Example sentences of "[v-ing] him [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Protecting him again , Father Abbot ?
2 He grappled with Slatter , tearing him away from the motionless body .
3 They were just tearing him apart — really eating into him . ’
4 Furious , Dr Dunstaple now seemed on the point of turning on the Padre and mowing the wiry cleric down with his fists , but by this time Louise and Mrs Dunstaple had hastened to his side and now they dragged him away , hushing him desperately .
5 Alyssia glanced up at him , disliking him even more than she would have imagined possible .
6 She climbed inside , disliking him as much as she ever had .
7 But it 's not that that 's keeping him away from tomorrow 's London marathon .
8 There was no real way of keeping him away from Irish friends … unless of course , he were to have an accident too — something that would keep him at home for several months preferably .
9 ‘ I 'm supposedly responsible for keeping him away . ’
10 ‘ It was the only way he could be sure of keeping him here next year , ’ muttered Glenda Grower to Penny Warlock .
11 In Francis ' case , a serious breach was involved in keeping him incommunicado , but this was ( to use the trial judge 's expression ) ‘ counterbalanced ’ by the belated granting of access to a solicitor and Francis ' subsequent decision to sign the notes as correct .
12 ‘ You were n't keeping him straight .
13 Theo was soon keeping him well supplied with prints and etchings as well as art materials .
14 well she got what she wanted then , whatever it is anyway , she 's keeping him virtually and they got this flat , whatever they 've got , and erm
15 The wound was clean and dressed ; there was no point in keeping him inside with such a shortage of hospital beds .
16 ( 27 November 1777 ) Among his complaints were that Mozart and his mother had stayed too long in Munich and Augsburg using up their money on lodging expenses without having any means of earning money , that Mozart was not keeping him fully apprised of exactly where his plans lay , how he was proposing to get from one place to another and by which route and when , that he was not keeping up with his composition , nor arranging to have existing works copied so that he could present them to an influential Prince or noble , and that he had not taken the right sorts of composition with him — too many symphonies and not enough church music .
17 Cheney declared himself " stunned , angry and frustrated " by his involvement in the scandal and , like many other offenders , blamed dubious administrative practices by the bank for not keeping a more accurate record of the state of his account and for not keeping him more closely informed of his financial position .
18 and he , he just goes around thumping , kicking and , and going berserk during drama and the teacher just looks on and says calm down and I mean in view of the fact I 've written to the school and complained about , but you 'd think they would be keeping an eye and he hates drama so much and it , he 's got drama tomorrow , if he has any trouble tomorrow morning I 'm not sending him tomorrow afternoon I 'm gon na start keeping him home and if they ask why I 'm gon na say because you ca n't control your classes and you wo n't want to now
19 Jenna jumped up , almost spilling her coffee , making a hasty grab for the delicate cup and amusing him even more .
20 What was absorbing him so deeply , I realize as I go by , was the sight of his own living-room , with the curtains innocently open , and his wife and Millie moving silently about the bright world inside .
21 Erm yes , Mr Chairman I should like to apologise to Bob for interrupting him then because er the enthusiasm about the green code business of course has to do with the Hatfield community project and is not initiated by Welwyn Hatfield when in the use er Herts County Council Paul in the community project , but nevertheless the green cone idea is the individual person , it 's not the District Council and it 's not somebody else taking a taking green erm green type away for composting .
22 In the Scottish tradition , following upon our Scottish theologian Dun Scottas although not representing him properly , it says that righteousness and moral items are just to do with the will of God .
23 More often because of his impatience , it blew back in his face , dusting him all over .
24 Burun knew she was delaying him deliberately .
25 If that guarantees he will stay at Leeds for the rest of his career , is nt that BETTER than say signing him now from somewhere else ? ?
26 There was a man there now , a short tubby man , quite good-looking , Tabitha thought , checking him automatically as she entered .
27 That , then , was the concatenation of circumstances that lay behind the events of Thursday night : Bill Muggeridge noticing the ring on the kitchen calendar ; Toby winning a victory over the headmaster on Monday night which made him chary of challenging him again on Wednesday ; Mr Crumwallis deciding that , on balance , a public schoolboy who was on the staff would do more for the school 's prestige than a young local , however personable .
28 But there was nothing to be gained by challenging him now .
29 At the opposite end of the scale is the barbel , and while he does not require to be outwitted to the same extent as bream , he does make landing him extremely difficult .
30 By not only relieving David Gower of the captaincy , which was inevitable , but omitting him altogether the selectors provoked an uproar ; they came up with a party that had only two specialist openers , an inexperienced middle order , and some fast bowlers who were virtually untried , injury-prone and had a reputation for speed but not accuracy .
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