Example sentences of "[vb pp] not on " in BNC.

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1 Thus , the District gained little direct financial benefit from increased enrolments as the capitation fee which branches paid to District funds was calculated not on student enrolment but on WEA membership .
2 The peasants ' " redemption dues " were calculated not on the basis of the land which came into their possession but on the basis of the rents and services that they owed under serfdom .
3 For groups to function at this level , opportunity has to be given for full social contact between members , and the emphasis has to be placed not on activity , but on group interaction .
4 For example , in ‘ Japan ’ the primary stress is on the last syllable , but when we add the stress-carrying suffix ‘ -ese ’ the primary stress is on the suffix and the secondary stress is placed not on the second syllable but on the first : ‘ Japanese ’ .
5 But the frequency with which women were thus brutalised depended not on the category of entrant they fell into but on whether Immigration Officers wanted to use these methods , and on the attitude of the Minister responsible .
6 It would also help convince them that politicians have decided not on the basis of the best orchestrated campaign but by seeking to occupy the high moral ground , wherever it might be found .
7 The followers or ‘ administrative staff are selected not on the basis of status or qualification , but according to personal devotion .
8 The county has a view about golf courses — that if there is to be such a development it is better for them to be sited not on good farming land , or in naturally beautiful areas , but on the outskirts of towns .
9 These taxes are levied not on particular households or firms but on the goods they buy or sell .
10 An ad valorem tax is a percentage tax , levied not on volume but on value ; e.g. in 1993 VAT is 17.5% of sales price , and corporation tax is 33% of assessable profits for larger companies and 25% for smaller companies .
11 [ There is an ] exceptional case , in which , though the predicate is the name of a class , yet in predicating it we affirm nothing but resemblance , the class being founded not on resemblance in any given particular , but on general unanalysable resemblance .
12 Mariana 's critics pointed out that his ‘ gothic perfections ’ hid what they considered a crass historical error : liberty was founded not on democratic pressures but on grants from the crown .
13 Yet in Roman law discretion is regularly interpreted not on the subjective criterion of an individual 's own opinion but on the objective standard of what a good man would think in the circumstances .
14 I wonder how many of Expotel 's customers are aware that Expotel 's recommendations are based not on hotel quality but on the self-interested payment up-front of this ‘ sweetener ’ , plus exclusive corporate rates ?
15 Where ‘ belief ’ is based not on experience and observation , but on the revelation of the Gospels , Locke speaks of ‘ faith ’ .
16 And they pillaged Earth because their lives were based not on co-operation with Nature , but on money .
17 He first of all asked for a mandate based not on the distortions of a month 's electioneering but on his 16 months in the leadership , not least his performance on the international stage .
18 In Britain , most juries would find it depraving and corrupting to solicit members of the public to become voyeurs of an actual rape , murder , and dismemberment , but a new criminal test based not on the effect of the work , but on the circumstances of its production could provide one more useful link in the chain of criminal provisions which modern media law requires .
19 The benefit of this revolutionary diet is based not on just one advantage over other diets but on many factors which add up to faster , easier , more effective slimming .
20 Goodwill through golf , Hopkins ' idea , is based not on money , but on the notion that little-known golfers would broaden their horizons , and stretch their abilities , by matching shots with the stars .
21 After the banning of the CPSU these liberal groups decided to form a new left-wing party based not on a new programme but on the liberal and , in essence , social democratic programme of the CPSU .
22 Among other metaphors there is a rich cluster based not on sight but on touch , some likewise submerged in Latin etymologies ( ‘ conceive ’ , ‘ apprehend ’ , ‘ comprehend ’ , from concipio ‘ seize together ’ , apprehendo ‘ grasp ’ , comprehendo ‘ grasp together ’ ) , others overt ( ‘ be in touch ’ , ‘ grasp ’ something , ‘ catch on ’ to it , ‘ get the point ’ , ‘ feel ’ that it is ‘ palpably ’ true ) .
23 Once again , it is necessary that the separate items should be demonstrably reliable and valid , since specific interpretations may well be based not on the accumulation of correct and incorrect responses , but on the child 's pattern of scores .
24 The latter term describes a truer form of knowledge based not on ideas as such but ideas about real forms of existence , that is ‘ materialism ’ .
25 It is based not on the mythico-religious system resistant to challenge but on the exchange relations of the commodity market including the labour market .
26 The authority of civil association is an endowment which is not traceable to any particular source and which lies only in ‘ continuous acknowledgement ’ based not on acts of obedience ‘ but in the continuous recognition of the obligation to subscribe to its prescriptions because it has a certain shape ’ .
27 ‘ That study was based not on preconceived notions but on the observations of structure in the drawings themselves .
28 It is against a background of near hysteria that we set out to propose an alternative account of what is happening on the football terraces — an account based not on the second-hand rhetoric of myth-creating media men but on our faith in people 's ability to render their own social action intelligible and meaningful .
29 Labour 's success was based not on equality of opportunity but on the assertion that a working man was more equal than others in his claim to represent the working-class electorate .
30 Another good reason for antiracist scepticism about culture was the emergence in the 1980s of a ‘ new racism ’ based not on ideas of innate biological superiority , but on the supposed incompatibility of cultural traditions ( see , for example , Barker , 1981 ) .
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