Example sentences of "[v-ing] to some " in BNC.

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1 We may certainly talk of animals , in the absence of speech , ‘ consciously intending ’ or being compassionate , both of which carry implications of understanding to some degree .
2 In the middle years of the 1790s Wordsworth observed what was happening to some of the cottagers and cared about it ; like a good journalist , he called attention to outstanding cases in The Female Vagrant and The Ruined Cottage .
3 But look at individuals , rather than averages , and you see interesting things happening to some of the peasants ' lives .
4 False cases offset under-reporting to some extent .
5 A group is basically a collection of individuals , contributing to some common aim under the direction of a leader , and who share a sense of common identity .
6 Its principal archival collection comprises records relating to some 140,000 charities .
7 Every carp water has ‘ known ’ fish that are caught regularly and are given handles relating to some physical peculiarity : so we have ‘ Nelson ’ ( one-eyed ) , ‘ Smallpecs ’ ( little fins ) , ‘ Gutbucket ’ ( self-explanatory ) and ‘ Basil ’ ( a fawlty-pounder ) .
8 An integral part of any theory of personhood concerns inner states of all kinds , and I shall be centring my discussion on indigenous ideas relating to some inner states important to the Chewong , an understanding of which , I shall argue , is necessary in order to understand their interpersonal behaviour and associated values .
9 TASK 6 required children to write instructions and explanations relating to some game familiar to them .
10 The former head of the Toko commodity trading company was arrested on Sept. 18 on charges relating to some £32,200,000 of fraudulent dealings involving fictitious futures contracts .
11 The plain fact is that some elements of the social charter would run the risk — indeed , would make it a real possibility — of this country returning to some of the trade union practices that did so much damage during the 1970s .
12 Values such as fairness , honesty , and integrity are values worth pursuing in themselves , and should not be shrugged off by reverting to some contervailing argument such as costs .
13 We might say that the decision in O'Reilly established an ‘ exclusivity principle ’ applying to some judicial review applications for declarations and injunctions .
14 I should think that all of us have had the unfortunate experience at some time or other of sitting on a plastic interlocking chair in a draughty hall listening to some old wind bag droning on endlessly to screens of projected OHP transparencies that no one can clearly see .
15 I grew up with the balance and sound of the Vienna Philharmonic in the Grosse Musikvereinsaal , and I must say , listening to some of Furtwängler 's performances recorded there , it still sounds good to me .
16 Early morning 's not my best time , specially when I 've spent half the night dreaming terrible dreams and the other half listening to some loon droning on about turtles in Japan — but it was great dawdling along by the river .
17 ‘ I 'm listening to some music .
18 There seemed no stopping her and he felt as if he were listening to some of the most important information he had ever heard .
19 It is only morons like you who , after listening to some crazed lunatic spouting his thoughts , would follow such thoughts .
20 Sometimes he would merely sit on the Government bench , half listening to some minor debate , half wrapping his mind round the backgrounds and appearances of different members .
21 As he began to speak , he seemed to grow less and less aware of his audience and continually turned his head , as though listening to some sound , audible only to himself from the entrance tunnel behind him .
22 I think he had been listening to some people in the dale who had missed out on the shoot and the money that went with it , and were critical , or pretended to be critical , of people who worked for Sir Emmanuel and the other toffs — maybe a bit left wing , although Stanley was n't a person who took any interest in politics .
23 It would probably be more fun than listening to some self-deceiving gilgul spin her miserable yam .
24 The little boy leaned his face to one side as if he was listening to some signal inaudible to mere mortals , and he whispered , ‘ I am going to destroy Malik .
25 But the Chancellor did show he had been listening to some of industry 's gripes .
26 No we 're not , I 'm listening to some music
27 cos they were listening to some
28 I made some comm-calls to contacts on planets here and there , pretending to some that I was looking for commissions , to others that I was in different parts of the galaxy transporting things for different people .
29 And they were wanting to Some of them anyway wanted to join the Portobello branch .
30 But it may not be enough according to some industry commentators .
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