Example sentences of "[vb pp] [noun sg] after " in BNC.

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1 Such bleeding has also occurred in women given Depo after vaccination against German measles .
2 Officers stormed the elite regiment 's closely guarded HQ after complaints about music booming from behind the razor wire .
3 The DoE has discontinued support after nine helpful years .
4 The Marchioness of Blandford has regained consciousness after her hunting accident .
5 The support crew take a well earned break after their long day at work on the Jubilee .
6 San Jose , California-based , Frame Technology Corp , has agreed to acquire Chicago-based Datalogics Inc , planning to make it a wholly owned subsidiary after exchanging a million of its common shares for all Datalogics ’ privately held stock .
7 The employee said Sturdy had committed suicide after going bankrupt .
8 Evelyn peered through the newly installed spyhole after turning on the porch light , unfastened the two fresh locks and gave her visitor a radiant smile .
9 She had sketched symbol after elegant symbol in a gracious , flowing hand , embellishing them with lovely loops , arabesques and curlicues , and invited them in turn to imitate these mystic outlines .
10 Police had given chase after foiling an attempted ram raid in Marlborough .
11 Victims of assault , wounding , robbery and sexual crimes were also given counselling but by far the greatest number of people ( 4,835 ) were given help after house burglaries .
12 Schools and their children have suffered change after change for more than a quarter of a century , especially since the Tories came to power .
13 Looking Glass 's voice , though , dominated the council , and it was agreed that he should lead the Nez Perce on the Lolo trail over the Bitterroots , to join the Crows in Montana , and perhaps on to the ‘ Old Woman 's Country ’ , Canada , where Sitting Bull had sought sanctuary after the Custer massacre .
14 Figure 6.7 is a typical fairly large lunar crater , named Copernicus after the Polish astronomer Nicholas Copernicus ( 1473–1543 ) .
15 Like most others who managed to remain — tolerantly and understandingly — friends of Hopper 's , Fonda and Nicholson were well aware that he had suffered disappointment after disappointment during the mid-Sixties .
16 Yeah , they 're amusing and those sort of things and obviously they 're deliberately wrong , but have a look and see why , what is it because they do contain errors that are commonly made day after day in courts .
17 This has not prevented overflow after heavy rainfall , however .
18 Evidence of this could be seen week after week from 1989 onwards .
19 Now , in the afternoon of the same day , I was resting in a perfectly made bed after a hot bath in a perfectly designed bathroom .
20 The report , whose conclusions were due to be made public after the expiry of 21 days within which interested parties were required to submit their comments , was expected to confirm that the crash resulted from pilot error involving the inadvertent shutting down of the wrong engine .
21 In part this was due to the public-sector controls on investment , but it was also because of the natural priorities that had operated year after year inside British Rail .
22 That was said year after year .
23 With fertilisers the same crops can be grown year after year on the same fields and still they give high yields .
24 Also insect pests and diseases increase when the same crops are grown year after year .
25 The fragrance can be revitalised time after time with oils supplied ( £2.99 . )
26 Have you ever felt remorse after drinking ? 12 .
27 The Burscough boss believes he can put his finger on why his side can consistently beat opposition from higher leagues , as they have done time after time in the past two years , yet struggle at their own level .
28 It was given approval after careful consideration by a Government committee on the ethics of genetics which is supervising developments on what is now medicine 's most controversial frontier .
29 Those previous kisses had had meaning after all , and now he had only to utter those three little words that would send her up into the clouds .
30 The ideal example of course the C A P , we 've had reform after reform but nothing happens .
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