Example sentences of "[vb pp] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I am interested to note that they have not unscrewed the fingerplates from his doors .
2 Of one such ship her rivals would say , as she drew ahead , ‘ They 've unscrewed the beams and we sha n't see her again today . ’
3 ‘ We 've unscrewed the casters , ’ said Jack , ‘ the feet do n't come off , they 're fixed ! ’
4 And if Davie 's principles make him what some might call ‘ elitist ’ or ‘ undemocratic ’ , as in his stinging verdicts on ‘ catchpenny enterprises … like the Arvon Poetry Competitions ’ , it is not without his having pondered the arguments about the place and function of elites and of high art in a democratic nation far more deeply than the bulk of his fellow countrymen .
5 A bridal cap of gold would be placed on her head , its intricately woven strands of gold dripping down her back as though the weaver had spilled the threads of his loom .
6 Royal Mail chiefs have refuted the claims and say that , in fact , the quality of service is increasing .
7 ‘ I might as well have lobotomised the patients .
8 Hoomey had not foreseen the consequences of the new decision .
9 And all the smouldering volcanic lava of past England-Pakistan cricket argument and controversy was reignited in those few flashpoint moments , consuming the polite arms-length relations set up by those who had foreseen the dangers from the start of the tour .
10 In his Memoirs he claims feebly he had foreseen the dangers , but believed that with the limited forces available an attack on the Left Bank would have been stopped by the ‘ well-constructed ’ enemy position .
11 But I could not have foreseen the circumstances .
12 Neither could have foreseen the circumstances under which it would take place .
13 He might have foreseen the problems that would ensue after their marriage , seen that there was a gulf between Charles and Diana that would be difficult to bridge and advised against it .
14 Mr Michael Rowley , finance director , said the group had foreseen the problems and had made an effort to increase income from interest , which came in at £64,000 as against a charge of £78,000 at the halfway stage last year .
15 It would have required an enormously creative imagination to have foreseen the kinds of jobs that the children and grandchildren of those farmworkers would now be engaged in .
16 For some architects , the removal of regulations which both provided guidelines for behaviour and also limited the areas in which competition existed has provided a stimulus since they now feel able to compete more efficiently in a less restricted arena .
17 Foreign exchange controls over about 60 per cent of merchandise imports were lifted at the end of September 1989 and in May 1990 the Senate passed a new bill to replace the Aliens Landholdings Act which had limited the areas of foreign investment and ownership in the country 's economy .
18 It has increased the powers of the Secretary of State for Education and Science , strengthened the role of central government , limited the functions of local education authorities and given considerable powers and responsibilities to governing bodies and headteachers .
19 Calmer conditions limited the stunts one could perform ; but here at last was a totally Silent K(n)ite !
20 One limited the powers of LEAs to pay for places in independent schools , another ( Section 10 ) encouraged the education of handicapped children in ordinary schools ( but see the 1981 Education Act ) .
21 Another proposal , which would have limited the powers of the Commission 's special envoys ( rapporteurs ) to visit countries suspected of human rights abuses , was deferred to the 47th session .
22 At first sight there is force in Mr. Howell 's point that it is odd that Parliament should by section 6(3) ( b ) have limited the governors ' ability to apply selection criteria designed to preserve the character of the school in cases which do not fall within section 6(3) ( a ) ( i.e. where the school is not over-subscribed ) but have permitted such criteria to be applied in choosing which applicants are to succeed when the school is over-subscribed .
23 Mineral extraction and quarrying were the only other enterprises producing for more than immediate local demand , though practical considerations must generally have limited the distances stone could be transported .
24 Erm not up to visitors , ma erm , sh she has limited the times she 's visited because she 's got the children , and he 's just really not able to stand the children
25 Different objectives of different finns controlled and limited the techniques of production they could use ( eg. a firm developing prototypes of electronic equipment can not go in for mass-production ) .
26 These Acts extended the powers of secondary picketing and the ability to negotiate closed shop agreements , and limited the grounds on which individuals could refuse to join a trade union .
27 Even if recent legislation and immigration control has limited the numbers of black men seeking work in this country , the wives and children of settled immigrants have maintained the proportion of black immigrants out of all immigrants during the 1970s .
28 Unlike the Cubists , the Futurists had never limited the colours on their palettes and were concerned with a wide range of subject-matter , so that they may have contributed to the general ‘ loosening-up ’ process that Cubism was undergoing .
29 The fact that the building is listed limited the opportunities for external alterations , and internal layouts had to respect existing window locations ( Fig 60 ) .
30 With growing educational opportunities , choice of job or profession has widened , although industrial recession and demographic factors have limited the opportunities in some businesses and trades .
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