Example sentences of "[v-ing] our [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 HAVE you noticed the new fashion for psychoanalysing our leaders ?
2 Perhaps we should have written a chapter explaining our reactions to critics such as Brian Doyle or to books such as Terry Eagleton 's Criticism and Ideology ( 1976 ) , but I doubt whether the Working Group would have easily reached agreement .
3 Matching our gifts and preferences to the job and its opportunities .
4 The pleasures of driving our GTi are equalled only by the irritations .
5 Some of us may compensate for this by driving our cars like dervishes or creating dramas in our personal lives .
6 Head of year nine John Hunter added : ‘ The results will provide important information about the state of the footpath network in Essex as well as enabling our students to make suggestions on how the network can be protected and enhanced . ’
7 It was a great success , judging by the comments I heard afterwards , not only for enabling our volunteers to play an influential role in the local plans process , but for generating a sympathetic under- standing of the difficult balancing act expected of planners !
8 Whatever the motivation , church planting can be recognised as a powerful means for enabling our churches to grow .
9 This tradition of denying our forwards possession continues today .
10 We ca n't have more Jewish babies ; we 've got our work cut out liquidating those already polluting our lands . ’
11 Lead-laden exhaust fumes will dissolve in the bubble-fluid , and will be washed down the roadside drains instead of polluting our lungs .
12 Coal powered factories , warmed homes and moved the railway steam engines ( as well as polluting our cities ' air ) .
13 This seems to leave us only two options : either to believe anyway ( repressing our doubts and feeling guilty about those that remain ) or to give up faith .
14 Obsessed as they were with hygiene and cleanliness , the Corporals had been worried ever since we had arrived at Orange that some of us were not adept at emptying our bowels neatly .
15 This means that we should be able to approach sources of short-to medium-term finance rather than longer-term lenders , thus widening our options .
16 ES is committed to ensuring that the risks of assaults are minimised through training , understanding our clients , safe office layouts and procedures for dealing with threatened or actual assaults .
17 Through knowing what happens if we empower Ego , and by understanding our payoffs , we can decide to change — to choose love rather than fear , joy rather than struggle , forgiveness rather than punishment , cooperation rather than competition , honesty rather than deception , responsibility rather than blame ; and to do so every day of our lives .
18 By really understanding our Buyers ' needs we cut out time wasting and abortive visits and ensure you pay no more than the correct price in this mixed market .
19 She says we can thwart ageing by understanding our bodies and gentle exercising .
20 She adds : ‘ By understanding our bodies and following a few simple rules , we can stay young and feel young — like a young sapling instead of an old , gnarled oak tree . ’
21 We 've been prowling around all day on a level with earthworms and rusty , broken down appliances , pressing our ears against the hot wooden trapdoor to the cellar and hearing the silence of ghosts .
22 ‘ We are not basing our views on emotion , but on pure business .
23 Basing our conclusions on the characteristics of boards that were successful in organising training , the following would appear important for boards attempting to make space for training :
24 Er the work that I 've referred to earlier in terms of the through traffic , was assessed before the southern bypass was open er and so we did put in place er a traffic automatic traffic counters on a number of key routes er to see whether on opening of the southern bypass , the actual effects er where the same as we were modelling cos clearly we were concerned that we did n't want to be er basing our assessments of of of of further relief roads on a false premise .
25 The problem with any such guesstimate is that , of course , we are basing our calculations on a statistical sample of one .
26 ‘ Well , ’ said Rerpf , ‘ we 're protecting our interests , like I said . ’
27 It can prove that it has secured additional revenue sources , while protecting our screens from unwelcome foreign imports .
28 We need to have strict laws protecting our members ' pension funds .
29 Protecting our communities from crime is everyone 's concern .
30 And give us back the pride and the credibility that we once took for granted as trade unionists but we allowed to slip away from us , and make us a force to be reckoned with , and send this government a message , we 'll never allow anyone at Westminster to tell us how to run the G M B , we 'll never allow anyone at Westminster to prevent us from protecting our brothers and sisters and we 'll no never ever allow anyone at Westminster to defeat the trade union movement .
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