Example sentences of "[vb base] him one " in BNC.

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1 Give him one part , now you hold that , I used to hook it on to a roller , tuck it over , pull it through and then you 've got it lined up hooked on to a roller .
2 I mean , he he he took two steps dug his foot in ground and give him one of them !
3 Give him one of them .
4 I only give him one pound twenty .
5 Oh gawld , move forward a bit , so that 's what I was going to get , but erm in BeWise they 've got erm checked shirts and they 're five ninety nine this brushed cotton thing , so I thought if I get him that waistcoat and a pair of cords , erm and get him one of these brushed cotton shirts that 'll be that sort of colour
6 And pass him one of those paper napkins ; he can write the address down on that . ’
7 Wright 's combination of autocracy , determination to advance and understand medical science , love of logic and new words , contempt for women , and occasional humility make him one of the most fascinating characters in the history of therapeutic progress .
8 The drooping snout and the torpedo-like body , coupled with big fins and muscles like Charles Atlas , make him one of the best , if not the best , fighting coarse fish .
9 Here lived Gottfried Keller ( 1819–90 ) , the Swiss poet and novelist whose carefully crafted short stories embrace both humour and a touching romanticism , and make him one of the most important figures of Swiss literature .
10 Free from injury and in the mood , his vast array of skills make him one of the most feared attackers in the modern game .
11 It might be that , humbug aside , " the life and habits of the common seaman render him one of the most unfeeling , unprincipled beings on earth .
12 I could make a playpen for him and buy him one of those big wooden Arks with all the animals in and I could get one of those bags you carry babies around in like the Indians have had for centuries .
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