Example sentences of "[vb pp] money for " in BNC.

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1 Some work had been done there by 1372 , but in 1375 inquiry was made into allegations that Lewyn had received money for the work but had failed to carry out the repairs .
2 Not being given money for sweets .
3 ‘ But if they 're given money for the food … ’ the Substitute was trying vainly to put a bouncing lighter to his cigar .
4 Well , we 've always given money for Eretz and now we 're giving men and women , including our beloved Rabbi .
5 One is given money for work .
6 Douglas Roaf has given money for the Physical Sciences , and an anonymous donor for the Biological Sciences .
7 Pass a few exams and I 'd do lots of shows and festivals when I 've won money for my dance school .
8 I 'd pass a few ex a few exams and I 'd do lots of shows and festivals and I 've won money for my dance school .
9 The journal apparently never made money for Crookes after all , but it kept his name before the public ; and being an editor does give some power , patronage and influence .
10 Neil adds that they 've collected money for charity up and down the mountains and its restored his faith in human nature
11 ‘ We have saved money for resources , but we dare n't use it , because there is nothing that is right for us .
12 Direct Line Insurance is a subsidiary of the Royal Bank of Scotland plc and has already saved money for hundreds of thousands of policy holders who buy direct .
13 Anyone who has advanced money for the payment of the employee debts which would have been preferential is subrogated to the rights of the employee .
14 is well known for her charity work , raising much needed money for the local children 's hospice — Hope House .
15 Tshwete agreed that the SARFU had promised money for a development programme .
16 I could have got money for some of them , but that would have meant delays . ’
17 ‘ These are new schools and they have got money for projects they want and need .
18 Somebody would 've put a match to it and set it on fire , we would have got money for going to deal with it .
19 three months half salary , you know someone 's got money for at least six months .
20 Have you got money for school tomorrow ?
21 Have you got money for school tomorrow ?
22 She had not had money for clothes , and neither the time nor the inclination to experiment with make-up and other items of fashion .
23 Many like them have raised money for local charities or simply made a genuine and lasting contribution to their communities .
24 Volunteers have raised money for headed notepaper , travel expenses and visits .
25 He has enlisted Government help and interest in the RCA ; he has raised money for the renovations so badly needed at the college , and for building additional accommodation nearby for students .
26 He has raised money for muscular dystrophy charities .
27 Will he now reconsider his advice that local initiative will solve all these problems , given that he has undermined local initiative in the example quoted earlier about people who have been willing to put up £17 million of locally raised money for a project which was undermined by the Welsh Office ?
28 The swim has also raised money for Tim 's Operation Raleigh expedition to Chile in September .
29 ‘ That was why , when she showed promise as an artist , my mother-in-law arranged for her to be trained in Paris — and even provided money for the purpose . ’
30 When the priest was searched it was found that he was carrying his will , and that he had left money for the restoration fund .
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