Example sentences of "[v-ing] at his " in BNC.

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1 Most of them had visited the invalid often during the past few months , marvelling at his gallant spirit and his unfailing good temper .
2 He would look at Harry , the picture of health and happiness and , while marvelling at his steady uncomplicated progress , suddenly think of the child 's mother , a travesty of the woman he had once known , suffering , it would seem , from chronic post-natal depression , so much so that , on Winifred Shalcross 's advice , a second specialist had been called in .
3 In response to increasing demands for expert self-awareness and self-evaluation in meeting the demands of the new curriculum , the new organization of school government and the new involvement of parents , a head 's disposable time could be better spent in grappling at his or her own level with those organizational , philosophic and marketing questions which lie behind the giving of a professional account of a school .
4 But she terrified him , because he wanted her and he liked having that grave face near him , and she was willing to have him even with the ghosts crowding at his shoulder .
5 He put his spurs to his horse , the dachshunds yapping at his heels , and galloped into the trees .
6 part of her expected to find them laughing at his wild reaction beyond all sense and to return her to the blessed normal but when she looked around only Maggie stood in the room .
7 I saw Joe , of course , and remember laughing at his description of how Morgan Forster had been interviewed by Alfred C. Kinsey for his researches into Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male .
8 He doubled up laughing at his own joke .
9 She was laughing at his antics , but anxious lest he should be heard .
10 And he will rend the plans in twain , what with it being such a nice pub and all , and the lads not laughing at his poncey suit .
11 ‘ So I see , ’ she said , laughing at his sheepish small-boy expression .
12 Her shoulder was stinging , but Maria could n't help laughing at his effervescent antics .
13 Ana seemed to pick up the vibes very quickly and tagged along with Mitch , laughing at his humour , turning her head from time to time in Maggie 's direction as if she could hear steam coming from her ears .
14 I ca nt even remember what he was saying about other matches — I was laughing at his ‘ expert ’ comments too much .
15 Today , I was virtually sore laughing at his description of the immortal ‘ filling of the bath ’ problem .
16 ‘ Did I not say , Harry , that I 'd get it from you , and no other ? ’ said Isambard , still laughing at his stricken face .
17 The entry of his feast-day in eleventh-century church calendars indicates that he became fairly widely venerated , and miracles were occurring at his tomb in St Paul 's before the translation of his remains from London to Canterbury in 1023 .
18 It slipped from the gunman 's hand , landing at his feet .
19 ‘ Where are we going ? ’ whispered Harry , quivering at his guide 's shoulder .
20 ‘ Have you forgotten , ’ she said harshly , starting and quivering at his touch , ‘ my offence against you ? ’
21 Billy Graham retells a Reader 's Digest story of Dr SW Mitchell , a celebrated Philadelphia neurologist , who was awakened one bitter , snowy night by a little girl knocking at his door .
22 Bob Collins did n't like it when the past came knocking at his door .
23 The average Briton finds someone knocking at his door extremely embarrassing and someone performing on the streets and handing out tracts equally uncomfortable .
24 He was astonished to find three detectives knocking at his door to arrest him a couple of days later .
25 His last years were marred by debilitating illness but , a compulsive worker , he went on writing until the end , dying at his home in Cambridge 19 December 1978 .
26 ‘ It 's not just the money , ’ he said , stabbing at his beans and sending a scattering of them across the table .
27 ‘ Just the wireless , ’ Vernon said , taking a polishing cloth from his pocket and dabbing at his eyes .
28 Duvall moved to take charge of Jimmy while Simpson slipped resentfully away , dabbing at his nose .
29 He was dabbing at his face with a large wad of cotton wool .
30 He drew doodles on the pad in front of him , occasionally dabbing at his loose , wet lips with a handkerchief .
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