Example sentences of "[det] [art] work " in BNC.

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1 Was this the work of Rose 's killer ?
2 By doing this the work of the council is expedited and the officers of the council are able to get on with the instructions of the committee without waiting for confirmation by the council of the decisions of the committee .
3 Is all this the work of dragons ?
4 In fact , in winds of Force 3 to 5 it only does about half the work in getting your weight over the back foot , the rest is up to you .
5 Apparently this did not produce the desired reaction from Stanley , so Wyatt went on 17th December to see Scott who , with a disarming naïveté , immediately agreed to a proposal from Wyatt that he should take him on as an equal partner and relinquish half the work to him .
6 He is the former production manager of British Die Casting which in 1973 employed 143 at Chirton and was quoted in The shields News Guardian on 26 May 1988 as saying : ‘ We are producing double the output of the old British Die Casting with half the work force . ’
7 Most of Rory 's pals in London were in the International Marxist Croup , but here he was ; wandering the hills with an upper class dingbat who just happened to be married to his sister and who lived for huntin' , shootin' and fishin' ( and seemed to spend the absolute minimum amount of time in his castle with his wife ) , and who had just last year rationalised half the work force in the glass factory out of a job .
8 This is a new examination to be taken alongside A levels , involving about half the work of an A level , and aimed at broadening the curriculum .
9 the formula assumes that at any er as as of the first of April , half the work has been done on all erm files then outstanding , we 've gone into this before , where er we think that that 's er er a correct statistical way of erm dealing with things , if therefore you cut the number of er files which are going in , then erm , er I take it if you 're cutting the number of stage two files which are being passed over , and that 's the area where you 're most fighting at er at time we hope , and it has a very , very considerable impact on workload for next year .
10 And Jason has something in common with half the work force here .
11 Also useful are land charters , law codes , some the work of Archbishop Wulfstan of York , and Wulfstan 's other writings , together with those of the scholar Ælfric , monk of Cerne in Dorset , and from 1005 abbot of Eynsham .
12 This is designed for situations where for one reason or another the work can not be fully described in advance and therefore a price can not be agreed .
13 For one thing , it paid better than she could believe , and for another the work seemed to be something she could really get her teeth into .
14 It was the first time our national and international network had gathered together in one place and made us all realise just how much the work has grown . ’
15 The scholar who completes such a work thus has an edge on other writers , so a preface can be read with the respect due to a first-hand account of the works concerned and a considered piece of reflective criticism .
16 When news of the wonderful changes brought about in Kidderminster at this time spread , it won the approval of Anabaptists and Independents who hardly believed it possible that such a work of God could take place through the ministry of a parish church .
17 What avail for the artist to denounce such a work ?
18 I guess that one would not normally expect such a work to plumb the depths , or explore an emotional range equivalent to a full-scale symphony .
19 Each has known the struggle and patient endurance of beginning such a work .
20 As early as 1746 he had pondered such a work , writing in his preface to the Ode for Musick on St. Cecilia 's Day of the ‘ fine subject … that is David 's playing to King Saul when he was troubled with the evil Spirit ’ .
21 He made such thorough notes that it was then no great labour to produce a similar Biographical Register for Cambridge ( 1963 ) — in 1958 he estimated that such a work could be completed within eighteen months — and a more summary Survey of Dominicans in England , based on the Ordination Lists in Episcopal Registers ( 1268–1538 ) ( Rome , 1967 ) .
22 The author of such a work is the person who makes the arrangements for the work to be created .
23 And suddenly I caught sight of this … prat sailing down the Cam back towards Cambridge in a punt , with a girl doing all the work , while he reclined at the exact angle , trying to play a chord and strum a tune …
24 as if all the work of the past four months had only been a dream , the cutting and the drilling , the painting , the moulding of the lead wire .
25 Twenty-two athletes spend five days for the most part watching their teammates do all the work , and at the end of it all , everyone is quite happy to settle for a draw .
26 Forearm training is frequently omitted because of all the work the forearms do while training other body parts .
27 One head said : ‘ Careers officers and pupils have to do all the work
28 He reckons he 's having to do all the work , write all the songs .
29 Because of a combination of so many unknowns , we , or should I say they — Pete and Dick did all the work , I just made the bikes — made a total cock-up of ability and distance .
30 ln terms of productive hours , we 've achieved 2,320 hours , excluding all the work done in Canada and Soltau . ’
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