Example sentences of "[det] [prep] which " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , these things will be brought into the present not as just any history or teaching , but as that through which God is supremely known .
2 It was that through which he must pass next .
3 The adjective beautiful , for example , denotes a quality which can be found in many different objects and therefore does not by itself indicate the nature of that about which it is said .
4 I have really nothing else to say , except to draw attention to the inherently contradictory nature of that for which you appear to be asking .
5 This central registry with its annual guide set standards of value for money ( ‘ ample helpings ’ was a common form of praise in the early , newly-derationed days ) and a little more sophistication of taste than that for which British boarding schools and service canteens had trained the middle classes .
6 Richard Baxter summed up his life in these words , ‘ Weakness and pain helped me to study how to die ; that set me on studying how to live ; beginning with necessities , I proceeded by degrees , and now I am going to see that for which I have lived and studied . ’
7 He himself ‘ presses on ( strains forward ) to take hold of that for which Jesus Christ took hold of me ’ ( Phil .
8 proposed usage would be different from that for which the premises were let .
9 It has to be said that it is an austere document which , although well designed and printed , offers little more than that for which it was intended .
10 Conservatives ( and Christian feminists also to some extent ) seek alternative ways in which the female can be symbolized in the religion , ways which it must be thought are less than satisfactory , and which become increasingly unsatisfactory as that for which women stand in our society changes .
11 By 1910 ) there were 155 pupils on the roll ; although this was only five more than that for which the original buildings had been designed , and there was now also the extra Sykes classroom , the Board of Education indicated that there was serious overcrowding and something would have to be done : the School fell considerably short of modern standards , and unless the Governors could provide suitable accommodation , the grant would not be paid after July 1915 .
12 Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence .
13 Where the process is used for some purpose other than that for which it is intended , the distinction between an error of judgment and an abuse of process may be rather fine .
14 But , having given permission and encouraged the port authority and dock company to move in and operate a port , which is a major long term undertaking , it is hardly reasonable to seek to stop or materially limit it without compensation and when the dock company is doing no more than making a success of that for which permission was granted .
15 This means the time they spend in the public sector is often much less than that for which they are contracted .
16 These seem to me considerations that should be taken with a seriousness at least equal to that for which the case in favour of the study of language has been urged .
17 In 1938 he won a scholarship to Merton College , Oxford , where his influential tutor was Edmund Blunden [ q.v. ] , soldier-poet of an earlier war than that for which Douglas enlisted in 1940 .
18 There are many cases which end up being settled at a figure considerably higher than that for which the case might have settled , say , 1–2 years previously .
19 Note , too , that this size is marginally smaller than that for which you were asked to quote .
20 The price of 36s. has thus some claim to be called the true equilibrium price : because if it were fixed on at the beginning , and adhered to throughout , it would exactly equate demand and supply ( i.e. the amount which buyers were willing to purchase at that price would be just equal to that for which sellers were willing to take that price ) ; and because every dealer who has a perfect knowledge of the circumstances of the market expects that price to be established .
21 Into this imaginary world of people unable to learn from their market experience let us now introduce a group of outsiders who are themselves neither would-by sellers nor would-be buyers , but who are able to perceive opportunities for entrepreneurial profits ; that is , they are able to see where a good can be sold at a price higher than that for which it can be bought .
22 I hope that the results of the public inquiry will be announced shortly and that the advance works on the link can be started before the end of the year , although that depends wholly on the outcome of the general election , because , as I said , the Opposition are committed to reducing expenditure on roads and vital pieces of road infrastructure such as that for which my hon. Friend rightly argues would be threatened by a Labour Government .
23 When Mr. Millan was Secretary of State for Scotland he administered them in exactly the same way as that for which he criticises us .
24 Any amendment to the law that provides an aggravated penalty for someone who could not have foreseen that for which he is sentenced must be wrong .
25 If you change any of these keywords to provide an increased usage of LIFESPAN beyond that for which you are licensed ( ie. increase the number of nodes that can access LIFESPAN or increase the number of concurrent users ) , then you must contact SST Technical Support for the new LICENCEKEY entry .
26 These principles are expressed as follows : ( 13 ) The co-operative principle make your contribution such as is required , at the stage at which it occurs , by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged ( 14 ) The maxim of Quality try to make your contribution one that is true , specifically : ( i ) do not say what you believe to be false ( ii ) do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence ( 15 ) The maxim of Quantity ( i ) make your contribution as informative as is required for the current purposes of the exchange ( ii ) do not make your contribution more informative than is required ( 16 ) The maxim of Relevance make your contributions relevant ( 17 ) The maxim of Manner be perspicuous , and specifically : ( i ) avoid obscurity ( ii ) avoid ambiguity ( iii ) be brief ( iv ) be orderly In short , these maxims specify what participants have to do in order to converse in a maximally efficient , rational , co-operative way : they should speak sincerely , relevantly and clearly , while providing sufficient information .
27 Conservative in , three times that for which we put on for and let me remind you again that out of that seventeen pounds , you put eleven on , not us , you put it on .
28 In many cases the word ‘ intent ’ is used without elaboration , but there are some for which a full explanation of the meaning of intention is necessary .
29 In some cases , these loans were of theses which had already been checked , but there were some new records , and some for which access had not otherwise been possible .
30 There was a silence after this during which both of them tried to integrate this information but could not .
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