Example sentences of "[v-ing] our [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Wrecking our house , sorry , yeah , I do n't mean to exclude you .
2 that in setting and applying our standards , our staff will seek to be open , helpful and polite in explaining our position
3 I 've spoken to several of the barmen , explaining our dilemma , and elicited a promise that if a couple answering to the description of Svend and your sister put in an appearance and are conversing in English the man shall be discreetly asked if he is Svend Eriksen and , if so , requested to get in touch with me .
4 At this murky hour the luxurious hotel had a seedy , spiritless air , matching our mood .
5 Ellen 's manner was almost British in its cool restraint , matching our welcome which we had deliberately pitched at a low key .
6 Here the emphasis is on technology as an autonomous and primary force driving our society in a certain direction .
7 Flora was driving our car towards us , bumping over the ruts .
8 A notable event in the year was the re-introduction of an advanced course in Physics , which offers students the option of studying both Physics and Chemistry for a full two years , thereby enabling our BSc Honours graduates with degrees in Biology or Biochemistry and Education to teach all of the three major science subjects in their subsequent careers as secondary school teachers .
9 We 're calling upon the G M B to incorporate environmental training and awareness in health and safety courses , thereby enabling our safety reps to address the issues with their employers , and stress the need to establish environmental policies .
10 As I explained , we would be pleased to under-write the costs of enabling our agent , Mr John Popham , to represent your interest in protecting your property and the public amenity of the Glebelands against damaging groundwater effects that might be caused by the barrage .
11 But a new EC directive is in danger of denying our support for some of the most exciting organic wines .
12 Of course there is no possible denying our need for people so educated that they may fill the jobs that are at present unfilled , or offered to people from other countries , because of our own shortage of skilled and competent technologists .
13 We have , in fact , as well as polluting our environment chemically also polluted it with radio waves of varying frequencies .
14 Before justifying our claim , however , we wish to say something about the main criticisms levelled at Realism .
15 ‘ Political instability is tearing our continent apart .
16 We realise that political instability is tearing our continent apart and that everlasting peace , which is a condition for development , can only be founded on the enjoyment of , and observance and respect for , human rights .
17 tearing our house down love Ca n't
18 He should have done that before instead of insisting on our groping our way up the Pan-Am Highway in darkness and bad visibility .
19 Widening our concept of special educational provision to include the ‘ whole curriculum ’ approach will free us from such limitations .
20 Then , widening our focus , we looked at Lugbara witchcraft and the ancestor cult which complements and completes it .
21 The third is that will have singularly little effect , because of industry 's narrow base and uncompetitiveness , revealing our dependence on the deus ex machina of North Sea oil .
22 We must then immediately write to every candidate which responded positively to our approach letter , either revealing our client 's identity and confirming its interest in a meeting or stating , regretfully , that due to other favourable responses , our client will not be able to pursue the initial interest .
23 The way we run our economy is the prime cause of environmental damage , now what the other parties are failing to see is that if we want to live in a truly ecological society , one that really recognises the constraints , er that the environment imposes on us , we have to have a consistent approach to every area of policy , so for example , in the Israel/Palestine conflict er debate , we have laid great stress on our , er advocating our own approach to conflict resolution , consensual approach , negotiations condemning the arms build-up which is inspired mainly by the U S , and so er whilst we have also debated some other more overtly environmental policies such as reaffirming our commitment to phase out nuclear power , we do lay great emphasis on er developing economic policies , particularly in the light of the up and coming general election and we want to obviously present a complete platform of policies to the electorate .
24 Talk of ‘ processes ’ and ‘ states ’ commits us to an inappropriate way of looking at the matter — as though the only difference between understanding understanding and understanding sweating is that in the case of understanding understanding our gaze is directed inwards .
25 However , even if things go badly , so long as we survive as partly rational creatures we should always be able to find some satisfaction in understanding our situation and doing what reason points to as the most effective way of dealing with it .
26 The tropical and sub-tropical ice caps are now melting at such a rate that they will soon be gone , says Thompson : " Consequently , the climatic and environmental records from these regions , which may contain key information for understanding our climate systems , will be lost permanently . "
27 It 's understanding our reality , reflecting about our country .
28 It was while I was pressing our home phone number that I remembered .
29 Re-visioning our economy is the opportunity James Robertson holds out in Future Wealth — A New Economics for the 21st Century ( Cassell ) .
30 Dave said : ‘ Before the field trip , we were basing our knowledge on a lot of speculation : we had little direct access to data and there was little consensus among academics and the oil industry as to what the source rocks are . ’
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