Example sentences of "[vb pp] from [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Once again , good evening ladies and gentlemen , and once again I 'd like to offer an especially warm welcome to this centenary lecture to those of you who 've come from outside the university .
2 Several seconds passed before Isabel realised her name had come from beyond the wall and not from the man whose fingers still gently caressed her cheek .
3 She had come from across the county in Southend .
4 There were a lot of very poor men also in a number of these trades who were not originally covered by the legislation , and that 's where the erm the developments have , have come from since then , the dynamic of the policy , because the argument over whether it should be only for women rebounded on them , and people said , ‘ No , it should n't ’ , so for a while the legislation was all scrapped and then they started again , and now the Americans have much more comprehensive laws than we do .
5 And equivalent results have come from at least some studies using the conditioned suppression procedure ( e.g. Baker and Mercier ( 1982b ) , who compared intervals of 1 day and 5 days ; Hall and Minor ( 1984 ) , who compared 1 day and 8 days ; but see also Crowell and Anderson ( 1972 ) ) .
6 So now he knew where the mouse droppings had come from on Egan 's clothes .
7 They were not very loud , like the crack of a fairground rifle , and they had come from behind him , from the playground .
8 Ajayi looked up at the door to the winding-stair expecting to see an attendant , but the voice had come from behind her , and she could see Quiss 's face starting to turn red , his eyes widening , the lines around them spreading out further .
9 At the time , the proposal was plausible although , of course , it still ducked the issue of where the spores had come from in the first place .
10 An explorer who does not compile maps as he or she proceeds is likely to end up going round in circles ; likewise , a society that does not know where it has come from in the past has no chance of knowing where it is going in the future .
11 We 've heard a lot this morning er about the merits of client server and where it 's come from in the last five years .
12 Finance has always been a headache for a group whose adherents have often come from amongst the poorest strata of society .
13 Dr Murdoch resigned from the British Medical Association over its attitude to the Arthur case , but criticism has also come from within the BMA .
14 Most of the resources for this work have come from within the Division 's normal programme of research .
15 Some more personal resentment that had come from within herself .
16 Its fast technique for assessing samples drilled from beneath the sea for oil companies is a commercial winner , and a go-ahead team under Dr John Bather is having to expand to keep pace with the demand .
17 He outlined the Board strategy to ensure high calibre managers throughout the company , which includes the annual opportunity of the Group Management Development Programme attended by managers nominated from throughout Europe .
18 Thirteen men were missing and search parties were organised from amongst the trapped men and sent out to look for them .
19 So now Marcus has been made an example of and locked up , and all for some crime committed from behind a desk .
20 Rayleen looked at him as if he 'd dropped from behind peeling wallpaper .
21 It lay asleep on a piece of sacking the gardener had discarded from around the rose-bush he was planting .
22 Under sail the yacht can be enjoyed from behind the wheel in the spacious cockpit , or when the weather gets nasty there is a second steering station with complete instrumentation and controls under the dodger .
23 In our part of the world we keep up the brave talk for the sake of the image of the region , so that there may be at least some inward investment and so that those industrialists , small business , training centres , local enterprises and cooperatives which are struggling so hard to make a go of it , will not be discouraged from at least having a go , but there is n't much hope and conviction really .
24 The orang-utan lineage appears to have originated from within the first trend , with further modifications of skull and postcrania , but with little change in environments .
25 Others had come to the conclusion , however , that these feelings originated from within themselves : a blind person had started to ask himself , ‘ To whom am I proving what ? ’
26 On July 22 the search for survivors in Baguio city was abandoned by foreign rescue teams , but local volunteers continued the search and , as late as July 30 , a man was rescued from beneath the ruins of a hotel .
27 The ‘ milder day ’ remains a puzzle which can not be solved from within the poem .
28 The well-established practice , which helped to avoid wrongful identification and risks of libel action , should not be departed from for the benefit of the comfort and feelings of defendants .
29 The rhythmic cell is departed from at only two points : the end , where longer notes give a moment of repose ; and at mid-point ( the end of the first sentence ) , where the two quavers of the motif are extended to six .
30 ‘ The Secretary of State may by regulations make provision as to — … ( b ) the circumstances in which , and conditions subject to which , terms of any order under this section may be departed from by agreement between the local authority and the person in relation to whom the order is made ; …
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