Example sentences of "[vb pp] her first " in BNC.

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1 And without Maurice , Shirley , two months ago , probably would n't have won her first honour .
2 She felt like a government health warning , but the sheer pleasure of having won her first big race made up for it all .
3 She hurried out of the room , before the astonished Victorine had completed her first sentence of protest .
4 Julie , 23 , pictured , who lives in Mossley Hill but is originally from Sunderland , has just completed her first year at Alsop Wilkinson after law studies at Birmingham Polytechnic and Chester Law School .
5 The widow of publisher Robert Maxwell has given her first in-depth interview since leaving her home in England .
6 McCool was omitted from the afternoon singles along with National champion Eavan Higgins so that Hazel Kavanagh of Grange could be given her first match in the tournament and Barbara Hackett from Castletroy her second outing .
7 She was stiff and tense in every muscle but she had done her first good day 's work since the discovery of the murder .
8 Jane had ‘ missed her first ’ and went down from university with only a two-one in English Language and Literature , thus deprived of the academic career she had coveted with cowardice .
9 ROYAL decorator Nina Campbell has written her first book .
10 She has just written her first screenplay , an adaptation of Jane Austen 's Sense And Sensibility .
11 He felt a sharp twinge of guilt now for not taking the trouble to visit , but William 's family had moved to a better neighbourhood when William 's mum had made her first million , and Preston had gradually lost touch .
12 He served on a number of local commissions , but seems to have failed to secure inclusion in the commission of the peace until the accession of Elizabeth I , when he was also made her first sheriff of Surrey and Sussex .
13 And she still remembered how , as the car began to climb into the lake land hills , she had seen her first mountain — a sharp blue crag that , outlined against the sky , had made her sit up and stare .
14 He loved the way she looked , with her glossy chestnut hair which reached below her waist when she let it loose , and her tinkle of necklaces and trails of silk scarves , and her neat slender legs in their high-heeled shoes , reminding him of gazelles ' legs or gazelles reminded him of her , he supposed , since he must have seen her first .
15 By the age of twenty-four she had published her second novel , given birth to and buried a second daughter , buried her first son , given birth to a second , and received a letter describing the death by drowning and the cremation of her husband .
16 And the years rolled away , and it was a different room , yet still the same , the room where she 'd had her first ; old white paint with the grudging cleanliness of not quite enough scrubbing ; the sticky rubber mat under her bottom , that made her wonder what other bottoms had lain on it , wonder desperately enough to take her mind off her panic at the instrument 's entry onto her , and the thought , it 's like the first screw you ever had — why do we do it , why do we go on doing it ?
17 CHELSEA Clinton has had her first taste of what it is to be a president 's daughter .
18 She 'd had her first transfusions and was preparing to go to the hospital for her next one when world events took over .
19 She was aware that her mother had already had her first drink , and was on to her second , if not third glass of wine , if the bottle was anything to go by .
20 By the end of the first scene Blanche has had her first ‘ flashback ’ to the Casino , where her husband killed himself .
21 Speaking of kidding , my golden guernsey goatling , Passion , has produced her first kid .
22 He had never used her first name before , she realised , and the lilting sound of it on his lips sent a knife-sharp thrust of awareness through her , taking away any power to reply to his last words .
23 Nevertheless , it was during this period , just after her son was born , when Rose had opened her first shop .
24 At the time of the Korean War , when Attlee helped to persuade Truman to drop any idea of using the atomic bomb against the Chinese mainland , Britain had not exploded her first nuclear weapon .
25 Bluebeard had been a private joke — an exclamation she had been unable to stifle as they 'd rounded the cliff at the head of the valley and she had got her first glimpse of the imposing turreted Castell Rocamar .
26 She has just sold her first novel to Doubleday , and she is at work on another .
27 A baby girl who was born sixteen weeks premature and weighed less than a bag of sugar has celebrated her first birthday .
28 Preston shook his head , but it was true that within a few weeks of Mary Moxton 's death William 's mum had bought her first shop .
29 Pringle had reached her first and dropped on to his knees beside her .
30 Loops of wiring and cable ran overhead , loosely tacked at intervals to the unpainted ceiling ; it was the kind of Who cares , no-one 'll see it protocol that had applied behind the scenes in the shopping mall where she 'd landed her first Saturday job .
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