Example sentences of "[v-ing] quite [art] " in BNC.

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1 That summer I took Esmerelda kiting quite a lot .
2 It 's not desperately moist , although certainly one of them is cracking quite a bit , and if that helps to dry it up and make it more comfortable then it 's worth giving them a soak ten minutes a day .
3 Of course , since his release , he had made up for lost time , becoming quite a wheel in the charity game , but those two years had stayed with him .
4 You 're becoming quite a leading man in this crew , George Merry .
5 If you recall yesterday , I think yes , the term sick as a parrot is becoming quite a , er , apparent to me in here again , that 's again looking at your faces , some of you , so you 're all quite happy about that one , you knew where you went wrong there .
6 It 's becoming quite an art gallery .
7 In the cloistered shelter of the medieval monasteries brewing was becoming quite an art in the skilled hands of monks well used to brewing table beers for their abbots .
8 She slumped back on to the sofa , revealing quite a lot of bare thigh .
9 When Florence of Worcester draws elements of his account of the battle of Assandun in 1016 from Sallust he is revealing quite a lot about the classical interests of twelfth-century historians , but also raising doubts about his own reliability , and William of Malmesbury , whose methods so often find favour with modern scholars , nevertheless records miracle stories which his critical faculties ought to have led him to doubt , and perhaps did ; and like historians of all periods , William , Florence and their colleagues were at the mercy of the bias and inadequacy of their sources , as well as their own prejudices and errors .
10 There 's no er evidence of a significant increase in the peasants ' standard of living quite the reverse in this period .
11 And looking quite the — ’
12 This bright red bus is large and suitable for serving quite a few children .
13 Now we have Quattro Pro for DOS version 4 to contend with , released at virtually the same time as a Windows version that looks like causing quite a stir as well .
14 An argument over which bulls are best ; British or Canadian and American is causing quite a rumpus .
15 A Black Hairstreak has been spotted , and it 's causing quite a flutter .
16 At least ten birds have been sighted on the island this year , and they are causing quite a stir among ornithologists .
17 An explicit leaflet and poster for students sloganned ‘ take a course in safe sex ’ has been causing quite a furore .
18 And , of course , he 's so revered for this sleight-of-hand that he 's constructed a two and a half hour show to appeal mainly to his legions of cultish disciples who 've been waiting quite a few years for him to make sense again .
19 ‘ The ferocity of the fire suggested it had been going quite a while before it was discovered .
20 ‘ You follow racing quite a bit ? ’
21 and er they used to come to me and say how much does this man owe now and if he 'd been paying quite a bit next time he came in the shop they was all round him trying to persuade him to buy
22 ‘ What 's the matter ? ’ he said at last , as he realised she was n't paying quite the attention he would have wished .
23 And the other one which is er Mr and that er has details of various convictions with er picture of his as a rather younger man er , various offences going back to nineteen seventy five and occupying quite a long space but there .
24 They 're phasing quite a lot . ’
25 A SEEMS to me as though you may have been overfeeding them with a fertiliser containing quite a lot of nitrogen and perhaps over-watering .
26 So in parts of the next chapter you will be getting quite a lot of detail .
27 Er , we 're getting quite a few calls on that subject now , John from Erith , good morning to you John .
28 We get you 're getting quite a big celebrity on this programme people want to know you know whether they can come round and have a guided tour round the house and stuff
29 So how we , so there was no obvious leader and how are we gon na pull ourselves ah ahead , well we have to improve our media coverage and we 've done quite a lot on that , John 's been very successful in getting quite a lot of media coverage both for individuals within the firm and for the the firm as a whole .
30 As well as the speed , he 's getting quite a taste for the adulation from friends and relatives .
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