Example sentences of "[vb pp] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But I , I do feel the Trade Descriptions Act is a is a very important er piece of consumer protection designed of course to protect not only you and me as consumer but also designed to protect traders against unfair trading practices .
2 Given the arguments of the sceptics , such failures are only to be expected of course ; aiming to replace anxious intellectual despair with a calm peace of mind , the traditional Pyrrhonian response would have been to advocate suspension of judgement .
3 you know that is the , erm two or three things there , you 're working by yourself in your , your personal preparation prepa preparation are crucial parts , erm , if any of the people were thinking of going to erm , erm , a college , erm , the same sort of thing will arise and I suppose the big difference for if you do n't have lessons then I think I 'm right in saying you do n't necessarily have to go in , I do n't know whether that still applies , erm , you would be expected of course to erm , erm , to turn up at school here , erm , now there are advantages and disadvantages , you may feel that you prefer , knowing on your own what you 're like , you 'll prefer erm some fairly rigid rules , erm , because if there were n't rules you might think you 'd take advantage of us
4 Good things are expected of south eastern electricity business SEEBOARD , which saw a change of top management earlier in the year .
5 Not so much Allen Ginsberg as Alien Ginsberg , he handles the reverence expected of poetry meetings like a man beating a rat .
6 It was what they had expected of University , but had not hoped so soon to find .
7 Competence is a many-sided quality which reaches beyond those virtues of initiative and on-the-spot decision-making ability which are normally expected of field staff .
8 ‘ But we can not do anything until we know what will be expected of football clubs in the future in terms of all-seater grounds or any other issues .
9 Both were brilliant statements , although ‘ Kennedy ’ showed off the mature sense of melody expected of band on a major label .
10 As figures be the instruments of ornament in euery language , so be they also in a sorte abuses or rather trespasses in speach , because they passe the ordinary limits of common vtterance , and be occupied of purpose to deceiue the eare and also the minde , drawing it from plainnesse and simplicitie to a certaine doublenesse whereby our talke is the more guilefull & abusing .
11 For instance , one of the manuscripts containing a copy of only Book 1 , describes it as the first part of the book called " The Mirror of Contemplation by Canon Walter Hilton " ( Lansdowne MS 362 : Prima pars libri qui dicitur Speculum contemplacionis — Walterus hiltoun canonicus while one of the few manuscripts to contain Book 2 alone refers to it as " the secunde part of the reformyng of mannys soule drawyn of maister Watir hiltone hermyte " .
12 It 's actually forgotten of course that Bristol is ne nearer London er than it is er to Cornwall .
13 Perhaps this was because Galileo had claimed of heat that its ‘ generally accepted notion comes very far from the truth … inasmuch as it is supposed to be a true accident , affection , and quality really residing in the thing which we perceive to be heated . ’
14 Making people 's jobs more interesting is the frequent benefit claimed of automation — the industrial robot is no exception .
15 Her frustrated jumping , which sent her thick , straight , dark hair — Anna 's hair — flying up and down like dog 's ears , was no more than a maddened expression of how she felt when reminded of school , of a world where she was doomed to remain odd .
16 But another British cabinet minister , Richard Crossman , was reminded of defence policy in the days of Ernest Bevin .
17 If she had she might have been reminded of peau-de-soie — but certainly not rayon .
18 He did not want to be reminded of home and the only paper he even glanced at was the International Herald Tribune , a copy of which Anne found on the beach .
19 It can not happen not because the forms of negation are mindless , but precisely because they are too mindful of meaning and significance , constantly reminded of rationality and purposive thought :
20 They smiled , displaying wicked-edged teeth , and once again I was reminded of hunting dogs studying their intended quarry .
21 Why was I reminded of Parent-Teacher Association concerts , where mums dress up as Madonna ?
22 Watching her fondly , Perdita was reminded of Fresco .
23 Clubs are reminded of Rule 9 regarding recording of scores and return of same to the league secretary by the allotted time .
24 Erm , but er , it is a very long book , and er , it , it , it is a masterpiece , and if you were to read The Golden Bough , or any part of it , or any other work of Frazer 's for that matter , you would immediately be reminded of Totem and Taboo , because Frazer 's method is comparative .
25 Though I suppose we need to be reminded of mortality . ’
26 Gaily was again reminded of death .
27 Now my Lord , er Lord Justice er agreed with er Lord Justice that 's at twenty A , Lord Justice also agreed but er added er some further er thoughts on the er on the issue er his conclusion er is summarized of page twenty two , paragraph G of the er transcript
28 Records can be added of course , but this will increase the packing density .
29 The Festival 's come of age of late and I am more than happy that my sax playing has been the soundtrack for the Festival 's cinema trailer in recent years .
30 In the century which Canadians believed belonged to them , poetry had come of age .
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