Example sentences of "[det] [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 For a little while she 'd almost managed to forget about Marianne. , She should have known the other woman would n't allow that to remain the case for very long .
2 Certainly many new social policies were shortly to come , but these did little to disrupt the status quo ; indeed , many must be seen as designed to preserve it .
3 Mark Kleiman , of Harvard University , argues that Mr Bush 's policies , put in place soon after the peak in cocaine 's popularity , did little to affect a decline already under way .
4 Better still in these wet spring months , a liberal dousing of rain will do little to affect the Limited 's progress .
5 Meanwhile the 250 workers who remain at Thame can do little to affect the outcome .
6 Is that to fool the staff or fool the customers ?
7 My Lord the reason I to make it clear is not er unnecessarily it 's just that to enable a police had tried to not show anything , well we 've got the documents here and we 're very happy to receive them .
8 It does little to promote the general public understanding of the sport when riders whose only role will be in the supporting competitions are mixed in with those in pursuit of the World Cup .
9 Since the DFR was not a document of title , but merely a receipt and notice of shipment it did little to assure the consignee or bona fide purchaser of the goods that the shipper would not resell or reroute the goods in transit .
10 However , where the conversion into shares is probable , many companies maintain that to classify the bonds as liabilities would be misleading because , as no economic benefits ( cash ) will be transferred to the bond holders , there can be no liability .
11 His great plan did little to curb the spendthrift state .
12 There is also little to support the contention that teaching and research in medical schools are improved by mergers into multifaculty institutions with large departments of biological sciences .
13 Held , dismissing the appeal , that to sustain a plea of autrefois convict a defendant had to prove not only that he had already been found guilty of the offence charged by a court of competent jurisdiction , either by the decision of the court or verdict of the jury or entry of his own plea of guilty , but also that the court had finally disposed of the case by passing sentence or making some other order ; that since the proceedings on the first indictment had been discontinued before sentence had been passed there had been no final adjudication and the defendant had properly been convicted on the second indictment ; but that , in all the circumstances , particularly having regard to the lapse of time between trial and determination of the appeal to the Judicial Committee , it would be appropriate for the death sentence to be commuted ( post , pp. 931Dā€“E , 935H ) .
14 The three best in the judges ' opinion will receive two free tickets each to see the show .
15 ā€˜ They would need a bigger margin than that to mount a search down there at the bottom of the world .
16 One of the biggest problems in desktop publishing is that to archive a finished newsletter or whatever takes up an entire floppy disk for one issue ā€” and it 's even worse if you want to squirt the thing down the wire for someone else to print out .
17 Well , well I was just maybe wondering whether you might use a part of that to support the new cabinet
18 Boyd borrowed his parents ' car , brought Johnson up to the family home in New Jersey , and charged his friends a dollar each to attend the impromptu concert .
19 The failure to hold a vote fed rumours that some MPs had been paid up to US$10,000 each to disrupt the proceedings , and reinforced the belief that those who had benefited most from the coup were obstructing Aristide 's return .
20 On the other hand , although a herb garden grown entirely for its fragrances and aromas does little to conserve the environment , it will contain such plants as the scented roses ( the more strongly perfumed they are , the better ) ā€” the damask rose ( Rosa damascena ) , and the cabbage rose ( R. centifolia ) ; also lavender ; lily-of-the-valley ; jasmine ( Jasminum officinale ) ; and border pink ( Dianthus caryophyllus ) .
21 There can be no further argument , except perhaps to say that to preserve the symmetry and consistency of match conditions between first-class cricket and Test cricket , a tenet so assiduously sought by the working party in its proposals , the duration of Test matches should be reduced to four days !
22 Sociologists and doctors agree that to uproot an old person may cause severe trauma .
23 But having made the distinction clear between the two modes it is necessary now to acknowledge that to see the relationship always in terms of contrary orientations may be an oversimplification .
24 It was pointed out in Dann v Hamilton that the defence could apply in cases where : " the drunkenness of the driver at the material time is so extreme and so glaring that to accept a lift from him is like engaging in an intrinsically and obviously dangerous occupation , intermeddling with an unexploded bomb or walking along on the edge of an unfenced cliff " .
25 I mention these matters because they show that to accept the Woolwich principle in one or other of its forms would appear to involve a choice of what the law should be rather than a decision as to what it is .
26 The anti-investiture decree , however great its symbolic importance , did little to diminish the power of lay rulers over ecclesiastical appointments .
27 Reforms , like those carried out by the Younger Pitt , were impressive in their own terms but could do little to diminish the greater role of the Excise .
28 For one thing , any hopes my father may have had that to meet the General in person would arouse a sense of respect or sympathy to leaven his feelings against him proved without foundation .
29 At first sight , apart from a couple of interesting narrow limestone ridges in the Winnats Pass , the reef hills of the upper Dove and some broken buttresses on Mam tor and around Kinder downfall , the area may seem to offer little to whet the appetite of competent scramblers .
30 It maintains a list of files and their locations in memory , so that DOS can refer to that to find a file , rather than the file allocation table on your hard drive .
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