Example sentences of "[v-ing] with this " in BNC.

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1 Grappling with this problem , feminists who want to draw attention to women 's presence rather than simply adopting male titles have sometimes proposed completely novel words ( for instance Italian dottora , a feminine coining for ‘ doctor ’ that flouts the rules of Italian word-formation ) .
2 Grappling with this problem has led us to reject a sharp either/or dichotomy in terms of innate versus cultural , and instead to posit the existence in human beings of innate potentialities and capacities — as well as innate constraints — that may be turned to peaceful as much as to warlike ends , potentialities and capacities that are necessarily set within the particularity of a moral and semantic universe .
3 Somebody has been interfering with this case internally . ’
4 When it flies away it may be Pursued until it has left the vicinity — as is happening with this beleaguered golden eagle being chased by a group of aggressive ravens .
5 The impression of IBM Corp , Digital Equipment Corp and their ilk lining up like lambs to the slaughter may seem hard to credit for customers that have been driven to accept very hard bargains , but that is what appears to be happening with this Gadarene rush by the major manufacturers to get into the facilities management business in the US : we understand that many of the savings and loans , banks and securities houses that have gratefully accepted offers by the majors to run their data processing operations for them has little to do with saving money over the term of the contract , much to do with their urgent need for cash upfront to repair their ravaged balance sheets — the key attraction of the deals being the money paid at the start of the contract for the data processing facilities ; if the customers are in that much need of cash , chances are that many of them wo n't be around in five or seven years ' time , so that having spent good money for computers they do n't need , the facilities managers will be left with idle installations and contracts with no residual value .
6 It is worth persevering with this very good posture habit .
7 you 're talking as much a about y it 's reflecting on you as the line manager , how much are you communicating with this
8 He must come to terms with living with this consciousness and with the inherent problems he will face in revealing this knowledge to the outside in an ethnographic account .
9 The effect of living with this knowledge and using this skill raises the consciousness of the insider , perhaps giving him his most effective methodological tool .
10 Seemingly lesser residents of Number 10 found no difficulty in living with this arrangement .
11 I er I nearly fell through the floor a little while ago I was British Gas people and one of them living with this lady and I want to give her half of my lump sum , how can I do to avoid er to effect her income tax or inheritance tax thinking in terms of the inheritance tax limit of a hundred and fifty thousand I said , Well would you mind telling me about how much it will be ?
12 " Lord , I feel as if I 've been living with this case for ever ! "
13 For a few seconds , I was living with this present situation .
14 I feel like in Britain the kind of history that I came into as an eighteen year old was a women 's liberation movement whose context was anti-Vietnam , the counter culture , Vietnam solidarity , American radical feminism , irony of all ironies the Ford women 's strike , and here I was living with this Ford worker , domestic tyrant .
15 ‘ He said it was a pity I had n't come to him before , when the evidence was there that he was living with this woman , because now the bungalow 's been sold and she 's disappeared .
16 She 's been living with this guy for months , by all accounts , so she 's probably immune to his germs by now .
17 Do n't know , last time I asked Diane she said oh he 's , he 's living with this machine he 's got in
18 This requires much further evaluation and testing , for example to obtain the frequency distribution of the lexicon by word shape ( probably using the reduced zone codes ) , and cross-referencing with this data .
19 Part of the pleasure of reading Lewis , when it is a pleasure , is meeting with this figure .
20 While he was wrestling with this problem , he happened to go to a lecture by Einstein , and was struck by Einstein 's remark that his theory of relativity would fall to the ground if any of several tests failed .
21 But why be wrestling with this God and seeking a blessing from him — other than if one believes that the text is of God ?
22 By the time she arrived , still wrestling with this dramatic rearrangement of the stars in the family constellation , she had the beginnings of a bad headache , and it was only as she turned into the drive and saw the lights and heard voices and music spilling from the house that she thought about the party that was still , clearly , very much in progress .
23 And he 's been wrestling with this alsatian
24 In writing with this frankly propagandist aim — to focus on Jesus Christ — the disciple was bring faithful to the remarkable way in which his Master summed up the purpose of all Scripture .
25 Getting the powerplant going with this is a multi-handed trick .
26 Steenie was putting the show on , and he 'd got a thing going with this bint Veronica .
27 What the three thousand four hundred are saying is that the County Council and British Coal do not know where they 're going with this thing , the full implications of it have either not been properly assessed or indeed not been released to the to the local communities .
28 I wish they 'd hurry up and score , corner where you going with this one now , oh dear , ooh Christ well they ha come on
29 she were going with this lad through and it 's the easiest three pound , three pound ten I 've ever earned Good though that int it ?
30 In all cases , then , whether the infinitive evokes the possible or the real actualization of its event , the person of the to infinitive is referred to two positions in time , one before , one coinciding with this event 's place in time .
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