Example sentences of "[vb pp] of his " in BNC.

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1 It was a ‘ sliding process ’ said the CIA man , with the caution expected of his craft : signs of ‘ activity that reflected money . ’
2 He was reminded of his own headmaster back at school .
3 The times were few and far between when she could look at him and not be reminded of his many faults and shortcomings .
4 Leaning forward to slip the sweet between his lips , he would be reminded of his rider when all my other aids had failed to engage his attention .
5 He thought : He has acquired the mystique of the story-teller and , glancing at the ring of fire-lit and intent faces , he was suddenly reminded of his first village school , of the children clustered round Miss Douglas at three o'clock on a Friday afternoon for the half hour of story-time , and felt a pang of pain and regret for those lost days of innocence and love .
6 Walking her round , Luke was reminded of his schoolfriend Spike , who 'd been caught in the locker room with another boy .
7 The spectator has come for blood , but did not buy his ticket to be reminded of his own mortality .
8 Another ambition has been financial reward , and it is a lucky man who escapes a conversation with Jackie without being reminded of his various positions , his bankers , his lawyers , his accountants and his courtiers .
9 So far this is normal and to be expected , but if Claire is told often enough how good she is when she feels herself to be bad , or if Henry is constantly reminded of his vicious streak when he is aware of other , ignored qualities in himself , then both Claire and Henry are likely to become confused as to their own self-images .
10 He was reminded of his right of silence by being cautioned on two occasions within a short time of his arrival and , acting on the advice of his attorney , he remained silent when he might have been expected to explain that the shooting had been due to an accident .
11 Although Price did not give his evidence on oath ( because under Swedish law an accomplice can not be required to give evidence on oath ) , he was reminded of his duty to speak the truth when questioned in court , and he declared himself to be aware of his duty of truthfulness .
12 In a multitude of subtle ways the farm worker may be reminded of his inferiority .
13 He was reminded of his priorities .
14 He was reminded of his childhood and of his father 's farm ; they too had kept a couple of goats .
15 ‘ I do not think that you will find the Prince overjoyed to be reminded of his presence here , ’ said Auguste .
16 He scowled and once more she was forcibly reminded of his Viking heritage , the cold , hard power that had fortified the Norsemen as they had bounded from their makeshift camps intent on conquest .
17 It is regarded as essential that the client is expressly reminded of his freedom of choice of solicitor .
18 The circumstances surrounding Adele Duncan 's personal tragedy were so similar , how could Niall fail to be reminded of his own marriage break-up ?
19 This week , the ageing lothario was horrified when a cloth-capped pensioner pursued him down a street , wreathed in smiles and waving an autograph book , The Rolling Stone coldly ignored him , appalled at being associated with a gummy grandad and perhaps being all too forcibly reminded of his own advancing years .
20 ‘ No freeman shall be taken , or imprisoned , or be disseised of his freehold or liberties , or free customs , or be outlawed or exiled , or any otherwise destroyed ; nor will we not pass upon him , nor condemn him , but by lawful judgment of his peers , or by the law of the land .
21 At that moment he was divested of his property .
22 Hence in the present case Mr. Dennis had not been divested of his interest under the joint tenancy when his wife died .
23 In such a situation the true owner may have been divested of his claim against the wrongdoer under section 8(2) ( d ) but if not , he might still be entitled to sue by virtue of his title .
24 Our most dutiful and saintly brother was himself healed of his lameness by her , and has been ever since her particular squire and servant .
25 Should you , by some far chance , rub shoulders with him again , Iago , let him know his brother is well healed of his wounds , and in good fettle .
26 A Cornish miner later recalled of his late-eighteenth-century childhood : When I was eight years old my parents sent me to a raiding school kept by a poor owld man called Stephen Martin .
27 In his heart he was frightened of Michael , frightened of his phenomenal temper .
28 AN ARMED bank robber was mugged of his loot as he made his getaway .
29 In four of the illustrations the defendant appears naked after he has been mugged of his clothes .
30 You may have heard of his kid brother .
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