Example sentences of "[v-ing] good [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The money will help poor village farmers , agricultural associations and self-help projects in applying better techniques to get the most produce from the land .
2 A lanky cleric oozing good intentions and bad faith then launched into an address that was squirmingly anxious to avoid giving offence to persons of any or no belief while still suggesting that , who knows , there might after all be , you know , something out there .
3 Noticing good behaviour
4 You see , some of your ideas are beginning to rub off on me , and I want to start keeping better records here , as well has have regular weekly clinics instead of just coming up here on a casual basis . ’
5 It was all frolicking good entertainment for which the aficionados accorded the designer ( appearing in a navy serge kilt with his customary striped Breton top ) an enthusiastic standing ovation .
6 Broadcast data via satellites also have a wide band width enabling good data transmission .
7 The more resourceful tend to escape charges through influence over the police , to escape custodial remand through bail , and to escape conviction through employing good lawyers .
8 I think in terms of our our first duty to protect the public by keeping offenders locked up securely , yes by and large we do a good job and that , by keeping good order in prisons we do a good job generally speaking incidence are very few and far between after the mid eighties , things have settled down considerably .
9 The biggest problem facing the Exiles management is keeping good players .
10 Keeping good company
11 Bearing this in mind ( and the same applies to the unregistered design right generally and to copyright works ) it is worthwhile keeping good records of the development of the topography so that the date it was created can be proved in a court of law .
12 Nothing unusual — clocks behaving as before , keeping good time and continuing to emit their light beams .
13 Gaining good publicity for the school through establishing a high profile is an important aspect of marketing .
14 However , students gaining good degrees in the arts tend to have a very flat profile of marks clustering around the 70–75 per cent range , whereas science students show more peaks and troughs with marks often ranging from 65 to 85 per cent .
15 Among mature students the proportions gaining good degrees did not vary much however the 26 to 30 age group again came top .
16 News itself became more entertaining , and technologies enabling better graphics and presentation made features more attractive .
17 The angle of the kite to the relative or ‘ apparent ’ wind is best reduced , so the ring is moved ‘ up ’ and this reduces the load on the sail , enabling better control .
18 The programme can tell the operator the costs of menus and ingredients enabling better planning and budgetary control .
19 Then he worked on gaining better control of the movements in his left knee .
20 The idea is that , say , a Domestos Hygiene Advisory Service , a Clarks Health Education Service , or a Butter Information Bureau , all channel information efforts about a product through a focal point , thus gaining better attention from the media , lending an increased air of respectability to what is being done for commercial reasons , and acting as a voice on behalf of the area of expertise in which the manufacturer operates .
21 The prime minister , says one MP , is ‘ jaunty , relaxed , determined — in cracking good form ’ .
22 ‘ Dillie Keane is in cracking good form in her new show . ’
23 Now this idea came under tremendous attack because the Church of Luther 's day thought that he was denying good works and asserting personal experience .
24 Schools seem less reluctant to accept that the difficulties some children experience may well point to a more general problem in school or classroom interaction ; and teachers who have been helped to respond more appropriately to those pupils whom they had found most difficult to teach , have found that in the process they were becoming better teachers to their other pupils as well , with their job satisfaction rising accordingly .
25 They too are capable of evolving in the direction of becoming better enemies , in this case enemies of cheetahs .
26 Good readers are always in the process of becoming better readers .
27 I was driving along t you know t telling David that all the time that that people are on the roads practising how to drive and becoming better drivers there are people like that wally there crossing the roa Oh , it 's Simon .
28 Blimming good job !
29 Peter had come back from hospital in his own but in tearing good spirits .
30 Children who have a good general understanding of sound-symbol relationship , even if they do not spell well at the moment , are , as Margaret Peters says , " well on their way " to becoming good spellers .
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