Example sentences of "[vb pp] of [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 His description of Sien bears a remarkable resemblance to the image he had now formed of himself , She inspired disgust in other people .
2 When she tried again the door gave suddenly as if it had decided of itself to let her in .
3 family made of themselves in public .
4 It is this in fact that makes it possible to speak of man as a sinner , deserving judgement , because he is capable of guilt and bears responsibility for what he has made of himself ; and precisely here lies the point upon which God 's grace in Jesus Christ comes to bear .
5 I 'm beginning to wonder , if I had a cardboard cut-out made of myself and stuck that in front of him , whether he 'd even notice . ’
6 ‘ But you have n't made such a fool of me as you 've made of yourself .
7 However much she might have set herself up to be hurt , she told herself defiantly , selecting white Bermudas and a cool Chinese-style silk blouse from her small selection of clothes , however much of a fool she might have made of herself , she would n't change a thing .
8 Even more , she had been quite ready to apologize for the public exhibition she had made of herself , and to ask his forgiveness .
9 Lord , what a fool she 'd made of herself !
10 She ran , ran from the memory of her own besottedness with this man , painfully aware what a fool she had made of herself before him , how she had opened her heart to him .
11 ‘ One would like it to be said of oneself . ’
12 The two rowdy West Indians obviously thought of themselves as wits of the first order and they were able to make the fat lady respond to their nonsenses with weird bursts of laughter .
13 Ironically , by absorbing huge new areas of strong Polish identity in the years 1793–1807 , the Prussians probably helped extend the idea of a Polish identity to Poles who up to then had simply thought of themselves as Polish-speaking Prussians .
14 While many of the 200 young mothers , grandmothers , shoppers and office workers who drifted into the Women 's Education Day might never have thought of themselves in this light , they probably identified immediately with the cartoon on the fact sheet : ‘ I am not just a housewife , I am an accountant , vet , nurse , negotiator , teacher , cook , red coat , driver … ‘ .
15 Both insisted that they had never thought of themselves as husband and wife , and there was no reason why anyone else should do so .
16 By 1920 several Unionists actually thought of themselves as coalitionists .
17 Although the influence of Cubism on the German painters was less direct than it had been in the development of Futurism ( the work of Delaunay which the Germans most admired , for instance , was no longer really Cubist at all ) , unlike the Italians the Germans made no attempt to disguise their interest in the movement , and several of the artists of the Blaue Reiter actually thought of themselves as Cubist painters .
18 What had n't they thought of themselves ? she wondered with a frown .
19 Yesterday he had thought of himself as a character in an obscene novel .
20 It may seem odd to begin a description of Roland Michell with an excursus into the complicated relations of Blackadder , Cropper and Ash , but it was in these terms that Roland most frequently thought of himself .
21 He appears to have thought of himself , like Hume , as rescuing imperial authority from the life-threatening grip of an insensitive bureaucracy .
22 When Mountbatten flew off to India , he thought of himself as he had always thought of himself , as a leader of men .
23 He had never thought of himself as a master of the understatement , but his message to Hayman was something of a gem .
24 Ybreska had never thought of himself as an agent , or a spy .
25 He had never previously thought of himself as acquisitive or even as particularly materialistic .
26 Karol Wojtyla was not a ‘ liberal ’ in any Western sense , though he too may briefly have thought of himself in such terms in student days .
27 For centuries , man has thought of himself as the most highly evolved form of life on earth , using his five senses to build up a composite and highly complex picture of the world around him .
28 Although not something he had thought of himself , the adaptation grew in importance to him , the more he worked on it .
29 ‘ I 've never thought of myself as avant-garde .
30 Remember , I 've never thought of myself as anything other than an amateur .
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