Example sentences of "[vb base] make [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Write down the formula , the equation for making sodium chloride , and then they 'd say How many We want to make say two tonnes of sodium chloride , how many tonnes of hydrochloric acid is tat going to use up ?
2 " Item whereas there is Sixscore pounds due unto mee by Roger Harper and Johnn Barrett Payable at Certen Dayes and tymes agreed uponn betweene us , My mynde and will ys That the Somme of Fortye pounds being a Thirdd parte of the sayd Sixscore pounds shall be and remayne to the augmentacion and increase of the wages of the Schoolemaster of Stockport for the tyme beinge , for ever , to be hadd and receaved at suche dayes and tymes as the same shall bee due , And further I do will and bequeath the sume of Tenn pounds for and towards the augmenting of the Schoolmasters wages afforesayd to make upp the sayd sume of Fortye pounds the Full sume of Fyftie pounds All the sayd Sume to be Imployed and used for the benefit of the Schoolemaster afforesayde by the Parsonn of Stockporte the Maior of Stockport and the most Auncyent Alderman thereof for the time being .
3 We try to set ourselves specific aims and objectives and when it comes to marking scripts , for example , we have a quite specific mark scheme which has been very carefully thrased out , not only with examiners , but with certain school teachers , which we try to make tie this down as be as objective as we can , but there 's always and element of subjectivity .
4 As you start making toast you know
5 you have n't marked on what it is , erm and then you come make get some interruptions , which you 're going to do , and you
6 ‘ Liberals must speak out , ’ he declared and , having listed the films he had made , added : ‘ The motion pictures I have made represent my convictions .
7 I have made mention elsewhere of the sense that warns us of impending danger , and will not labour the subject further beyond stating that this sense is a very real one and that I do not know , and therefore can not explain , what brings it into operation .
8 I do n't quite know what 's , what happened , because I remember very well amending these details the last time it came to policy and resources , and that was agreed , because the changes you have made use the working , wording of the Thamesdown scheme , it seems to me far better , erm , as you have moved it , because er , very many people who are elderly , who are sixty-nine years or more or less do n't need any supervision at all .
9 The most obvious initial explanation is that changes in legislation have made divorce easier .
10 But the besieged British of Ulster have to make do with liberal platitudes instead of a tough security police .
11 Many primary schools have the good fortune to have a separate dining hall while others have to make do with a hall that serves for dining , assemblies , PE and numerous other activities during the day .
12 The majority of windsurfers , though , do not enjoy the perfect conditions that are needed to perform such spectacular manoeuvres and we have to make do with much smaller and fewer well-shaped waves .
13 In 1987 the Passport Office ceased to issue the familiar hard-backed dark blue , gold-embossed symbol of British superiority , and we now have to make do with a limp , plastic-covered , mulberry-coloured booklet which is no more impressive than those of other countries .
14 Some elderly people still prefer ( or have to make do with ) an open fire , but this often presents problems if they have no one to carry coal for them and help to clear out the grate if it is of the old-fashioned type .
15 The north-east parts have to make do with anything from 25 to 75 in ( 65–190 cm ) annually .
16 Instead we have to make do with such things as the Philips reissue of a 1982 Shostakovich Eighth , recorded at the wrong pitch ( 6/89 ) , and a five-disc Olympia compilation whose artistic quality is decidedly mixed ( 8/88 ) .
17 Where the lower orders of life have to make do with conditioned reflexes which so operate on behaviour as to limit conflict to levels that do not threaten the species , man — blessed as he is with free will — must institutionalise or die .
18 Having a baby usually means not being able to have a job as well so most young mothers have to make do with the various state benefits they are entitled to .
19 ‘ We have to make do with one in here , sharing it .
20 Some of us have to make do with jobs on the fringe . ’
21 As a result Zambians have to make do with ‘ the left-overs of the book world , rather than its riches ’ .
22 Until then motorists have to make do with these temporary toilets which opened today .
23 Today 's passengers have to make do with a 10-mile return trip to Twyford .
24 Oh no , it is nice to have a nice car but you have to make do do n't you ?
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