Example sentences of "[vb pp] by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The LNU was dominated by Lord Robert Cecil who , as a minister under Lloyd George , had been instrumental in persuading the wartime Government to take the idea of the League seriously .
2 The show was dominated by painting with issued-based and figurative work featuring prominently .
3 The introduction of new products , continuous improvements in productivity , and customer service and cost reduction initiatives have all helped to sustain performance in a year dominated by recession in our principal markets around the world .
4 THE week 's news was dominated by Chancellor Nigel Lawson 's failed attempt to stave off a rise in bank base rates .
5 We 're dominated by ego here , fraught with feeling .
6 Geared to local economic needs , dominated by businessmen rather than bureaucrats and financed by a mixture of public and private money , TECs originally promised a genuine break with the Whitehall-dominated past : a chance , at last , to give high-quality training the priority so often denied it for decades .
7 Members of the Policy Unit were drawn from a much broader pool and were dominated by businessmen and academics .
8 We have , in this simple example , a paradigm case of a legislative judgment dominated by consistency in strategy .
9 Atmospheric entry of objects in the size range 10–100m , however , is dominated by fragmentation , although the precise size range depends strongly on object type and velocity .
10 Whenever a church leadership is dominated by freemasons , I find a dead tradition and lifeless ritual .
11 The mining industry in Ireland was dominated by north American capital .
12 Intra-EC trade is much more important for spirits than for other alcoholic drinks and such trade is dominated by UK exports of Scotch .
13 Currently fed by a saline stream and limited snow-melt , its salinity , dominated by calcium chloride , is about 13 times that of sea water , and high enough to ensure that it seldom if ever freezes .
14 ‘ It is not dominated by emotions .
15 My observations were made mostly in areas dominated by agriculture where the effects of seasonality could have been especially pronounced .
16 She takes a hard look at the way women present their bodies , their image and how this is dominated by notions of contemporary beauty .
17 The southern aspect is dominated by Pegasus , which is large but not so bright as might be thought from its aspect on the maps .
18 If , further , he feels that the free market policies and values embraced by Mrs Thatcher have done much to create a divided nation , dominated by Pharisees , he should feel free to offer his opinion .
19 It is no longer a counterbalance to the COMECON block of east European countries dominated by Moscow .
20 The PLO , dominated by Fatah , reaped the fruits while the Patriotic Front fell apart as a result of the undermining effect of the Palestinian right , the enormous surge in PLO power following the Rabat summit of October 1974 and Arafat 's address to the General Assembly of the United Nations the following month .
21 Danzig found that whether it liked it or not , its life was dominated by Poland .
22 His administration was dominated by ADEMA , which had won the majority of seats in the March legislative elections [ see p. 38801 ] , but in keeping with Konare 's commitment to involve other political parties , significant posts went to Baba Atif Aidara of the Sudanese Union-African Democratic Rally ( US-RDA ) and Idrissa Traore of the Democracy and Progress Party ( PDP ) .
23 The " government " was dominated by KLF members , but also included Sayyed Ali Shah Gilani , leader of the Jamaat-i-Islami .
24 The employment White Paper was published under a coalition dominated by Conservatives and Labour , but it was not the result of discussion within each party , and although leading politicians on both sides endorsed its policy it would be wrong to say that it reflected the considered view of either party .
25 This was another remarkable achievement since she was only the second woman solicitor to become a Recorder , a position totally dominated by barristers and by men .
26 McAllister ( 1980 ) describes that political culture as traditionalist , and dominated by clientelism , parochialism , local attachment , and ascription : politicians were elected on the basis of local reputation and solely with reference to local issues .
27 After 1870 the German Reich , dominated by Prussia , proved equally incapable of cutting subsidy to the Junkers .
28 This is not a party dominated by technocrats who have fearlessly built great industries , but ‘ Increasingly politicians without a great deal of first-hand experience of the world outside politics are running the country , including the economy , in conjunction with civil servants who similarly lack first-hand experience of the world outside politics , ’ Anthony King noted as long ago as 1981 .
29 The now voluminous literature on modernism and postmodernism has been dominated by philosophers and modern language theorists and historians of architecture .
30 In a parallel study of 13 junior high and middle schools , Kenneth Tye found that they too were dominated by listening , writing , quizzes and frontal teaching .
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