Example sentences of "[vb base] taken to " in BNC.

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1 In any case , here is the felicitous truth : women rarely go to bed with men they do n't fancy , no matter how many restaurants they get taken to .
2 ‘ I 've taken to it . ’
3 Do n't say you 've taken to concealing information as well , Willie ? ’
4 Mostly things connected with the house although we do Again another thing , we 've taken to selling these Eastern European .
5 It 's been a bit difficult because we are used to doing the things that choirs do , having music and hiding behind it , and of course getting the girls to be uninhibited has been a bit difficult , but they 've taken to it very well actually and having the costumes for today 's rehearsals has been a great help .
6 ‘ Strange how we have taken to some French words and not others , is n't it ? ’ remarked Henry diplomatically as the parlourmaid came into the room with a pile of dinner plates and the vegetable dishes .
7 Many of them are reportedly gun-happy , and have taken to firing shots at the river dolphins .
8 As coastal fisheries have become less profitable through overfishing , more fishermen have taken to killing small cetaceans to supplement their incomes .
9 This brought to mind Mr Major 's curious pronunciation of such words as ‘ want ’ and the way in which the politicians around him have taken to saying wunt .
10 When not banging on about the sins of Vin Garbutt , the shaggy-haired Teesside warbler responsible for Little Innocents and other anti-abortion songs , certain feminist folkies have taken to conducting vigilante patrols through Folk Roots magazine in search of new sources of offence .
11 Young photographers aiming at the poster market have taken to copying his style .
12 Clearly , Knowland agreed with BP colleagues ( see p 13 ) who have taken to lambasting the industry for its inability to plan .
13 Still others have taken to burrowing into wood or even into limestone , and fossils of these curious animals can be found lying in their home-made burrows ( see p. 21 ) .
14 Many of the living echinoids are protected by spines , some sharp and breaking off easily into the unwary foot , others stout and clublike ; a few groups have taken to burrowing into sediment , and the spines have become small and felt-like .
15 As we shall see in subsequent chapters , the approach they have taken to fundamental freedoms has on a number of important occasions been radically different and altogether more liberal than has been the case here .
16 Skiing adventurers have taken to heli-skiing which involves learning to operate an electronic transmitter in case of avalanches .
17 Many species have taken to arboreal living as a protective device , and some , such as this sugar-glider ( opposite ) , have become specialised jumpers that can leave most predators behind with ease .
18 Private buyers have taken to the new Golf in a big way and this Volkswagen is likely to be a used car market leader for years to come .
19 A girl and a boy have taken to the forest ; they are to get them back .
20 There will be ample evidence in the form of rabbit skins and wings of all description from the food the foxes have taken to their young .
21 Ho ho Keith , some wags at the NME have taken to calling MAW ‘ musicians against success ’ because — get this — those musicians who 've had the guts to stand up and be counted like Sinead O'Connor , The Farm , Carter USM , Cud , Billy Bragg , Lisa Stansfield , The Stones , Lush , Orbital and Soho are all ‘ failures that no-one 's heard of ’ .
22 Instead your journalists ( Mat Coward , Sarah Baxter , Jolyon Jenkins to name but a few ) have taken to injecting large amounts of humour into their copy .
23 If Scotland and Harlequins lock Neil Edwards is to be believed , players , he says , have taken to wearing 22mm studs — 4mm longer than the standard wet weather studs .
24 Lately , however , academics have taken to exposing the whole business as a farrago of fantasies and errors .
25 The Deutschmark is flooding into the investment-starved east , and the people have taken to wearing grins with their first designer labels .
26 ‘ You will please to remember , ’ its secretary , Henry Oldenburg , told the governor of Connecticut in 1667 , ‘ that we have taken to task the whole universe , and that we were obliged to do so by the nature of our design . ’
27 Other flatworms have taken to the parasitic life and live unseen within the bodies of other animals , including man 's , and in astronomic numbers .
28 For active hunting , a heavy shell must be something of a handicap and some carnivorous molluscs have taken to a faster if riskier life by doing without it altogether and reverting to the life-style of their flatworm-like ancestors .
29 This abandonment of both the major innovations made by the descendants of Eusthenopteron during their colonisation of the land occurs not only among those salamanders that have taken to water but even among some that spend their lives almost entirely on land .
30 This ‘ twin-track strategy ’ , as government ministers have taken to calling it , has been a growing trend in the English penal system for as considerable time now , and is one major theme of the Criminal Justice Act of 1991 ( along with ‘ just deserts ’ ) .
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