Example sentences of "[v-ing] and to " in BNC.

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1 Blood sugar levels and nutritional requirements do fluctuate , and so it is particularly important to be aware of what is occurring and to be educated to the point where you know how to treat your body at any given time of the month .
2 Civil rights , electoral reform , an end to gerrymandering and to discrimination in housing , jobs and appointments , the legal banning of incitement to religious discrimination .
3 Attitudes to ageing and to elderly people in a multiracial society
4 While there are numerous conceptual models relating both to ageing and to disability , the problem lies in attempting to link the two together .
5 And this is confusing , I mean I must admit it is confusing and even , even s writers in the psychoanalytic literature get confused by this , because sometimes they , they er do n't see that to some extent the two systems are overlapping and to some extent they 're about di slightly different things .
6 Until I come , devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture , to preaching and to teaching .
7 Catarrhs travel down to the larynx and hoarseness , to the trachea with burning worse ( < ) for coughing and to the chest with constriction and a cough .
8 Two new branches are grown by adding and to LPk .
9 Will my right hon. Friend explain to a simple fellow like me why it is considered sensible to return to a system of socialist taxation based on the capital value of an asset that produces no income and that is unrelated to the services for which the occupant is paying and to the income of the occupant , this asset being normally called a home ?
10 Most firms regarded the cost as low and confined mainly to power used for pumping and to maintenance .
11 For Hesketh , now committed to racing and to Hunt 's career — with a generosity unparalleled in FI — it seemed as sensible to take Hunt straight up into FI , and Hunt duly made his debut at a non-championship race at Brands Hatch early in 1973 , there earning , in a used Surtees TS9B , a third place just behind Denny Hulme — and Hulme was , let it be noted , driving the McLaren M23 , a far more advanced car .
12 Such a concentration on the economic principle underlying the police occupation inevitably gave rise to backbiting and to justifiable criticisms of those who appeared to have obtained their rewards through subterfuges .
13 Possibly the most potent reason lies in present day , paradoxical attitudes to child rearing and to children , which are most marked in relation to infants .
14 The shop-floor seemed strangely silent in the absence of the usual sounds of machinery , hammering and drilling and to Rachel 's disappointment her own centre was also empty .
15 ‘ The State ’ , wrote one , ‘ is a lifeless mass , to which the monarch first gives life ; a machine without motion , which the monarch first sets moving and to whose mechanism he gives reality … the monarch lives for the State and the State lives through him . ’
16 He sentenced both to four years in a young offenders centre for hijacking and to six months for criminal damage .
17 Markers lend themselves in particular to mixed media sketching and to mixed media artwork for reproduction in print .
18 What caused me concern was , as I say , the slightly uncomfortable feeling that Eliot had been bounced into writing an article which he did not particularly relish doing and to which he would in any case have wished to devote much more reflection .
19 We stayed in a cheap boarding-house from which the landlord saw fit to evict us for all the hours of daylight ; strolling abroad , we devoted our time to churchgoing and to incoherent altercations with the Italian police .
20 Text organisation is an area of study very much in its infancy , yet interesting pointers are emerging both in relation to reading and to writing ( see , for instance , Byron et al. , 1981 and Hoey , 1983 ) .
21 What such an identification involved becomes apparent in Prisoner in a passage which renders the crucial difference not one of colour , yet by the same criterion reinstates the distinction between blacks and whites : ‘ What separates us from the Blacks today is not so much the colour of our skin or the type of our hair as the phantom-ridden psyche we never see except when a Black lets fall some joking and to us cryptic phrase .
22 His Lordship smites the water with King Arthur 's sword , all the company are still , a rumble sucking noise comes in front of the opening of the grotto the water as if boiling and to the horror of all the company both on the water and on the shore scream with fright , appearing as though from the depth of hell arose a ghastly coffin covered with slime and other things .
23 It is important to know what this effect is , because if a plant subject is viewed then there will be several levels of intensity due to shading and to the angles at which leaves are presented .
24 A more serious problem was what to do with the soldiers who , now accustomed to fighting and to war 's many attractions , were finding themselves without an occupation .
25 The means-tests would be accompanied by powers to bind-over parents to prevent their children from offending and to ‘ hit them in the pocket if they do n't ’ .
26 I blurted out to Dominic how I had been feeling and to my astonishment and relief he said he felt the same — trapped and resentful . ’
27 Sunday Telegraph investigations uncovered a series of pertinent facts relating to the Asvat killing and to the crisis in the ANC , whose leaders have ordered officials to retreat behind a laager of silence and denials .
28 In Belgrade cafés , streets and houses , you can hear constant war cries invitations to killing and to hatred .
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