Example sentences of "[vb base] given [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And now I 've given way to my emotions when I swore to my father I never would .
2 After you 've given birth , levels decrease , returning to pre-natal levels .
3 We 've given money to organisations like the RSPB , Greenpeace , the Woodland Trust and Working Weekends on Organic Farms . ’
4 The Land Rover does n't belong to me and I 've got to make sure that those who 've given money to the trust do n't have it wasted . ’
5 If you 've given thought to them and excluded them , that 's fine as long as you 've made it clear .
6 I intend to remain faithful , simply because I 've given infidelity a whirl and it does n't work for me .
7 It 's up to Social Services , and Social Services may choose , although I have got to say it 's unlikely , to register a children 's or an elderly person 's home despite the fact that we 've given advice that they should n't .
8 ‘ I 've given Oscar a nice wash and mended his tail with Elastoplast . ’
9 Then , walking away in disgust , he said , ‘ I 've never come across such a disgraceful congregation in all the years I 've given burial services . ’
10 I 've given solicitor
11 Right-wing hardliners in the ruling Liberal Democrat Party have given warning that the Emperor might be drawn into apologising for Japan 's past aggression in China , unleashing a flood of demands for reparations .
12 They have given warning that they could call — and win — a referendum on dissolving the body and on a constitution to consolidate Mr Yeltsin 's powers .
13 Dutch and British administrators have given warning that many of Daf 's 12,650 employees in The Netherlands , Britain and Belgium would lose their jobs , even if some operations were saved .
14 SIX OF the seven top economic advisers to the Government have given warning against tax increases in the Budget next month , saying that the economy is just too fragile to sustain them .
15 THE auction of LFA sheep quota by Lawrie & Symington at Lanark last week has confirmed most expectations of market prices but Ministry of Agriculture specialists have given warning that farmers are gambling if they trade before the transfer rules are confirmed some time next month .
16 For example , without wishing to go into the debate about the Bishop of Durham s well-known views — and I want to say here that on the resurrection and virgin birth I take the traditional teaching of the Church — I am concerned when speakers are ignorant of some of the critical insights which have given rise to the Bishop 's well thought-out views .
17 The socio-economic problems in West Germany as elsewhere have given rise to an inevitable resurgence of hostility towards ethnic and other minorities , and have put some pressure on the political system itself ( reflected in the emergence of the part ecological , part anti-nuclear , part general social protest ‘ Green Party ’ ) .
18 In this context the application by the Conservative MEPs in April 1991 to join the European People 's party ( which is dominated by the German Christian Democrats ) and its official endorsement have given rise to concern .
19 Many churchmen , however , have not been happy with these developments , which have given rise to schisms threatening enough to warrant the Pope 's visit .
20 Ever since the Industrial Revolution created a mass urban society , the conditions of the poorest city dwellers have given rise to anxiety among the better off .
21 Over the years , a few huge , widely reported pay-offs have given rise to the impression among more gullible members of the newspaper-reading public that six-figure golden handshakes are the norm for the departing business executive .
22 Such breeding programmes , in conjunction with the use of fertilisers and crop-protection chemicals , have given rise to what is commonly known as the ‘ Green Revolution ’ of the twentieth century .
23 Its contents are classified into chapters on spelling and pronunciation , locative names ( from English , French and other continental languages ) , surnames of relationship , those from native and other personal names , from offices held or occupations followed , compound names and nicknames of all kinds , oaths , colloquial expressions and phrases which have given rise to family names .
24 Such comments have given rise to much discussion about the ‘ climate of research ’ .
25 Nevertheless , this supposed trait and their tight , curly hair have given rise to the use of the name ‘ Poodle cats ’ as a popular term for them .
26 In this paper I will attempt to outline some of the factors which have given rise to a social division between ‘ incomers ’ and the native population in Dunrossness during the first phase ( 1971–79 ) of the so-called ‘ oil era ’ in Shetland .
27 Christopher Napier and Christopher Noke take arguments over share premiums , share premium accounts , merger accounting and pre-acquisition profits as an example of the issues which have given rise to controversy .
28 It is often , at least initially , a response to social distress , and in turn , this indicates that counselling responses to problems of excessive drinking should not concentrate on the drinking alone , which can be regarded as a symptom , but on the deeper underlying social and emotional causes which have given rise to it .
29 Life assurance business is being serviced satisfactorily , but the huge and largely unpredictable surge in pensions business and the intrinsic complexity of this type of business have given rise to administrative problems both at Standard Life and across the entire industry .
30 Such observations have given rise to the notion of the ‘ invulnerable child ’ and are now leading to a radical re-appraisal of the results of risk research , with a shift of emphasis towards trying to understand the factors that enable some individuals to survive , or even profit from , their disposition to insanity .
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