Example sentences of "[subord] [noun sg] look " in BNC.

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1 In foreign policy , where cohabitation looked hardest , co-operation has been exemplary .
2 While our sports leaders recognise the contribution they can make to providing a ‘ healthy outlet ’ , they are concerned that , although government looks to them to play this role , it is often not prepared to assist them .
3 Although socialism looks shattered now , the voters will not remain loyal to conservatism for ever .
4 If Labour looks like becoming credible , Conservatives must find any stick with which to mutilate the appearance of a smooth conversion .
5 And so we did a sort of what if analysis looking a at the impact of implementing erm these er prognostic categories on our patients .
6 This fatalism lends itself to the infamous Burmese bureaucracy , partly because bureaucracy looks like efficiency , partly because bureaucracy fits so neatly into the unchanging Buddhist worldview .
7 It was as well that she had not been because Marguerite looked most sceptical .
8 It is a pity not because sociology can not become like physics or , indeed , become a science — it is far too early for us to decide about either of these and related questions — but because sociology looked outside itself in order to discover the appropriate model of science to follow and , as it happened , it looked toward philosophical versions of science rather than to the practices of the sciences themselves .
9 While research looks like taking more of a backseat in the new government , the extent to which Fabius will change research policy will become apparent only when he has begun to change the people in key staff positions .
10 The major differences are first , whereas waiver looks to the intention and knowledge of the waivor , estoppel does not as it is concerned with the effect on the representee ( see Motor Oil Hellas Refineries v Shipping Corporation of India , " The Kanchenjunga " [ 1990 ] 1 Lloyd 's Rep 391 ) .
11 Answer : While SUM looks as if it is the command that you need , in fact it is just a way of selecting records , as you have discovered .
12 Into the uneasy silence , while brother looked most earnestly at brother , and wondered , and sought or evaded the eyes of his neighbours , Brother Cadfael said : ‘ Brother Abbot , I have thoughts to share that never visited me until this morning , but are become very relevant now .
13 Mildew is destructive to cotton whereas nylon looks stained and smells a bit but the fabric remains intact .
14 The bankruptcies did not happen , but he bought the Daily Mirror into ATV when bankruptcy looked possible , after the traumatic first year .
15 The florist was closed , and they 'd put the fresh stock away , so that when Boy looked in through the first window the flowers he saw were of silk ; all artificial , but so good that they were better and fresher than the real thing , and certainly more expensive .
16 As Rain and Oliver approached the three shrank back , but when Rain looked round she saw the pedlar peering after her .
17 In 1939 , as war looked increasingly likely , the clubhouse was designated a First Aid Post and a special three guineas Service subscription was introduced .
18 The incommensurability of the two worlds has been well expressed by C. S. Lewis with the observation that , in the pre-Copernican universe , as man looked upward , he looked inward to a harmonious and animated world in which all celestial movement derived from the spheres , and the motion of the spheres from an inner drive on the part of the primum mobile to share in the perfection of God .
19 Now when Abbey looked at the policy , because he 'd got the Covermaster policy , the cheque and everything , there was nothing there to indicate that there was a problem .
20 When it came to it , the fish sold as lanisticola looked , to the discerning eye , quite different — the face was yellow rather than blue , the tail was heavily banded rather than streaked along the rays , and — to my mind the most important point — the upper head profile was quite different : that of the ‘ real ’ livingstonii being very like Ps. zebra , ie a humped forehead above a concave snout , while ‘ lanisticola ’ — as convex from upper lip to top of head , rather like Ps. tropheops .
21 Hereford and worcester will have to wait for at least five years to see if the local government review will split it back into seperate counties , but Gloucestershire may benefit before then , as avon looks like being abolished in two years time .
22 But the deal collapsed when City looked at their bank account .
23 ‘ If what you say is true , I 'm not leaving him to drown , ’ she said defensively as Fen looked as though he might object .
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