Example sentences of "[vb pp] also [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Yet conventional categories can be modified also to allow for change in concepts and attitudes .
2 ( German companies were reported also to have supplied equipment for Iraq 's Scud missile programme . )
3 The 1801 provision was originally designed also to embrace ordained clergymen of the united established Church of England and Ireland .
4 Moreover , it is permissible to make objects multi-functional , for example where a speed-bump is designed also to attract children 's play .
5 Much of that public sector support has been designed also to attract investment from private enterprise .
6 Presumably they were expected also to save money for the shipowners .
7 Its original preferred candidate was Ryzhkov , but fears were expressed at the meeting that if elected Ryzhkov would cede the post to Gorbachev , and it was therefore decided also to nominate Vadim Bakatin , the USSR Internal Affairs Minister .
8 The grants applied to houses both for letting and selling , and the local authorities were empowered also to give help to private builders .
9 On the morning of the 28th the Emperor arrived at the tiny railway station accompanied by the Empress and by the 14-year-old Prince Imperial , who , like his father , was wearing military uniform , since he was destined also to go to Metz .
10 Perhaps it was felt also to have a wider , more general meaning .
11 Moves to resolve differences on the CFE treaty were said also to have been encouraged by Soviet President Gorbachev who was reported to be keen to clear remaining obstacles in the way of a US-Soviet summit meeting [ see pp. 37945 ; 37979 ] .
12 The UK government was said also to have agreed to provide aid for the repatriation of Afghan refugees in Pakistan .
13 The government was said also to have acted under pressure from hard-liners in the ruling Congress ( I ) who favoured the blanket dismissal of all BJP ministries .
14 One of the officers who responded to Miss Wilson 's emergency call and was involved in the man 's arrest , PC Paul Giles , was said also to have arrested Mr Quinn .
15 It was seen also to reflect the growing strength of the fundamentalist lobby within ANAP believed to be led by a Minister of State , Mehmet Kececiler , who had campaigned publicly for more Islam-oriented legislation .
16 As well as acting he has moved also to take on Artistic Directorship of his own company , Compass .
17 They can be used also to compare long- , medium- and short-term programmes , which fundamentally very simple calculation .
18 ‘ Chance ’ trade is the term used also to describe the business which comes from guests who take meals or drinks in the hotel which are not included in the terms of their reservation and has to be charged to them .
19 But the corso used also to exist in Austria . ’
20 The group used also to frequent the Bal Bullier , a popular Parisian dance hall .
21 E. Government money is being used also to develop a large airport , for international and UK flights , at Manchester .
22 Early evidence of the musical progress of the two children survives in the form of a small music book ( 3 ) prepared by Leopold , initially for Nannerl 's use , but subsequently used also to indicate the works learnt by the four-year-old Mozart and to record his earliest compositions , K.1a-d .
23 You have to try and improve trading skills and efficiency and it is vital to maintain organized groups of women and men who are committed to fighting locally and at all levels for ordinary decent decency and simple justice in the way people are treated of course , but we have got also to find ways of getting together to face those problems no one knows how to solve .
24 Appropriate knowledge and communication skills ( information-giving , teaching , counselling ) are required for these activities and skill is needed also to decide which communication approach is relevant to the circumstances .
25 Female choice is thought also to explain the evolution of bizarre , highly exaggerated displays , such as those of peacocks and other pheasants .
26 We are honoured also to have among our Charity Gala Committee prominent Americans , including Mrs Lise Besthoff , Mr Frank C. Grace , Mr Mark Fehrs Haukohl , Mrs Evelyn Lauder , Mr William McNaught , Mr Charles McVeigh III , Mrs Charles H. Price II , Dr Shirley Sherwood , Mr James Sherwood , Mrs Edward Streator and Mrs Arthur Sulzberger .
27 The Government 's beer orders were intended also to create extra competition for drinkers , a better standard of service in pubs , more choice and lower prices .
28 Thus the Labour government 's nationalisation programme was intended also to facilitate post-war regional policy .
29 The Soviet initiatives on the Gulf and the Mediterranean are the best statements of what neutralisation on Soviet terms implies for Third World regions , although the Mediterranean proposal was intended also to include European states .
30 They were understood also to have considered Iraqi objections to a proposal to export oil through Turkey [ see p. 38548 ] , with a pipeline fee of US$264,000,000 to be paid directly to the Turkish company , Botas , from the UN 's planned escrow account .
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