Example sentences of "[v-ing] which the " in BNC.

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1 This of course poses a problem in writing which the author recognizes while deciding on separate chapters for each aspect .
2 A hearing may be adjourned if either you or the Council say anything to the Committee , or produce something in writing which the other did not know about beforehand , and it is so important that you or the Council want time to think about it before proceeding .
3 In its original meaning çift referred to the smallest unit of land which could support a family , and in the early days of the timar system the çift was the core holding which the timarli farmed himself for the benefit of his own family .
4 Through her interactions with children in response to their work , the teacher also models processes of actively listening to and responding to ideas , questioning , exploring and sharing which the children will then be able to use for themselves .
5 The rejected text gave the parties until Monday to resolve the dispute , failing which the government would take full powers for the railways in Transcaucasia , and send in the army to guard bridges and tunnels , and ensure the safety of rail workers .
6 Where a court adjudges a Member bankrupt , it must notify the Speaker and , after six months , when the House takes note of the order , he may become disqualified and remain so after his discharge , the length of the disqualification depending upon whether the court certifies that he was not at fault ( in which case the period is one year ) , failing which the period is five years .
7 Final negotiations on the technicalities of the peace agreement were scheduled to begin on Jan. 5 and to end not later than Jan. 10 — failing which the new UN Secretary-General would decide on a compromise formula — and the official peace agreement would be signed in Mexico on Jan. 16 .
8 Local authorities are expected to resolve any questions as to a child 's ordinary residence by agreement , failing which the Secretary of State will decide ( s30(2) ) .
9 What social services ought this generation to be constructing which the next or next but one will erect when the need for them is already yielding place to others ?
10 Given that an individual has a purpose in seeking training in a second language , there is a whole range of in-built techniques for learning which the student can bring to the learning environment .
11 However , booksellers may offer discounts at their own discretion on the sale of multiple copies , the idea being to enable educational authorities to purchase competitively quantities of copies , in supplying which the bookseller does not incur his usual overhead costs because of the volume of the business .
12 Had I had the receiver in my hand when some break in the conversation occurred at this point , I should have explained to you that it is in fact neither ; it is merely an examination of the various modes of thinking which the phrase implies — an examination which , in the tradition of British philosophical inquiry , seeks merely to study and perhaps oil the conceptual machinery and then to put it back more or less as it was .
13 Although some Romans remained in England , the Roman Legions left in A.D. 411 , following which the various regions declared their individual rule — e.g. the Kingdom of Kent became established in A.D. 457 , and Christianity became well established there ; so much so that , in A.D. 602 , Canterbury in Kent , was made the seat of archbishopric .
14 They are able to do this because they are formed by a special type of cell division , during which the 46 chromosomes in the body cells of the father and the mother assort into 23 pairs , following which the two members of each pair segregate , so that the resulting germ cells receive only 23 chromosomes .
15 The building was accepted on the Institution 's behalf by its Chairman , Mr Michael Vernon , following which the Rector of Poole , The Reverend Stanley Holbrooke-Jones performed the service of dedication .
16 Mike Spencer-Phillips , Royal Scottish Consultant , organised a staff seminar to give a broad outline of Royal Scottish products following which the lead referrals have been flooding in .
17 A presentation was also given by and on the services and capabilities of NDT Eagle Ltd , following which the delegates toured WGPT 's Woodlands Drive Service Centre , the new calibration laboratory and NDT 's on-site facility .
18 On 30 January I took part in the Prime Minister 's discussions with President Yeltsin , following which the British-Russian joint declaration and an agreement on consular posts were signed .
19 The action begins with 36 holes of qualifying over both Valley and Dunluce courses , following which the field will be trimmed to 64 for knock-out by match-play starting Thursday .
20 Menem paid a six-day visit to the United States in September 1989 , immediately following which the US Senate voted to repeal a 1977 law restricting military aid and arms sales to Argentina [ see p. 28343 ] .
21 The NLD had won an overwhelming election victory in May 1990 [ see pp. 37457-58 ] , following which the junta had refused to hand over power and had instead initiated a strategy of undermining the party .
22 The incubation was terminated by rapid centrifugation , following which the supernatant was analysed for the presence of Ac-ASA by high performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC ) .
23 Such studies have proved difficult because most epithelia are heterogenous and therefore , measutement of pH i using fluorescent dyes in one cell type has usually required selective cell isolation , following which the cell 's prolarised characteristics are often lost .
24 The appropriate body within a member state ( e.g. DTI and/or OFT within UK ) is then consulted and assists in an advisory capacity , following which the Commission delivers judgement .
25 The effect of both these procedures is that the defaulting party has 21 days in which to make the payment , following which the party making the demand can present a bankruptcy petition against an individual or a winding-up petition against a company .
26 A general committee meeting of the rugby club is to be held on July 1 , following which the two clubs will jointly consider their future plans .
27 There are also new standards for office furniture and guidelines for prolonged screen working which the HSC hopes will cut down on incidents of repetitive strain injury and eyesight problems .
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