Example sentences of "[vb base] them to " in BNC.

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1 He preferred outwork : " In a factory you confine them to the hours the master pleases , in the cottage they work very often 15 or 16 hours . "
2 Removal of British troops from Northern Ireland or confine them to barracks .
3 And on the eighth day she shall take two turtledoves or two young pigeons and bring them to the priest , to the door of the tent of meeting .
4 On 11 February 1322 he recalled his favourites ; on 14 February he called upon Aymer de Valence , Earl of Pembroke , justice of the Forest south of Trent , to arm a ‘ suitable number ’ of foresters and bring them to Coventry .
5 The bishops hired spies and informers to track down dissenting preachers and bring them to trial .
6 The Rev. Owen could therefore use sign language , and together with another clergyman , encouraged the young man to seek out as many local deaf people as possible and bring them to church services .
7 It must have seemed to them that Marian and Allen had perished in the flames and their own immediate concern was to remove themselves from the danger of the roof falling in on their heads and from the certain consequence that so conspicuous a fire in the night would be seen by the outlaws and would sooner or later bring them to the scene .
8 ‘ The initial plan was to put companies together and bring them to the market . ’
9 And bring them to belief
10 Bring them to the forecourt .
11 In July Amnesty International called on the Uzbek authorities to ensure that the incidents were fully investigated and that every effort was made to identify the persons responsible and bring them to justice .
12 The four system units will be organised around products — mainframe computers , mid-range , self-service terminal systems and application software , and is intended significantly to cut the time it takes for products to get to market — the aim is to cut in half the time it takes to develop products and bring them to the market .
13 At one time , the officers if they saw the girls soliciting , used to arrest them , bring them to a police station , they 're finger print , photographed and dealt with .
14 A. McCormick summarizes the general opinion thus : ‘ probably the very crimes attributed to him were essential to terrorize his gang and bring them to subjection .
15 So let's just er to put it in context again , we saw that on the day of the ascension Jesus instructed his friends to go on proclaiming the good news throughout the world to help others become disciples , and bring to them , and bring them to membership of the church through baptism .
16 Prime Minister Mouloud Hamrouche on June 23 rejected FIS demands that the National Assembly be dissolved , saying that local elections could not " be translated politically on a national level " and that " the important thing is to deepen the reforms and bring them to fruition " .
17 Calling for " truth and justice " in the 90,000 unresolved cases throughout Latin America , Fedefam alleged that the practice of disappearance continued in Colombia , El Salvador , Guatemala and Peru and that the experience could easily recur in countries which had failed to apprehend the culprits and bring them to trial .
18 The EC can neither reverse current trends nor bring them to a halt .
19 What , and bring them to Newmarket ?
20 Bring them to the next lesson .
21 The plan was to rescue a coach load of Bosnian children from the fighting in the former Yugoslavia and bring them to the safety of England .
22 Er I 'm sure that er the Metropolitan Police will be doing everything possible to track down those who are responsible for this evil act and bring them to justice .
23 Find Gilleis and Adam for me , and bring them to the chapel .
24 You can link them to show that one task has to be completed before another can be started , and rearranging tasks if you make a mistake is no problem — you simply drag them to where you want them .
25 It has this name because it enables you to alter the order of slides — you just drag them to their required positions .
26 It is the characteristic of the Paraclete to bear witness to Jesus , to glorify Jesus , to take the things of Jesus and declare them to us ( John 15:26 , 16:13f ) .
27 Lending institutions now sell more and more of their mortgages to Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac , which in turn package them into securities and sell them to investors .
28 Under the deal , Binks Bullows was to buy a minimum number of the machines each year and sell them to its customers .
29 Se sell them to Africa and places yeah .
30 In other words , management must continue to develop their own professional skills and sell them to the best bidder .
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