of St Domingue and thus indirectly encouraged the growth of the French merchant marine engaged in carrying colonial produce .
4 Gauss 's law is valid , and afterwards we did no more than added the field due to the two charges .
5 He gave her a son 's kiss , than ate a piece of his brother .
6 The era of the Prison Commission was by no means the golden age that nostalgia sometimes portrayed it to have been , but the verdict must be that its abolition magnified rather than minimized the deepening crisis into which the Prison Service was falling .
7 He , Jacob , who has wrestled with God all night and has more than survived the experience , now grovels before his brother !
8 Quite clearly , as costs were four times direct revenue , 10 per cent ( for example ) saving in costs had much more effect on the balance than did a potential 20 per cent increase in revenue , so energy was at first concentrated on the cost base .
9 No group in society , however , symbolized the alienation of key institutions from the government more clearly than did the university teachers .
10 One Washington ambassador of a small West European country says that America kept his government more closely informed of the progress of the ‘ two-plus-four ’ talks on German unity than did the West Germans , French or British .
11 Some health professionals even argued that they learnt more from the process than did the ‘ recipient ’ villagers .
12 A born raconteur , the racy style of his lectures , with his well known yarns — the most famous being that of the ‘ Woman who did ’ — I suspect got more chemistry into our thick heads than did the much admired cool , classic perfection of the lectures of Prof F. L. Pyman .
13 Again then there is no evidence that the project achieved greater success in sustaining people at home than did the normal services ( in fact the reverse appears to be the case ) .
14 This is not surprising — Labour offered far more to those in the cities than did the Conservatives .
15 The aerodynamicists replied that , in fact , the resistance of the rotors grew more slowly , with an increase in wind speed , than did the Buckau 's rigging .
16 And this is a useful contribution I can not believe that the book jacket blurb was seen by Barry Gale ; it informs us that ‘ In 1859 , when Charles Darwin published The Origin of Species , he had no more evidence in support of his theory than did the creationists … ’ which is a caricature of Gale 's quite unexceptionable thesis .
17 It is a tribute to the awe in which Indirect Rule was held in the 1920s that their pretensions were taken seriously : few deliberative bodies in history can have had a higher regard for themselves as repositories of political wisdom than did the Conference of Residents .
18 He decided to consult Mr Dixon , his English teacher , who was also his counsellor and , therefore , knew more about him than did the other teachers .
19 The French took even stronger measures than did the British to discourage an African press .
20 It had fewer reporters , fewer offices and relied more heavily than did the Times on official press releases from the Government and its news agency , ZANA .
21 In 1987 BTR launched a bid for Pilkington , the world 's leading manufacturer of flat and safety glass , which presented the arguments about conglomerate mergers even more starkly than did the Hanson bid for Imperial .
22 There have been a number of other reformulations and reinterpretations that have done less violence to Mannheim 's legacy than did the early sociological and philosophical responses .
23 The deaf group were unanimous in putting ‘ accuracy of transmission of concepts ’ as absolutely essential and , interestingly , rated ‘ the ability to understand all signs used , no matter which part of the country they came from ’ , higher than did the hearing group .
24 Certainly children who start their primary school life in the late 1980s will enter a far richer classroom than did the children I was responsible for on my first day of teaching .
25 We can see that the CCCS presented a different picture of youth leisure styles than did the Albemarle Report .
26 Unfortunately , the institutional implications of this agenda in terms of the partial dismantling of Roman monarchy and a particular style of clerical ministry seemed more revolutionary than did the theology itself , and neither Council nor curia was anxious to consider them , beyond the encouragement of national or regional episcopal conferences , the establishment of a consultative synod of bishops and the ordination of married men as deacons .
27 Nevertheless , certain features of the gaol I saw seemed to reveal something more fundamental about imprisonment than did the state of the drains or other physical conditions , which may vary widely between institutions or , indeed , in the same institution over time .
28 The dominance of orthodox economic policies , cautious pragmatism and consensus politics reflected the mood of the British electorate in the 1920s rather more than did the utopian assumptions of the Die-hard remnant .
29 A variety of wording is used and it is difficult to be certain how such clauses will be interpreted ; but the change in judicial attitudes just noted would suggest that they will fare better than did the clause in Anisminic .
30 Dae-sook Suh has remarked that there is truth in the saying that the Japanese police created more communists by their draconian methods than did the Comintern by its intrigues .
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