Example sentences of "[vb pp] our [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 President Gorbachev 's record as fairy godmother to the cause of democratic revolution , first in Beijing and now in East Berlin , may have caught our fancy in the West , but to some in Moscow he must seem more of a wicked stepmother , turning the achievements of Socialism to dust wherever he goes .
2 But when we bring it out and examine it more closely it usually proves to be only trash whose glitter had caught our attention .
3 The Drosophila studies have not solved the memory problem , but they have certainly supplemented our understanding of its biochemical mechanisms .
4 I had never realised quite how the Iron Curtain distorted our perception of geography , making Prague , which lies west of Vienna , seem so eastern European .
5 We have so distorted our conception of higher education that it is difficult to realize the point .
6 Well of course I 've been saying for some time now , for some time , and I want to underline that , and I hope the government are listening that we 've had twenty thousand troops on our streets , we 've twelve thousand armed policemen on our streets , we have the strictest security laws in Western Europe , and none of these things have solved our problem .
7 There 's this old girl at er the top of the road you know , got them , she planted them half way down her garden , right , when they 'd grown to about six foot high she said we could have the rest of their garden , so we did , that 's how come our garden 's so big cos people give our , give us the garden
8 It 's he 's took our life over in a certain respect
9 I have not forgotten our conversation about the need to get serious global environmental problems across to ‘ ordinary people in Wales ’ at a very personal level .
10 She had forgotten our language .
11 And we 've designed our defence system to prevent just that possibility . ’
12 JC : Kenneth Green had designed our production of Cosi fan tutte which had been a great success .
13 So far we have considered our capital outlay on land purchase , land improvements , livestock , machinery , equipment , and buildings , and decided how this will be spread over the ‘ build-up ’ years .
14 So if I was to say we 've we 've picked our area , what potential instructions do we have do you think , let's say we 've got a good , quite now , what potential instruction do we have with that particular area , that arena rather ?
15 I have played in Jamaica where a guard with a machine gun has boarded our team bus — my main concern then was that he would n't be able to shoot straight . ’
16 But , to take it in it 's totality , like Paul we can say , we 've committed our life to him .
17 ‘ Two other factors will make us a better team this season — Keith Finlay has come back to the club from North Fermanagh and that has stiffened our batting while Tony Johnson from Barbados is a superb all rounder . ’
18 here we are articifial snow it even makes snowballs … hope you 've enjoyed our ski-ing this afternoon next week we 're out on the River Thames for the Boat race
19 It had been traditional weather , with snow and frosty mornings to highlight the glittering hilly landscape of North Derbyshire , where we had enjoyed our Christmas holiday .
20 ‘ We 've enjoyed our stay at the top and we want to stay there .
21 Moreover , for these firms we have confined our analysis to their Scotch Whisky business .
22 This need for the father probably goes back to an earlier stage of childhood than the phallic-Oedipal one to which we have so far confined our attention .
23 So far we have confined our attention to convergent margins where two plates are in motion towards each other .
24 Until we have resolved our uncertainty about what values these modern legal developments represent , our hesitation in embarking upon a radical break with established legal doctrine is surely justified .
25 The accounts of defence spending give no indication at all of this : as a previous example explained , the ‘ receipts ’ may well include capital receipts which have eroded our ability to maintain defence facilities .
26 I thought you said you 'd booked our flight ! ’
27 We have both shed our school tunics and are wearing uniform of a different kind : blue jeans , and T-shirts and black PVC macs , which now hang like oil slicks on the back of the door .
28 Each year has deepened our understanding of the way the processes of development impact upon the environment .
29 A day-trip from Phuket had only whetted our appetite and we had left that tourist ghetto by local bus and moved into a hot and grubby Chinese hotel in Phang Nga town .
30 ‘ No other man has approached our convent walls , nor have travellers or pedlars reported anyone on the roads .
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