Example sentences of "[v-ing] the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The peaks of Ingleborough and Whernside are prominent southwards , and Great Shunner Fell and Lovely Seat in the Pennines eastwards , but the gem of the panorama is the serrated skyline of the Lakeland fells overtopping the Howgills and forming an exciting western horizon .
2 They used a fibre optic probe of 1250 , 700 or 450 µm diameter measurement area , transmitting the CL through an external light pipe to the entrance of a grating monochromator .
3 The television experiment was given greater significance , however , by the recent radical changes in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union ; at the time when TV Martí began transmitting the Castro regime appeared more beleaguered and vulnerable to outside subversion than at any time since the early 1960s .
4 This authority would not make changes to the software , but would be responsible for pursuing the SPR to a satisfactory conclusion .
5 About 50% of these are studying for the Diploma in Legal Practice and 50% pursuing the LL.M. , M.Sc. , M.Phil .
6 It is pursuing the Comex with an offer of $10m ( still only a fraction of its book value ) .
7 All this activity led to a loosening of the earlier close relationships with the WEA and it was believed within the Federation that the new tutor was pursuing the Cambridge Board 's emerging policy for its rural areas programme .
8 I have just discovered that Gaveston was probably poisoning the Lady Eleanor with a slow but subtle potion . ’
9 Red warning lights were flashing the bridge of The Sandhopper as the two boats drew closer , Morton now angling The Abbott so that it was heading directly towards the other craft .
10 In early October a UNP working party proposed fresh elections as a way of restoring Parliament 's credibility and of allowing the JVP to participate in the political process .
11 CPRW was among a large number of bodies that opposed allowing the Hamilton Oil Company to drill an exploratory well in a very sensitive area of seabed close to Bardsey Island .
12 Tariffs and trade restrictions were to be reduced only gradually , so allowing the EEC to concur with the world organisation , GATT , to which the OEEC states belonged .
13 In the Liberal cabinet the majority was against allowing the PLA and Lord Devonport to be coerced by the Transport Workers Federation into a settlement ; Lloyd George and Haldane would have preferred a minimum wage for all dock workers and disliked Devonport 's intransigence , but were outvoted .
14 On the question of the UN , the Phnom Penh regime was openly wary of an institution which it felt had legitimized the Khmer Rouge claim to power by allowing the CGDK to occupy the Cambodian seat at the General Assembly [ see p. 37041 ] .
15 Long term care could develop , allowing the NHS to use the highest standards and train the staff required to run the private facilities .
16 In a related development , the National Rivers Authority ( NRA ) has announced its intention to prosecute the North West Water company for allowing the PCP discharges to continue .
17 It is strongly rumoured that the eligibility ceiling for the increased aid formerly available to ‘ Objective One ’ areas is being raised from 75 to 80 per cent , thus allowing the Highlands and Islands to scrape into consideration .
18 Allowing the BBC 's appeal , the Vice-Chancellor , Sir Nicolas Browne-Wilkinson , sitting with Lords Justices Staughton and Beldam , said the 1988 Copyright Act created rights and remedies for broadcasters not against those who received the programmes , but against those who enabled viewers to receive the transmissions and thereby avoid the viewing fee .
19 Corbett agreed , allowing the Lady Prioress to serve him a full cup of malmsey whilst chattering about everyday matters and his recent trip to Woodstock .
20 He even test-sailed the course with a friend , allowing the Nancy to drift out to the Beach End buoy and make for Holland .
21 THE Investment Management Regulatory Organisation ( Imro ) has admitted it was partly to blame for allowing the Maxwell pension fraud to happen and that it was ‘ thumped ’ for its supervision of the Maxwell fund managers by the parliamentary select committee on social security .
22 After the election , opposition groups again protested against allowing the MRF to operate as a political party .
23 The International Chamber of Commerce also took the unusual step of allowing the FBL to use the ICC logo .
24 Congressional officials predict , however , that a truncated version of the tax break will pass the Senate this week , allowing the White House to trumpet a one-two victory over the relatively untried Democratic leadership on Capitol Hill .
25 The government on Oct. 22 signed a memorandum of understanding allowing the UN to resume international relief aid and to station foreign aid workers and UN guards on Iraqi territory .
26 Mason retreated to Howard on the Clearwater where the one-armed General idled for a fortnight , allowing the Nez Perce to trail out of his jurisdiction .
27 THE secretary general , Boutros Boutros-Ghali , overruling the UN relief official for Bosnia , yesterday ordered that suspended humanitarian aid be resumed as soon as possible .
28 Far from overruling the TAC 's views , these much smaller committees are concerned to work closely with a committee that provides a broad base for their own more limited discussions .
29 ** In the US , legislation proposed by 25 members of the House of Representatives called on President Bill Clinton to initiate " high-level discussions " with the British government with a view to halting the THORP project .
30 On Nov. 27 Kanemaru gave sworn testimony at the Odawara Municipal Hospital in Kanagawa Prefecture , during which he was reported to have acknowledged that his links with Ishii had been instrumental in halting the Nihon Kominto 's campaign against Takeshita .
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