Example sentences of "[vb pp] into question " in BNC.

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1 Companies have shouldered too much debt , to play their own financial games or to avoid being taken over ; the balance of risk and reward has become skewed ; the ethics of advisers and intermediaries have come into question ; the market has departed from good sense and sound financial principles , and has passed , with Alice , into a looking-glass world in which words , prices and obligations mean only what people claim they mean , nothing more .
2 Our Sunday Trading laws have come into question as a result of a possible conflict with Article 30 of the Treaty of Rome .
3 BIRMINGHAM 'S ROLE as 1992 European City Of Music has come into question after the local council served an injunction on one of its own venues last week , preventing promoters from putting on live shows .
4 It 's environmental benefits may be undisputed , but it seems its suitability for the car engine has now come into question .
5 It has to be reinserted into questions of historical change and of the character of the general social order .
6 This incident was an isolated one , but it served to highlight the overlap between the possible measures of performance that had been considered ; an undetected error not only slowed down the payment of the expenses , but could also have bought into question the honesty of the individual and thus affected the status of the section head .
7 The magnitude of the NLD 's victory placed into question the validity of the SLORC 's stricture that the sole purpose of the election was to establish a Constituent Assembly without legislative power , whose task would be to draw up a new constitution before power could be handed over to a " strong " government , generally interpreted as meaning one acceptable to the military .
8 There 's an in er a strong tendency to call the the testimony of people who 've been abused into question in this way .
9 Similarly , it is shrewd of him to play for the internationalist vote after a prolonged period of sullen Little Englandism during which Labour threatened to withdraw from the Common Market and called into question this country 's role within Nato .
10 In a statement , the foreign ministers said political and economic reforms in Poland and Hungary had made considerable progress but added : ‘ The process remains fragile and could be called into question by economic problems .
11 There may have been press briefings by regulatory bodies during and after the Blue Arrow inquiry which he said called into question their impartiality .
12 Nigel Lawson , a former chancellor , suggested that the government 's indecision over the poll tax called into question its ability to govern .
13 Rules of antiquity ( such as the definition of rape , and the marital exemption ) , of modernity ( such as the definition of incest ) , and of recent creation ( such as the doctrine of mistake in rape ) are being called into question .
14 His judgment was called into question earlier this year when he sang on a chat show just hours after an IRA bomb killed eight building workers in Co Tyrone .
15 But whenever the behaviour of either Christians or Muslims was to be challenged in the future , the Covenant itself would inevitably be called into question .
16 Representation is called into question : the fictional status of the text being produced is repeatedly acknowledged .
17 As respects England and Wales or Northern Ireland , any provision in an Act passed before 1st August 1958 that any order or determination shall not be called into question in any court , or any provision in such an Act which by similar words excludes any of the powers of the High Court , shall not have effect so as to prevent the removal of the proceedings into the High Court by order of certiorari or to prejudice the powers of the High Court to make orders of mandamus .
18 In 1970 , an all-party Committee of the Council had been set up to examine the future of the tramway ; rising costs had once again called into question the future of winter tramway operations .
19 For example , it differentiated between the letters i and j , and u and v , which had previously caused confusion and even today transcriptions of ancient documents are being called into question , particularly in the matter of family names .
20 But this had been increasingly called into question : women campaigned for equality , divorced people and unmarried parents became more assertive , and theologians showed that what had been claimed as universal truths often arose from particular cultures and societies .
21 Some of these arguments have called into question methods of accounting for capital instruments used for many years which had previously appeared uncontroversial .
22 A senior official at BCCI raised doubts about the authenticity of certain loans , particularly those made on the security of shares in CCAH , the parent company of First American , and called into question BCCI management information given to the auditors .
23 ‘ When a gospel is presented that explicitly or implicitly teaches that becoming a citizen of the Kingdom of God requires a denial of peoplehood , its authenticity must be called into question ’ ( Wagner 1978 ) .
24 Under pressure of emerging economic and imperial rivalries during the last quarter of the nineteenth century , many of the underlying assumptions of Cobdenism were called into question .
25 The proposed merger called into question Britain 's civil aviation policy of the previous twenty years .
26 Tory leader Tony Briggs said : ‘ It has brought the council into disrepute and his own judgment must be called into question . ’
27 The success of the modernisation drive was called into question as was the security of party leaders who supported the developmentalist line .
28 The ‘ Heshang ’ ( ‘ River Elegy ’ ) television series broadcast in June 1988 was an example of intellectual exploration whose conclusions caused controversy among party and non-party members and called into question how far criticisms of official policy could extend .
29 Before long , his judgment was called into question over ‘ favours from friends ’ .
30 Many UN General Assembly resolutions have called into question the legality of the first use , or indeed all use , of nuclear weapons ( Schindler and Toman , 1981 , pp. 121 and 129 ) .
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