Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pn reflx] from " in BNC.

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31 DALIAN ATKINSON has turned himself from a confessed ‘ fat , lazy , depressive ’ into one of the country 's most lethal marksmen .
32 DALIAN ATKINSON has turned himself from a confessed ‘ fat , lazy , depressive ’ into one of the country 's most lethal marksmen .
33 The Station Chief detached himself from the group .
34 The work begins in classic Hegelian style : ‘ Mental life begins with an undifferentiated state in which the Ego and its objects are not yet distinguished ; consciousness is filled with impressions and perceptions while the bearer of these contents has still not detached himself from them ’ ( 1978 : 63 ) .
35 Edward , who appeared to have detached himself from the proceedings , stared out of the window .
36 The solicitor detached himself from another group and joined them .
37 Bishop detached himself from the watching crowd .
38 Archipenko , who had been a friend of Delaunay for some time , now also denied being a Cubist ; the Art column of Gil Blas reported on 14 December 1912 : ‘ M. Archipenko has formally announced that he has completely detached himself from the Cubist group whose principles he rejects . ’
39 In the first place Braque had detached himself from visual appearances to a much greater extent than Cézanne , who while he was obviously very much aware ( if only instinctively ) of the purely formal or abstract side of painting , relied nevertheless , in his still lifes and landscapes , on an exhaustive study of the ‘ motif ’ as his point of departure , although it is worth mentioning that in his articles Emile Bernard had suggested that Cézanne 's vision ‘ was much more in his brain than in his eye ’ .
40 Catching sight of Philippe Bonard , who had uncharacteristically detached himself from his students and was standing alone at the far end of the terrace , she went over to him .
41 Not necessarily that of mother and son ; Steve had detached himself from that hook and would never be hung on it again .
42 And signing on and signing off … the goalie who 's saved himself from the dole queue
43 She saw that the leader of the religious group had separated himself from the majority and was standing near to the sea 's edge and looking directly at the horizon .
44 If a patient returns after a prolonged course of antibiotic therapy and is still found to be harbouring the ubiquitous pus cell in the urethra , then it may well be that he has reinfected himself from his , as yet untreated , sexual partner .
45 When the human voyager has freed himself from his fears and accomplished all his physiological needs , it is as if he has climbed out of a deep pit and reached the top of a high hill from where he sees a vast land stretching in every direction .
46 He would free himself from this enslavement , sweet as it was , as he had freed himself from Hilary .
47 He considered that English , seen as a form of study rather than the practice of cultivated reading , had still not freed itself from the criticism of lacking intellectual strenuousness .
48 Gradually the technique develops its own style , moving away from red-figure as red-figure had early freed itself from the black figure tradition ; only white-ground long remains no more than a sideline of red-figure painters .
49 It had freed itself from the stairwell and could smell them , not far above it and within easy reach .
50 The fly transferred itself from Marian 's hand to Allen 's forehead but it did not disturb him and he slept .
51 In front of the fire she kept a dark tab rug that she had made herself from scraps of different-coloured material .
52 Pontypridd shunted Old Boys back 10 metres , when two of the junior club 's forwards detached themselves from a scrum 20 metres out .
53 But , as if mesmerized , she found herself getting out of her orange caftan and darting almost minnow-like into the navy-blue dress , so ashamed was she of the greyness of her pants , which had practically detached themselves from the elastic .
54 From a methodological point of view , Bortoni-Ricardo 's work is particularly interesting , because in developing these two types of index it extends the application of the network variable beyond an analysis of small closeknit groups to an analysis of the extent to which individuals have detached themselves from such groups .
55 They had detached themselves from the torrent of peoples that in prehistory had poured out of China onto the countless islands of the Pacific and , settling the eastern coastal strip of the Indochina peninsula , they had named their country Nam Viet — Land of the Southern Viet People .
56 But while you have separated yourself from your own autobiographical work , take a look at the following extracts :
57 Grammar schools separated themselves from Public Schools ( although , more accurately , it was of course the other way round ) by embedding themselves in the local provision for secondary education .
58 Political , economic , and scientific functions had gradually freed themselves from religious control .
59 The very best news of the weekend was that Gloucester have saved themselves from relegation … it 'll be first division rugby at Kingsholm again next season thanks to a stirring 22 — 9 win at Bristol
60 H&C 's management knows where it does not want to be , and has distanced itself from the previously volatile structure with some skill .
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