Example sentences of "[vb pp] to first " in BNC.

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1 As this is the book I have turned to first ever since the first edition appeared in 1974 , it 's gratifying to note that enough people agree to take the volume into its third edition with a fourth on the way .
2 Here it is important to see that the traditional category of plural is not symmetrically applied to first Person in the way it is to third : we does not mean plural speakers in the same way that they means more than one third person entity ( Lyons , 1968 : 277 ) .
3 The contestants are always attended to first .
4 Liza 's car always appeared to be the one which had preferential treatment and although John Carrow , neither approving of nor trusting any lady to tinker about with a machine , begged them all to leave such things as cleaning carburettors to him , it was always Liza 's that got attended to first .
5 It was decided to first try out the simplest possible computational technique .
6 The integrand can be expanded to first order in : .
7 Too often , however , producers have not even got to first base , because the requirements for evolving strong scripts have been so poorly understood .
8 But because of the special circumstances of York we 've got to first define and refine the area of search to a specific corridor and then the other locational criteria are just a guidance , first we take the proposals forward to the local plan stage .
9 The most important areas of gallery space , again as apart from state institutions , offered to first impressionists and later to expressionists , were provided by Paul Cassirer .
10 Hickery Holler , so named because he hiccups a lot and hollers when he wants feeding , was born to first time mother , Menga in captivity at the park .
11 Although all lengths of board will carve gybe , the longer all-round funboards need a higher level of skill than the more responsive 3.30m size of board which is ideally suited to first attempts .
12 As the weekend progressed , that was quickly reduced to first three , first two and then winners only .
13 It is common ground that in a majority of cases where an order may be made under section 18 for the payment by the Board to the unassisted party of the costs of appellate , as opposed to first instance , proceedings , the Court of Appeal or this House will be in a position at the conclusion of an appeal on the information then before it to decide under section 18(3) what , if any , order for costs should be made against the assisted party and to form at least a provisional view under section 18(4) ( c ) as to whether it would be ‘ just and equitable in all the circumstances of the case that provision for the costs should be made out of public funds . ’
14 Leading woman rider Alison Dare , who took her tally of winners to 11 at the Heythrop on Tuesday when Le Kingdom was promoted to first place after finishing a head behind Green Archer , will also be at the Portman .
15 Hunt overtook Lauda to win the Spanish Grand Prix at Jarama , the fourth of the championship , but then the season-long wrangling and arguing started when it was ruled that Hunt 's car was 1.8 cm ( 0.7 in ) too wide and he was stripped of his points , Lauda being promoted to first place .
16 In Wednesday 's race Courtney was promoted to first place following the disqualification of the winner Nigel Davies but yesterday there was no such drama as Courtney led from start to finish to win by 20 seconds from Nigel Hansen with Greg Broughton third .
17 1250 students were admitted to first year undergraduate studies last year and over 500 to postgraduate studies , giving a total population of 44000 full-time students .
18 The aircraft will fly , be certificated and delivered to first customers in 1996 .
19 There are five categories in total and prizes of $1,000 , $500 and $250 prizes will be awarded to first , second and third places respectively in each category .
20 But I mean it was it that we were taken to first , and I mean thee was a lot of people on it and I mean it had obviously saved a lot of lives .
21 ‘ Two years ago my wife changed to first class to ensure a seat — it 's another £700 — but she still does n't get one . ’
22 It is now agreed that global action is urgently required to first to control and then to reduce these and other emissions .
23 Most railways printed a range of tickets for servants entitled ‘ to privilege third class travel ’ , which had quite heavy usage , but servants in higher grades without ‘ All Stations ’ passes and entitled to First Class travel must have been very few .
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