Example sentences of "[det] [subord] by " in BNC.

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1 Though Thomas was greatly revered he had never been well off , and now that he had retired from government advisory jobs he earned nothing much except by writing .
2 Mr Morton and his colleagues will have to answer some awkward questions , not least from small investors , many of whom bought into the company attracted by the perks and the sense of excitement as much as by a detailed understanding of the economics of the enterprise .
3 In this vast hall , which is partly encased in stone and partly in glass , the eye is invited by the plain and effective lines of the upper level as much as by the round-the-corner restaurant space with its oriental-seeming garden outside .
4 If the Government argues against full disclosure of information , it will be undermining the credibility of its environment policy almost as much as by splitting up the NCC .
5 Gomez had earned his status through the calm weight of his personality as much as by his physical strength and the inevitable accuracy of his firepower .
6 If US generic production seems more dynamic than that of the UK , it is because the economy is driven by difference as much as by repetition : while the one secures recognition of a welcome familiarity , the other differentiates this familiar object from all competitors and discovers the ‘ exploitation angles ’ which will make it different and completely unexpected within a genre and a medium which is all too familiar .
7 Responding to this question — by asking new questions as much as by offering solutions — is the purpose of this book .
8 ‘ Punched the sailor without so much as by th'leave !
9 The range of choices which are made available to the child may not be determined by the adult so much as by the nature of the interactions which are jointly established between adult and child .
10 What do you think you 're doing coming in here without so much as by your leave ? ’
11 Diffusing knowledge and acquiring it are as much an art as a science , processes influenced by variables which can not be measured as much as by those which can .
12 So I am constrained by my material world — the practicalities of my material circumstances — just as much as by my physical world .
13 This dynamic process of class reproduction is also known by the term ‘ class structuration ’ , again an idea drawing attention to the fact that class exists by virtue of the creative agency of social actors as much as by any determination of the workings of the economic system .
14 The advice given by these advisers would properly have been guided by expediency as much as by any rules of interpretation and as such can not be taken to represent a body of thought about dreaming .
15 The change to a real coalition in 1916 had been occasioned by the need to give Lloyd George a freer hand as much as by concern for structures .
16 Edward pushed forward the bounds of secular authority usually in reaction to some clerical move or in defence of the needs and customs of royal government ; but as much as by the king this boundary was advanced by his subjects , whether suing for their individual rights and interests through the king 's courts or acting as royal justices , and not a few of these aggressive subjects were in fact clergy themselves .
17 ‘ Oh , for goodness sake ! ’ exclaimed Helen , maddened by the recalcitrance of the meat as much as by her brother .
18 A monkey-glander , essence of queen bees ; and intense by choice and exercise as much as by nature .
19 Sally-Anne sometimes thought that her career as a housemaid had been sparked off by that remark as much as by anything else — that and discovering how hard life was in the East End , and her determination to write about it from the inside , rather than as a privileged outsider looking in .
20 Giggling like a child , rueful self-mockery etched on every line of her face , she applauded when a shout went up , joined in the disappointed groans when it proved a false alarm , commiserated with a rather determined little girl who had wandered into her own area of search and who thought she should have found one by now , and , thoroughly amused , by herself as much as by others , she whole-heartedly entered into the spirit of the thing .
21 That is welcomed by those who work in the public service as much as by those who use it .
22 The consequences of technical change are influenced at least as much as by the objectives that managers seek to achieve in introducing change .
23 But this was because the outside world insisted on ostracising them at least as much as by any choice of their own .
24 For , as we noted , the association of particular accents ( realized by proportions of phonological variables ) with particular social or geographical communities is generally not part of an intentional message ( Labov ( 1972a ) argues that such variables are only very partially under conscious control ) , nor are such social significances associated with linguistic forms by arbitrary synchronic convention so much as by regular historical and social process .
25 ‘ I 've never pursued any man in my life ! ’ she flared , stung by his disparaging ‘ dear ’ as much as by what he seemed to believe .
26 This particular person had found the shock so great that she had not been able to acknowledge it at all except by taking this evading action .
27 Thus many though by no means all European States had at their disposal means of recruiting by compulsion considerable numbers of men for military service .
28 I 'd got out of that because by the time I got home she was gone .
29 See I do n't see erm them shifting very much for that because by the time you 've got a bloke out paid his wages , paid for the the erm skip shifter , transporter you know .
30 Because it obliges you to sit down and make a careful observation of the chosen subject , you discover so much more than by just pointing a camera .
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