Example sentences of "[vb pp] against [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 When the repression mechanism was removed with the acupuncture , the desire to kill had surfaced , but emerged turned against himself .
2 They favoured ZOPFAN as the kind of indigenous initiative they had hoped to stimulate under the umbrella notion of collective security , but in the absence of clear agreement in ASEAN over neutralisation they were loath to become committed to a proposal which could be turned against themselves .
3 That rite is turned against itself in the way that the Lord 's Prayer of ‘ The Hollow Men ’ is involved in an anti-Lord 's Prayer .
4 You can uncover many things in this way , so long as you can hold your nerve when the technique is put into reverse and used against yourself .
5 The subtle mind used against itself by the simple mind .
6 If you believe that discrimination has occurred against yourself , a colleague or a member of the public , you are responsible for reporting this at once to your manager or personnel section .
7 Luke showed yet another side of his personality : he laughed a lot , amusing them with a fund of stories , some of which , Merrill conceded with grudging admiration , were told against himself .
8 That was the only trouble with wei chi — it was not a game to be played against oneself .
9 As for the drive towards egoism by withdrawing from emotional awareness , in competitive conditions it appears reasonable to detach oneself from the joys as well as the troubles of others , on the calculation that love or trust is likely to be betrayed , and any generous action may be utilized against oneself .
10 Erm , I think the charge that has been laid against myself personally and my myself and my colleagues is the charge of vacillation and changing our mind and I and I am grateful to c my colleague David for reminding us that we have in this county had two years two years when the Labour party and the Conservative party have been hand in glove , absolutely determined that the way forward in relation to homes , elderly persons homes , not that 's not to close any and now we 've had a complete volte face when they 've changed their minds and they 've come along with us .
11 The presumption must be , after all , that the assembly knows what it is doing , not that it needs to be protected against itself .
12 In these cases , the self is , as it were , split against itself , subject to desires and impulses that seem ‘ out of character ’ .
13 Lear 's failure to judge his family properly , in that he sees things in a materialistic sense rather than in a true sense of love is amplified into the conclusion of a country split against itself .
14 ’ perhaps all that anger and hate directed against myself came out ’ he said .
15 Lord Brougham believed of Liverpool that : ‘ No minister ever passed his time with so little ill-will directed against himself , or had so much forbearance shown him upon all occasions . ’
16 When she had aimed the bottle at Gazzer 's head , years of pent-up hurt and frustration had spilled over into violence : violence which she had previously directed against herself or had lived through only in her mind .
17 As she approached , Clara thought that she still looked cross , but she could see that whatever annoyance was there was not directed against herself .
18 To confront the anger of God in the way the ancient Israelites dared to do , to face it as directed against ourselves and the society of which we are so much a part , is to escape the romantic pretence , the unrelieved jollity , or the easy , unthinking speech of so much that passes for Christian belief and worship .
19 She said that until England returned to the Old Faith , her people would never be happy but always divided against themselves , always backbiting and fighting with one another .
20 As an Austrian , Niki is divided against himself , and there are not just two Nikis but several dozen of them .
21 As a result , ‘ human society is generally divided against itself , one part , the more powerful , oppressing the other ’ .
22 This illustrates that the regime is profoundly divided against itself . ’
23 Guatemala is divided against itself .
24 The British family is divided against itself
25 A house divided against itself can not stand …
26 Poland was divided against itself to begin with : the communists and the WIN anti-communists hated each other .
27 It was indeed a sad thing that in these days when the Church had enough enemies outside it should divide itself into hostile forces , because , he added aptly , forgetting the original subject of the quotation , a house divided against itself could not stand .
28 If a variable x(t) is plotted against itself delayed by an appropriate time lag T , then x(t) plotted against x(t+T) will give a point for a sink , and a single closed loop for a limit cycle .
29 In Have I Got News For You he showed himself to be quick , witty and well able to take jokes levelled against himself .
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