Example sentences of "[vb pp] the other " in BNC.

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1 this geezer from Bedlam yeah got stopped the other day in this car yeah , he was pissed , he was tripping and he was speeding yeah , no M O T , no licence , no tax , no ruddy insurance yeah
2 Any other bird would have flown the other way .
3 He turned and left , ignoring the shouts and screams of the small wet attendant as — after the under-cook had gathered the other scullions round , pointed to the cauldron , the ladle and its own belly before nodding at the wet attendant — the kicking , howling creature was grabbed by the same scullions who had recently been comforting it , hoisted up the ladder still resting against the side of the great vat , and thrown back in .
4 Perhaps she had given the other place as her address ?
5 Tintern Abbey was given the other important position — it was printed at the end of the volume .
6 Against this background , and given the other demands on his time , it would not be surprising if Mr Christopher 's interest flagged .
7 On another , the varied perspectives and changing landmarks may signify ‘ a complex landscape ’ ( which , given the other signifiers mentioned , is mental not physical ) .
8 Taking votes mainly from one of the existing parties , it has given the other i.e the Tories virtually a clear run .
9 She 'd have surely sensed the other woman .
10 Somehow she 'd already guessed the other woman 's identity .
11 On LIFFE the 50% cross allows the broker/dealer to pre-match half the order , provided he has not taken one side of the cross himself , and he has filled the other half of the order in the pit .
12 But er they were always er well-remembered , and er w Spanish Civil War through , I suppose nowadays , you call them fringe newspapers , but there was this paper we used to get at the tim at the time It was n't the er Morning Star , or even it 's predecessor , erm but you got a paper and you sort of heard the other side .
13 Now as soon as you have the five answers , and if you have n't heard the other four questions , then there will be a chance , as I said , to hear them again next week , when you 've got the five answers , I 'd like you to send me them on a Christmas card please , this is very , very important send them on a Christmas card please , to the following address .
14 The Georgian Communist Party , which had adopted a nationalist manifesto for the elections and had joined the other 120-odd political parties in campaigning for restoration of Georgia 's independence , failed to build on its strong first-round showing , and increased its seat total only to 64 .
15 But its existence meant that Britain had joined the other major states of Europe in providing herself with a minister and an administrative machine designed to conduct and control foreign policy .
16 He must 've broken the other arm because the next day he had both arms in plaster .
17 Within ten years he had conquered the other tribes along the Mad Dog Pass and subjugated the Night Goblin tribes that lived around and under Thunder Mountain .
18 Although they came from a different factory , their designer was the same ‘ Mac ’ Marshall , then freelancing , who had designed the other streamliners .
19 For 12.0% of the first-preference votes the Progressive Democrats won no seat , for 27.5% Fine Gael not unfairly won one , but Fianna Fail won the other three for only 57.6% .
20 ( GUIL meanwhile has approached the other SPY , brow creased in thought . )
21 Billy Neilson , a prominent Wear Valley councillor until last May 's Christopherian coup , was approached the other day by someone seeking to set up a small business in Sunderland .
22 Earth Mysteries researcher John Merron has subsequently located the other points of the decagon and found them occupied by significant sites .
23 On 29 June 1690 , described as ‘ excessive hot ’ , William 's army camped behind the hills on the north bank of the Boyne , while James 's troops occupied the other bank .
24 The setting in some ways was a little unusual in that rival fans occupied the other half of the same block of terracing .
25 I had forgotten the other thing that Neil had told me .
26 On the first part of his question , we are anxious to ensure that the republics of Ukraine , Byelorussia , Russia and — my goodness , I have forgotten the other one
27 Certainly to respond to the gentleman who was suggesting that there 's no difference between us as adults and children , certainly there is the child in all adults erm that does respond , perhaps , in a childish way at times , but I would suggest that as adults we hopefully have gotten to a place in ourselves which we are not so much at the mercy of our immediate wishes and wants and feelings that we are able to be more measured in the way that we handle ourselves and our feelings , and therefore in a position to help our children to develop that capacity within themselves as they are growing up erm and erm I 've forgotten the other point I was going to make just following on from what Elizabeth there in the studio was saying .
28 In it , the young Anglo- Asian hero , Karim , engages in some heavy petting with a white male school friend , then takes a breather in the garden , where his Asian father is making love to his friend 's single- breasted mother ( cancer has claimed the other breast ) .
29 Lambert had his German in a tight circle and was chasing his tail ; not far away , Gabriel had trapped the other plane in the same way .
30 A man at the back of the crowd said , ‘ I was sitting in the dome car lounge when Xanthe came through , and I can tell you that no one had come the other way .
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