Example sentences of "[vb base] some of " in BNC.

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1 Although they display some of the characteristic properties of idioms , bound collocations are nevertheless , as far as we are concerned , lexically complex .
2 ‘ Try and bring some of your fellow workers with you , ’ said Randolph .
3 Bring some of your men up here .
4 Definitely bring some of that in remind me wo n't you , next week to go and buy some silly string
5 The other radicals who were present argued that they should join with the eleven newly elected people , ‘ reasoning that since we held the initiative we would be able to force the pace , drag some of them along in our wake and force the others quickly to resign ’ .
6 I still number some of them as personal friends all these years later , but at the time what struck me was their unbelievable competence and sheer quality compared with the wretchedly small scope they had been given in prewar Britain .
7 ‘ I regret some of the changes , but I think you 've got to accept them and move with the times , however unfortunate that may be . ’
8 We review some of the materials available .
9 In the next chapter , therefore , I review some of the things we know about brains .
10 We review some of the major schemes in Chapter Two .
11 Greenberg ( 1983 ) and a collection of papers in Greenberg ( 1987 ) review some of the literature on environmental epidemiology .
13 The second shake-up in the past 12 months is expected to streamline internal services and review some of the marketing structures .
14 To explore why developing countries have such difficulty in resolving these contradictory pulls , we first review some of the most pressing economic and competitive shifts .
15 On these pages we review some of the recent commercial successes which combine to form the foundation of our new business .
16 Let us first , however , review some of the main themes of established class-based relations in urban and regional studies and establish how they might be improved by our new perspective .
17 The authors also briefly review some of the earlier research and suggest that the conclusions appears to be conflicting .
18 These passages highlight some of the strategic and tactical problems involved in transferring the model of the Black movement in the United States to Northern Ireland .
19 While the institution I visited may not have been entirely ‘ typical ’ — indeed , was in a state with a relatively good record on prisons — the above observations highlight some of the difficult issues facing penal reformers in India .
20 In this issue of Health Action we highlight some of the challenges that arise in the collection and use of information and some of the experiences of people who are trying to meet those challenges .
21 The changes that have occurred since 1979 in the pattern of long term care for older people in Leicestershire , above and beyond the aging of the general population , highlight some of the challenges that many local authorities face in implementing the final phase of the ‘ Caring for People ’ community care reforms .
22 Two examples of these very different approaches , one concerned with community control of adult education the other with strengthening community and collective action , will , I hope , highlight some of the problems and difficulties , some of the tensions and contradictions in these efforts to reach the working-class with relevant education .
23 In this section we highlight some of the issues that arise in industrial policy .
24 The Scheme and the debates about it highlight some of the long-standing tensions in English educational policy .
25 Two of the recent decisions highlight some of the problems facing employees seeking to correlate the benefit the employer has gained with the size and nature of the latter 's business .
26 Many birds deliberately favour some of their young in a way that helps to match the number of babies they rear with the abundance or scarcity of food .
27 The themes and preoccupations of the ‘ racial ’ problem films of the fifties and sixties made by White film-makers in Britain articulate some of those fears about inter-racial relations and Black people 's presence here .
28 and when you try t in the past when I tried to find some way of imposing discipline , there is no way because quite rightly , you 're not allowed to strike children , I never wanted to and I I hardly ever did at one school where there was a marvellous spirit of give and take I used to whip off my little black velvet slipper occasionally and whack some of the larger boys about the top of the thigh .
29 A concerted effort on waste management could produce harmonious results and salvage some of the valuable manpower squandered by the present government in its purist attempts at national good housekeeping .
30 Know understand and evaluate some of the basic beliefs of Christianity
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