Example sentences of "[vb pp] she [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'd forgotten she ever existed . ’
2 Angel , on a faster pony and using his whip , had nearly caught her up when Luke thundered up and rode him off .
3 She took in breath to scream , but it had caught her up like a shred of paper .
4 He 'd caught her completely off-guard .
5 The other woman had caught her completely on the raw with her mention of the man she had seen Adam with , though to be honest she could n't really have said why .
6 Last night 's bombing had caught her unawares in the West End .
7 But the sight of Elise 's work , hanging in Luke 's house , had caught her unawares , underlining her loss and , at the same time , reminding her that on the only occasion when Elise 's name had been mentioned Luke had adopted an attitude of total indifference , not even bothering to mention that he owned one of Elise 's paintings .
8 She flushed , as if he had caught her out in a social solecism .
9 Ianthe realised from his triumphant expression that he had caught her out in a mistake and waited with resignation to hear what it was .
10 He heard the surprise in her voice , and smiled a little at having so nearly caught her out .
11 His tone suggested he 'd caught her out in some minor misdemeanour , Loretta thought angrily — putting penny coins in a parking meter , or dodging fares on the underground .
12 How had he caught her so quickly ?
13 ‘ Have you telephoned her home ? ’
14 Alan , who liked buying food , occasionally bought things which she did n't know what to do with ( aubergines had stumped her completely ) but on the whole he seemed content with his diet .
15 Irritated by her presence , Henry had mocked and teased her nevertheless , for he could be quite beastly when the mood took him that way .
16 It seemed inconceivable that the man who had teased her so unforgivably in the morning had been so filled with compassionate understanding later in the same day .
17 Mrs Browning had teased her only that summer for becoming more Italian than English and there was some truth in it .
18 There 'd been neither sight nor sound of James since that fateful day and no doubt he had forgotten her as quickly as he had taken her , but he must be told there was going to be a child .
19 He 'd eluded her again !
20 It was probably only a rabbit , but it had still unnerved her slightly , and she pulled off the drive and parked on the grass .
21 She was used to driving the luxurious Saab by this time , although at first the responsibility had unnerved her considerably .
22 THE wife of golf star Fred Couples claims he has frozen her out of their marriage — and she intends to make him pay for it .
23 Oh yes when the war started yes , you , you see the people would have been called up into the forces anyway people young enough to fly , who , who had an interest , because er one of the air displays I remember very much a tomboy as she was she they used to give pleasure flights and she had defied this pilot to take her up and make her sick , and he was took her up there looping rolling and everything and er
24 I 'll tell you what after we 've sorted her out we 'll sort it out .
25 He has picked her up , lied to her , manipulated her insecurity and ignorance , and she is asking forgiveness for her lack of appreciation .
26 Things happened as they must have happened , only in fact it was Rufus who had picked her up and brought her back to Wyvis Hall .
27 Just a frail little thing , was n't she , the wind could have picked her up and tossed her away , yet she had demolished him as surely as if she had wielded a pick-axe handle to his belly .
28 Her mother had picked her up bodily the night before and dragged her into her room where she had then thrown her on to her bed .
29 What 's more , who 'd have believed he 'd picked her up in a wine bar ?
30 He had picked her up half-conscious , and while he carried her to the hospital she had clung to him with a pitiful force .
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