Example sentences of "[vb pp] if a " in BNC.

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1 This is not much of a problem , as colours can be varied if a simple identification is sought .
2 Indeed they may well risk their pale-faced prodigy again in the match against Egypt today — even though this must be won if a vital quarter-final seeding place is to be secured .
3 The principal offence , located at the time of field work in the Rivers ( Prevention of Pollution ) Act 1951 , s.2 , is committed if a person ‘ causes or knowingly permits to enter a stream any poisonous , noxious or polluting matter …
4 The errant owner is quickly reminded if a meal or a walk is overdue .
5 The job can be greatly simplified if a few short lengths of plastic tubing are kept in stock .
6 That is about what would be expected if a short burst of neutrons with a range of energies had to travel a long distance ; the slower , less-energetic neutrons would lag behind those with more energy .
7 Indeed , until the ecumenical era of the 1960s , few catholics in Ireland were prepared to put before themselves some of the political religious issues which would have to be resolved if a united Ireland or accommodation to a separate political entity in Ulster were to become a possibility .
8 The situation would be resolved if a transfusion were required .
9 Patients were included if a gastric or duodenal peptic ulcer with a non-bleeding visible vessel was identified .
10 A joint tenancy is severed if a joint tenant disposes of his interest inter vivos .
11 The use of an experienced Patent Agent is highly recommended if a patent application is being considered .
12 LIVERPOOL and Manchester airports could be amalgamated if a high speed rail link was built between them , a planning chief has suggested .
13 LIVERPOOL and Manchester airports could be amalgamated if a high speed rail link is built between the two , a planning chief has suggested .
14 The pilot study , which resembled the main survey as closely as possible , revealed that the questions , covering letter and coding frame presented no difficulties , but that several nurses did not own rulers for measuring ulcers ; and that inducements to respond , effective reminders , and problems of distribution had to be considered if a high response rate was to be achieved .
15 One other possibility that is sometimes considered if a camera is available in an institution is local production of teaching materials .
16 President Chadli Benjedid , at a March 13 press conference , said that there was no question of dissolving parliament at present , but that this could be considered if a consensus were to emerge on the matter ; legislative elections were due in 1992 but could be brought forward if necessary , and Chadli accepted the possibility of the ruling National Liberation Front ( Front de libération nationale — FLN ) finding itself in a minority after such elections .
17 But its lethal potential could be eradicated if a new formulation incorporating methionine , a harmless compound used in treating overdose victims , is granted approval by the Committee on safety of Medicines ( methionine is an amino acid ) .
18 ‘ I should think , ’ said Henry , ‘ you would have noticed if a patient of yours was diagnosed as having polyneuritis .
19 The above examples demonstrate what can be done if a ballet is to communicate meaning beyond that of distinguishing between the world of the flesh and that of the spirit .
20 Finsbury Park or the Euston Road , but more serious damage could be done if a fatty was seen wearing a bad pair of trainers by the opposing teams ' fashion spotters .
21 As Boxes 1 and 2 make clear , there is a great deal that needs to be done if a residential area is to be designed and operated as a safe and habitable district .
22 Questions on the calendar were generally well done if a calendar was provided .
23 Edwards agreed last month to sell his stake of 51 per cent of the company 's shares to Knighton for £10m , but that deal would be scuppered if a court rules in favour of Edwards .
24 Mr Bates said permission would have been sought if a close-up head shot or a quote from an individual was used .
25 The Hon. Members for Cunninghame , North ( Mr. Wilson ) , for Aberdeen , North ( Mr. Hughes ) and for Glasgow , Maryhill ( Mrs. Fyfe ) raised the question of the procedures to be adopted if a bus service is withdrawn .
26 Note : Paragraph ( 8 ) , or a provision to the like effect , needs to be adopted if a recognised body is to be able to ensure that shares are not held in breach of the Rules .
27 Note : Paragraph ( 8 ) , or a provision to the like effect , needs to be adopted if a recognised body is to be able to ensure that shares are not held in breach of the Rules .
28 The Select Committee on Capital Punishment , 1929–30 , recommended the abolition of capital punishment for an experimental period of five years , and an amendment in this sense is likely to be moved if a new Criminal Justice Bill is introduced .
29 Usually the fish soon desist , their curiosity satisfied , but the fish or snail should be moved if a snail is unduly stressed ; inactive and , literally , withdrawn .
30 Fire claimed more than six hundred lives in Britain last year , many may have been saved if a smoke alarm had been fitted .
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