Example sentences of "[vb pp] he go " in BNC.

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1 I 've let him go pending further enquiries — he set his solicitor on me .
2 ‘ You should n't have let him go off by himself !
3 If I had let him go to hospital the cost to the country would have been about £500 a week .
4 They had n't let him go home for nearly a week ; there was no way he could have coped with his freedom or his family .
5 ‘ I know we should n't have let him go , but I did n't feel we know him well enough to tell him he was too drunk to drive . ’
6 Sara wished she had not been so petty when Fairfax had called , and had let him go on thinking it was Matthew 's old family house .
7 See the e the headmaster 's wife see another fella to early retirement last year and they 've let him go back on supply .
8 Economics had always been his strong point , and his family had expected him to go into Parliament .
9 The advocate-depute , Ann Paton , QC , asked if , as a result of what he had told Mackie about the profits warning , Mr Runciman had expected him to go and deal in Shanks & McEwan shares or communicate with others in such a way that they would deal in shares .
10 The suggestion had made him go silent .
11 He was n't sure what impulse had made him go first to Harry Mack 's body .
12 They were the first enemy troops he had ever seen and the sight of them had made him go pale .
13 So what was it that had made him go , but a furtive , half-acknowledged sense that not to have done so would have been like turning one 's back on the Crucifixion , that here perhaps at last was the litmus which might determine the validity of his readopted faith ?
14 I guess he must have seen him go in sometime late , and come out the next morning . ’
15 ‘ If you got as far as Spargo 's you must have seen him go under the scaffolding . ’
16 I 've never seen him go so mad , far worse than the usual Saturday night when he had lost all his money gambling and came home so drunk that we all had to hide under the bed .
17 I 've just seen him go past .
18 She had watched him go amongst the caskets , then lift one of the lids , peering inside .
19 ‘ You 've really got him going well The energy is between your leg , seat and rein and he is nicely balanced .
20 If it had been any priest other than Father Devlin he would have told him to go to hell and mind his own business .
21 He had asked me for a photograph of myself when I was young and I had told him to go around and get it from Mandy .
22 But I remembered I 'd told him to go to bed ; he 'd be asleep by now .
23 Nevertheless , one of their licencees had requested this and , since it was a lucrative contract , Bernard had told him to go ahead and produce it .
24 It 'd have been better if I 'd told him to go ahead up against the tree .
25 I should have told him to go to hell .
26 I 've told him to go and sit quietly .
27 She nodded mutely , and while she did as she was told he went over to the bed where Effie had begun to writhe and cry out , and her pains , which were erratic , had started again — that they were so erratic was another bad sign , Dr Neil quietly explained .
28 He 'd been shaken , certainly , when Cedric Downes had invited him to go along to the North Oxford Golf Club and knock up the caretaker if necessary .
29 I 've never known him go for the skinny boyish type before . ’
30 If my 'Arold 'ad 'eard 'im goin' on 'e would 'ave put 'is lights out . ’
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