Example sentences of "[vb base] such [art] " in BNC.

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1 As readers we expect such a persona to describe a scene , dramatise some situation , and express feelings .
2 Would a mere slap from an enraged mistress send such a woman fleeing from the shelter of Gloucester Castle ?
3 The prisoners in particular seem to behave like molecules in a test tube : place such a combination in such a physical environment , agitate , apply heat , and an explosion is the automatic result .
4 The Italians want such a group created right away , the British once the region 's disputes are settled ( whenever that may be ) .
5 You must also have a clear idea of why you want such a system .
6 On the other hand , many hon. Members want such a facility directly available to them and we are examining that .
7 If the Government want such a project , they should be able to make a strategic , infrastructural decision .
8 It seems ironic that I pose such a threat to the natural order : an innocuous , above-averagely exhausted woman , mainly preoccupied with children 's needs , work , letters from the bank and Sainsbury 's , but sometimes longing for a chat , a good laugh , an exchange of views .
9 The reason these worries pose such a problem in marriage relationships is that if we feel insignificant we assume we are unworthy of love and are afraid of the vulnerability that comes with complete openness and honesty .
10 It is arguable that law has become such a potent anti-nuclear symbol because the use and aftermath of nuclear weapons pose such a threat to these values .
11 They are split reasonably evenly between what are often perceived as the ‘ poor ’ North and the ‘ prosperous ’ South , although not all the areas fit such a stereotype .
12 However , because this requirement will apply only to an employee-holder of such shares , and not other holders , the Revenue usually refuses approval of a scheme where the scheme shares attach such a restriction , unless para 12(3) can be satisfied .
13 Could I come down one weekend and build such a pond for her ?
14 Many engineers say such a disaster is imminent .
15 But experts say such a proposal would not be technically feasible .
16 I think they say such a lot .
17 But there are those who say such a concentration of valuable resources is wrong and that the sportscar is the dinosaur of the road .
18 Not all selected settlement policies propose such a stark categorization of villages .
19 It is true that on the one hand the Vice-Chancellor defined the purpose of section 236 in terms which suggest such a limitation , as Hoffmann J. thought , at p. 102 :
20 There are far fewer species in the oceans than on land , however , because there are no marine equivalents of the forest trees ; and it is the trees that provide such a myriad of habitats for land-based creatures .
21 Care and control are the issues where the allegedly ‘ terrible teens ’ provide such a daunting challenge .
22 But I always try to stay the night there on my way down through France and on the way back again because of the Hotel de la Poste where the Swiss proprietor and his pretty Norman wife provide such a warm welcome and such good food .
23 ( 1980 ) provide such a northern hemisphere scenario by comparing the five warmest years with the five coldest over the period 1925–74 .
24 The purposes of the assessment can be translated into two key questions which provide such a focus :
25 It is thought that therapeutic operations provide such a social benefit by the psychological benefit .
26 Conditions may be attached to the bestowal of rights on third parties ; onerous conditions could , in the opinion of a third party , transform such a right into an obligation .
27 Since the CTP is so flawed as an explanation of the mind and since its apparent attractions are apparent rather than real , how does the claim of that science to advance our understanding of the mind command such a following ?
28 ( ii ) Contents , in the case of sensation , lack such a connection , but are in a special way qualitative and are somehow assigned a bodily location .
29 The male mafia will close ranks and deem such a woman unstable , neurotic and quite unsuitable for responsibility .
30 The three leading parties have all said they favour such a move .
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