Example sentences of "[vb pp] into [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Or he may be planning to sell , in which case he can risk a dinner party without being trapped into intimacy .
2 If allowed to remain this waste matter will eventually get trapped into pockets by fibres deep in your skin leading to the familiar spongy , dimpled skin texture known as cellulite .
3 It is important to be open and not be trapped into promises which will have to be broken later .
4 She was not to be trapped into suspicion again ; if he knew his power so well that his presence was unnecessary , that was enough for her .
5 No doubt voices will be raised in support of such measures , but I must urge the Secretary of State not to be hustled into steps that can only aggravate the situation .
6 The religious police ( mutawa ) were recently pricked into action by the horrifying sight of Saudi women demonstrating for the right to drive .
7 When had he ever had to be pricked into action before ?
8 In their ninth round , the talks in Washington may have limped into phase two .
9 For very young children our Multivitamin Liquid can be mixed into milk or diluted fruit juice , or simply given on a spoon .
10 The intensity of the colour achieved is also much greater , as the shades become of necessity slightly diluted when mixed into icing .
11 fresh or dried leaf , in a sauce or jelly to accompany roast meats , and rubbed on to meat before grilling or roasting ; with salads , mixed into cheeses , in summer drinks , as part of bouquet garni , and mixed herbs , in chutney
12 The development of industrial capitalism came later and more quickly ; there were continuing influxes of working-class immigrants from ‘ backward ’ parts of Europe ; in the South , isolated rural-proletarian and quasi-feudal cultures persisted ; the vitality of a ‘ popular-bourgeois ’ culture , embracing workers and higher social strata , continued into the twentieth century , when European equivalents were long dead or distorted into passivity .
13 Their faces are often distorted into gargoyle shapes that appear hideous to us until we see them for what they are , exquisitely fashioned instruments for beaming ultrasound in desired directions .
14 Frighteningly , the whole fabric of her being was distorted into shades of midnight and lightnings of pain sheathed every nerve in her body .
15 He lifted his head , but still without looking at me ; his huge hands were clenched into fists .
16 She advanced on Maybelle , her hands clenched into fists , as she had advanced on her little brothers , sometimes seriously , sometimes in play .
17 He walked away , his whole body rigid with tension , his hands clenched into fists , his face like a mask .
18 Paul took a threatening step forward , then paused , his big hands clenched into fists of rage .
19 His hands clenched into fists .
20 What seemed a daunting quantity of hard male muscle clenched into action as he sat up and swung his long legs to the ground .
21 After casting about in vain for several minutes to pick up their quarry 's lost line , their frustration had abated into impatience and Satan had led the pack off in the direction of the tree-line to the westward .
22 As with any other graphics card , the drivers for the NT must be installed into Windows , which is done from the Windows Setup program .
23 So , it is far safer for the child in your car if , even though the law does not require it , rear seat belts or restraints are specially installed into cars where they have not been automatically fitted from new .
24 His ‘ Caesar ’ hair-cut was brilliantined into kiss-curls framing a face that had nasty carved all over it , and rumour had it that people who crossed him were never seen again .
25 If the world 's 1984 stockpile of nuclear weapons were compressed into bombs of the size dropped on Hiroshima , it would take 4,600 years to go through them all if they were let off at the rate of one a day .
26 Snow falling on the mountain sides gathered in hollows and was compressed into ice .
27 The report also says that Intel is to release a revision of its Indeo video compression technology , which is claimed to increase compression ratios fivefold over the current version ( enabling one minute of video to be compressed into 1Mb of data ) .
28 These expansions are compressed into booms , followed by slumps , over the fifty-year cycles because innovations are bunched into compressed periods .
29 When the soil expands again in spring the contents of the cracks are compressed into wedges .
30 Abrasive pads : These are random nylon fibres coated with adhesive to which abrasive particles are bonded with the whole being compressed into sheets and cut to size .
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