Example sentences of "[vb pp] [that] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In any case , wings which could have lifted that huge body would have been far too cumbersome when diving .
2 As the princess arrived back in London , amid new rumours of a marriage rift , it was disclosed that 11-month-old Louis Lonsdale , the only son of Laura and James Lonsdale , died on Tuesday in his cot .
3 As the princess arrived back in London , it was disclosed that 11-month-old Louis Lonsdale , the only son of Laura and James Lonsdale , died on Tuesday in his cot .
4 Officials also disclosed that all bilateral treaties ( dealing with defence and security , health , trade , commerce , agriculture and energy ) were under review .
5 Manager ‘ Ila Tapueluelu , however , disclosed that five younger players had been drafted in for the Fiji event after a disappointing showing in a tournament in Western Samoa .
6 By 8 March there were 27 dead and 227 wounded in the rioting ; later it was disclosed that 2000 persons had been detained ‘ behind barbed wire ’ .
7 An internal memo by a senior employee at the Rocky Flats plant in Colorado has disclosed that substantial amounts of highly radioactive plutonium are stored in unsafe or untested containers and in unstable condition and are not suitably protected against fire .
8 A US military spokesperson has also disclosed that toxic waste from bases in Italy , Spain and Germany is likely to be shipped to Britain by UK waste-disposal companies which are sub-contracted by foreign firms hired by US bases .
9 In one particular alone , the Scott Report disclosed that 40 million rounds of small arms ammunition had been delivered in fourteen months , which was totally inconsistent with the 15 per cent claim .
10 The government initially claimed that it had no prior notice of the Commission 's intention to initiate proceedings , but it was later disclosed that this had been the subject of correspondence between the Commission and the Department of Transport .
11 On Sept. 3 Minister of Defence Samba Lamine Mane disclosed that large numbers of soldiers had deserted because of appalling living standards ; every armed forces unit had been affected by desertions ( he did not specify the exact number ) , and 80 army and naval officers were threatening to strike if there were no improvement in food and accommodation .
12 EUROPEAN Community officials were stoking fears last night of an all-out trade war with the United States after it was disclosed that British and other European steelmakers could face crippling new duties on exports to America .
13 Yesterday it was also disclosed that glamorous Suzannah Dwyer told her devastated husband of her romance 24 hours before Bates went public with the news at a press conference .
14 Nevertheless his choreographic plan is so designed that each movement of every dancer , whether as an individual or part of the group , is co-ordinated with the others so that it fits correctly into the overall pattern and within the space allotted by stage , wings and backcloth which — in Symphonic Variations — delicately echoes the curving lines or the dance .
15 At the new Grand Central in New York there was a separate waiting-room for gangs of labourers and immigrants , with its own attendants , so designed that these groups need not encounter other passengers .
16 I caught the sense of victory in seeing the film of Henry V — just as I had supposed that all schools were like that of Goodbye Mr Chips , which I was taken to see in 1939 .
17 Given the terms of reference , those who signed the majority Report might well have supposed that that part of the argument had been decided .
18 From what we have seen it might be supposed that private judicial patronage was more trouble than it was worth , but the offices were in fact received as a sign of favour by many lawyers , who could of course use them as stepping stones to better things .
19 In practice , few juries have ever supposed that ordinary people turn away so consistently from the sort of pornography brought before British courts in the 1960s and 1970s .
20 Can it be supposed that such a Balkanisation , extended on a world scale , would provide a stable or lasting political system ?
21 Moreover , while ‘ ideology ’ retains , from the weight of linguistic usage , the sense of organized beliefs ( whether formal and conscious or pervasive and dissolved ) , it can often be supposed that such systems are the true origin of all cultural ( and indeed other social ) production .
22 In a sense that has long been the case , since it has generally been supposed that turbulent flows are contained within a deterministic set of equations — the Navier-Stokes and continuity equations .
23 For instance , if it is supposed that some of our perceptual judgements have a form of intrinsic credibility , and if a set of canons of rationality can be justified without recourse to the special sciences — they are analytic , self-evident , or a conventionally adopted linguistic framework — then it may be possible to trace the credibility of all rational beliefs to that possessed by this foundation .
24 It is generally supposed that this is because he is on his death-bed , and his gift of making conversation has already ebbed away .
25 Generally , however , it is supposed that this was not possible .
26 The duties of a Resident , Temple asseverated , were such as to give ‘ opportunities for the exertion of any degree of administrative capacity , tact , and industry ’ , and , amplifying : ‘ It may readily be supposed that this keeping in touch with the people without impairing the authority of the Emir and consequently of the whole native administration , is no easy task , and one on which any amount of administrative tact and ability can be exerted . ’
27 It can not be supposed that this regulation meant that , in each case , the minister in person should direct his mind to the matter .
28 To be plain , I 'm a bit exhausted , secretly , about the intellectual advantages that are supposed ( by intellectuals ) to accrue from being physically underendowed or peculiar-looking , though it 's possible to keep up the front in public and many a gulled beloved has supposed that this joke of a frame is where my energy comes from .
29 Such enthusiasm may have had as much to do with the excited nationalism of wartime , as any substantial appreciation of these films ' merits , and it should not be supposed that British filmmakers had universally gone from being dull and unimaginative to become masters of the cinematic art .
30 Meantime , there was a lot happening just down the street to capture his attention , as troop after troop of soldiers passed through Frome on their way somewhere else : 300 of the Staffordshire Militia came in April of 1799 , replaced by an equal number of the same later in the month ; then the 300-strong Somerset Supplementary Militia arrived from Wells , complete with their own band , followed by the glorious Fifteenth Light Dragoons — ‘ It is supposed that these are the finest men and horses of any regiment in England ’ ; and the next year no fewer than nine hundred men of the Seventeenth Regiment of Light Dragoons came at one go .
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