Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] all " in BNC.

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1 Held , dismissing the appeal , that , if there had been a contravention of section 3 of the Act of 1986 , an order could be made under section 6(2) against both the contravener and persons knowingly concerned in that contravention provided that such order was intended to restore all the parties to specific transactions to their respective former positions and that the steps ordered to be taken were reasonably capable of achieving that object ; that , on a contravention of one of the provisions of section 6(1) ( a ) , an order could be made under the subsection against persons knowingly concerned in the contravention provided that the steps ordered to be taken were reasonably capable of remedying the contravention ; that such restitutionary orders could be made notwithstanding that the persons knowingly concerned had received nothing under the impugned transactions , there being no distinction between the type of order that could be made under the subsections against a contravener and a person knowingly concerned ; and that , accordingly , the judge had been right to dismiss the solicitors ' summons to strike out the S.I.B . 's claims against them ( post , pp. 907C–D , F–G , G–H , 909D–G , G–H , 910D , 913D–G , H — 914A , 915C–D ) .
2 In my judgment , provided the specified precondition is met , the only limitations on the type of order that can be made under section 6(2) that are justified by the statutory language are that the order must be intended to restore all the parties to the transaction to their respective former positions and that the steps directed by the order to be taken must be reasonably capable of doing so .
3 The reform was intended to affect all farms and estates of more than 180 hectares ( 450 acres ) but in Pomerania — the Polish Corridor — the soil was so poor that the lower limit was set at 400 hectares ( 1,000 acres ) .
4 The Council 's Rules of Conduct and Codes of Practice are intended to embrace all engineering disciplines .
5 The definition had been left somewhat vague in the legislation , though it was intended to embrace all matters relevant .
6 Much controversy has attached to the word ‘ servants ’ in this passage , as to whether it cancelled the previous Leveller insistence on full , unqualified adult manhood suffrage and was intended to exclude all wage-earners from the vote , or — more likely — was meant to cover only those living in , and so dependent on their master or mistress for board and lodging .
7 I do not however think the Court of Appeal can have intended to exclude all information in Goulding J's second category from possible protection by a restrictive covenant .
8 ‘ I wanted a legitimate way to increase my profile , ’ Shelley says , ‘ but I do n't like doing things just for my own benefit , so I was very comfortable with this idea because it was intended to benefit all its members . ’
9 Some organisations provide detailed lists of items which are allowable under the disturbance allowance ; others merely state that it is intended to meet all other ‘ out-of-pocket ’ expenses incurred during relocation which are not specified elsewhere in the company 's policy .
10 The findings are intended to provide all parties interested in small hotel businesses with a clearer appreciation of the real motivations of , and the weaknesses behind , the operation of this increasingly important sector .
11 A call management system has been installed to monitor all calls to enable the team to assess the impact of changes made and to produce hard data for use in any justification or recommendations .
12 In practice , it was not the majority of the people who were to inherit power , but those who qualified by the ownership of property ; the ‘ people ’ had not yet come to include all inhabitants .
13 As part of the whole , they are expected to enable all who are present to make their offering to God as fully and as well as they can , in addition to making their own contribution for him .
14 A comprehensive integrated system for the graphical construction , modelling simulation and analysis of molecular structures , QUANTA is designed to accommodate all classes of molecules and macromolecular systems including particular requirements of small organic structures , proteins and peptides , crystal and polymeric systems with complete support for drug-design applications .
15 Salvage and repair work and pumping are expected to continue all day , but more rain is forecast for tonight .
16 Tools are expected to include all those currently working with Allbase/SQL , such as those from Channel Computing Inc , Cognos Inc , Gupta Corp , Information Builders Inc , Ingres Corp , JYACC Inc , Powersoft Inc , Speedware Corp , Trifox Inc , Uniface Corp and Unify Corp .
17 This batch is expected to include all the main hospitals in Edinburgh , Glasgow , Lanarkshire and Central region .
18 Running under MS-DOS , OS/2 or Unix , it is claimed to support all major networks including NetWare , Microsoft LAN Manager for MS-DOS and Unix , IBM LAN Server , Vines , Lantastic , and other NCR System 3000-based networks including TCP/IP , Open Systems Interconnection and SNA Workgroup .
19 Under normal circumstances , understudies would be expected to attend all the rehearsals to familiarise themselves with the production , but , because Alex and Charles knew the play so well , they were given a dispensation to take most of the first week off , which would save both them and their replacements the embarrassment of the early stumbling rehearsals while the newcomers were trying to memorise the lines .
20 But the surrounding drain designed to carry all the toxic effluent away in the foul sewer system had become blocked .
21 The 16-page booklet ‘ is not designed to provide all the answers , but to be an overview ’ , says NVR .
22 The reservation forms are specifically designed to provide all the necessary details and information required to process the booking , that is :
23 But at your age you know so many words you could n't really be expected to spell all of them and you 're you 're thinking Oh whatever I do I every word I write down is wrong .
24 Designed to meet all financial legal requirements in all countries , the systems can deal with any currency at the transaction level , while also providing translation , re-measurement and consolidation .
25 From its earliest planning stages it has been carefully designed to meet all family holiday needs and the plans include three good value restaurants , four bars , boutiques , sporting facilities , a discotheque and an amphitheatre where a programme of regular evening entertainment is stage .
26 There is no one social service designed to meet all the needs of old people .
27 In the normal course of events by no means all of these potential relationships will exist , but in an emergency , when the project manager may feel constrained to supervise all individual and joint activities , very large numbers are clearly possible if organizational steps have not been taken to provide effective control .
28 The CMS Connection Management System software runs on a Sparc workstation , and is claimed to provide all call set-up , maintenance and tear-down functions for switched and permanent virtual circuits in a multiple switch network .
29 On the other hand , care has to be taken to prevent the scope of applications being limited , as users can not be expected to know all the possibilities that computers offer .
30 Motion two nine five recommended to accept all those in favour ?
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