Example sentences of "[v-ing] not [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The gorge walls , over 50 feet in places , came so close they nearly touched and , below , a river straight out of a canoeist 's toybox , not large by any standards but clean , powerful , unspoilt and appearing not to be reliant on heavy rainfall .
2 People do not like to see land set aside , with someone appearing not to be doing very much with the land set aside and getting paid for it .
3 Though Christian Socialism ‘ with the old Owenites and idealistic Socialists … regarded Co-operative Store keeping not as an end in itself but as a step towards the Co-operative or Socialist Commonwealth … envisaged partly in terms of producers ’ self-government' , the victory had gone to those who stood ‘ against them , the main body of the working-class adherents for whom the Store Movement was a reality and Co-operation mainly an agency for mutual thrift and the procuring of unadulterated goods at fair prices . ’
4 Meanwhile , many hoteliers are still puzzling over the more confusing clauses , vowing not to be the first to test them through the courts .
5 I did n't expect it to hit me quite so hard , but when I think about it it 's because I 'm so bloody sad that the last fourteen years were spent in dying not in living .
6 Doorways and walls and even the chapel belfry are adorned with dates and inscriptions relating not to national events and national heroes but to local ‘ statesmen ’ of past generations .
7 That he thought this possible is suggested by his comments on Frazer whom he saw not as an investigator of a remote and hence irrelevant past , but as someone whose researches are like Freud 's , of apparently universal application , applying not to a particular historical period but to ‘ the soul ’ .
8 At present , local authorities are building not for the poorest , nor for the slum-dweller , but mainly for those better off .
9 In effect it is conceded that society was in a state of flux , consisting not of four but of five estates , subject nevertheless to fundamental reservations , for the labouring poor are not adjudged worthy of an independent voice .
10 A report by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ( OECD ) in late July 1991 maintained that fears voiced at a Council of Europe conference on east-west migration in January 1991 of a massive influx of immigrants from eastern Europe [ see p. 37969 ] were proving not to be well-founded .
11 This is proving not to be the case , as feelings run increasingly high over what is evolving into a conflict of classes — between pro-hunting locals and what they feel is a wealthy Parisian clique .
12 As the film progressed , he gradually began to hitch her skirt up , so that his hand was resting not upon skirt but upon stocking , and then his hand began to creep up the stocking .
13 Michael Wishart recollects him saying , ‘ Please stay , I ca n't cry all night , ’ his request reflecting not on sexual need , for he never touched Wishart , but on a recurrent despair .
14 However , using NOT in front of the testable condition would not reverse the action .
15 it opens the door , it opens the door , that 's why both my younger girls , I mean Diane 's a different policy any way cos she wants to be a , but with the other two , who worked interest in computers and when they left college I gave them crash course in , in typing not in shorthand because they do n't they do n't need shorthand nowadays ,
16 The admission that laws of nature can not be established by induction became possible only with Karl Popper 's demonstration that they are sufficiently assured by a continued failure to refute them , the rationality of a claim depending not on its origin but on its success in surviving criticism .
17 Although most of the poets embrace feminism , the majority reflect the idea of a uniform female existence : preferring not to be categorised by a ‘ feminist ’ or ‘ woman poet ’ label but letting their work speak for itself .
18 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , I am well aware of the fact that for some years now you have cut yourself off from your past and not deigned to reply to the letters of your friends , or even to return their calls , taking refuge in your answering machine and pretending not to be in when they rang at the bell .
19 A lot of them were pretending not to , but somehow she was the centre of an invisible circle .
20 In front of me five youths , age seventeen , leaning back , arms spread , cool , sniggering and making jokes , pretending not to be frightened .
21 ‘ Thank you nursie … you old cow , ’ he 'd say , desperately pretending not to be naked in the bath .
22 Peter pushed a prawn around his plate with a fork , pretending not to notice , but he was hurt by her obvious boredom .
23 I lay there , half crying and pretending not to be hurt , as Charlie continued to pace , flinging flowered clothes into the street below and discussing the possibility of a police force being set up to arrest and imprison rock guitarists who bent their knees while they played .
24 I 've felt it while pretending not to .
25 She saw a young man afraid and pretending not to be .
26 His colleagues were watching , pretending not to .
27 Perhaps he felt there was no point in pretending not to be upset .
28 He comes across a flock of sheep belonging to the priest , one of which he takes ; he then returns to the priest , pretending not to be the traveller already refused entry , and this time is accepted in as he offers the sheep in payment .
29 In requesting , A must ( a ) want B to come now , ( b ) think it possible that B can come , ( c ) think B is not already there , ( d ) think B was not about to come anyway , ( e ) expect that B will respond with an acceptance or rejection , and if B accepts , then A will also expect B to come , ( f ) think that his ( A 's ) asking may be a possible motive for B to come , ( g ) not be , or be pretending not to be , in a position to order B to come 4 .
30 For the next six hours — or a little less , because at Battersea the flood lasts five and a half hours , and the ebb six and a half — they would be living not on land , but on water .
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