Example sentences of "[det] [subord] to " in BNC.

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1 The great majority of its members were more attracted to this than to the abuse from the Communists or to the dissensions of the ILP .
2 This habit is more natural to some than to others , but conscious discipline is needed to extend it into every aspect of the farm .
3 This may come more naturally and easily to some than to others , but it is possible that where a prolonged conscious effort has been made to tap this creative source , greater understanding and appreciation result than where only little work has been needed .
4 Though in some ways Colin was quite close to his drivers — closer to some than to others — he was , in financial matters , something of a cheese-parer and though his sponsors were generally reasonably generous , even at the height of Lotus 's reputation he neither enjoyed the kind of largesse available to some teams nor , with his many other commitments and his fairly flamboyant life style , could devote all of what he did receive to his team .
5 POU-homeodomains are more closely related to one another than to other homeodomain proteins ( 1 ) and can interact weakly with DNA .
6 The council was responding as much to this as to real economic circumstance .
7 Some of the girls had been looking forward to this as to the highlight of the trip , but Clara had been dreading it , and for a classic reason , which was that she had nothing nice to wear .
8 No longer can there be a neat and tidy debate in the pages of august journals such as this as to the benefits , or otherwise , of the new product .
9 I B M , U K has long established policies for managing its corporate social responsibility , and as I said earlier , applies the same principles to this as to any other business activity .
10 There seems to be some confusion in the minds of some as to the purpose of seeking consent from a patient ( whether adult or child ) or from someone with authority to give that consent on behalf of the patient .
11 They like foreigners so much that they dispute with one another as to who shall have and treat a foreigner in his house .
12 Over vast distances the monotonies , as well as the varieties and contrasts , elide with such painful gradualness one into another as to be scarcely noticeable .
13 I have no evidence one way or another as to the extent of risk of an episode occurring within five weeks but realism and commonsense tell me that there is a reasonable possibility that it will not and that even if he does unfortunately suffer such a trauma , he will if his life has to be preserved by artificial means , recover sufficiently for a decision at the main hearing as to further mechanical ventilation for the future .
14 The shutters ' anchor points had to be welded to the hull and , especially at the stern where the windows wrapped round Wavebreaker 's counter , the bolts looked intrusive and ugly , but better that than to be a good-looking boat fifty fathoms down and still sinking .
15 Instead of manufacturer 's servicing it 's just an oil change and level check , that 's all it is , every three months , three thousand miles , because bearing in mind that these vehicles will be over five years and sixty thousand miles it 's less onerous to the customer to have that than to be forced into having a manufacturer service which they probably ca n't afford .
16 The gradual assimilation of minority nationalities , moreover , has operated less to the advantage of the Russian population as such than to the advantage of the larger nationalities in general , Russians included .
17 The words took time to sink in — to herself as much as to the rest .
18 As one is encouraged to endorse broad humanitarian concerns , one is also expected to respond not so much to specific songs or artists so much as to generic types of music .
19 There is nothing a woman wants so much as to be in love , and the odds are very much against two ‘ right ’ people ever finding each other .
20 But his evidence does not read to his discredit nearly so much as to the discredit of the committee .
21 Afterwards he reflected on the preacher 's dilemma : ‘ If he is a strong man , the possessor of popular gifts , he will be treated with plenty of consideration ; but the consideration is not due to his office so much as to his personal qualities . ’
22 These are of interest to horticulturalists and gardeners , as much as to those who come to see the animals .
23 What is at stake in this , and in the work of a number of other writers whom Neale acknowledged , is a sensitivity to generic difference as much as to repetition , and , in particular , to generic difference which can not simply be assigned to the magical agency of authorship .
24 His old eyes behind smudged spectacles talked to the seagulls and the North Sea as much as to me .
25 My own view is that , if you want really high-quality fish , and can possibly afford them , now is the time to buy , Good , old-fashioned haggling is supposed to be alien to the British nature , but we are rediscovering the art — which applies to Koi just as much as to motor cars or kitchen units !
26 A gable roof is implied by such an arrangement and the number of posts may relate to the presence or absence of vertical side-walls as much as to the size and weight of the roof ( Figure 2.2 ) .
27 This imperative applies to both employers and employees as much as to those Christians at work in a secular context .
28 Grappling with this problem has led us to reject a sharp either/or dichotomy in terms of innate versus cultural , and instead to posit the existence in human beings of innate potentialities and capacities — as well as innate constraints — that may be turned to peaceful as much as to warlike ends , potentialities and capacities that are necessarily set within the particularity of a moral and semantic universe .
29 We all have to trust members of other trades to ply their trades on our behalf , and this applies to bus drivers , food packers , and car mechanics as much as to doctors , dentists and lawyers .
30 But theoretically , the significance was still greater : the traditional Western bar on the ordination of the married had always applied to the diaconate as much as to the priesthood ( and for the same initial reason : marriage involving the practice of sex was regarded as causing pollution ) .
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